Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Safe Places in 2012 - Where Will it Be Safe to Live If 2012 Doomsday Happens?

With the publish of the new movie the idea of a 2012 doomsday is becoming more & more legitimate in many peoples minds. Find out today what the safe places in 2012 will be and where you should be living in 2012 if authentically the predictions come true! First though lets look at where you don't want to be!

Avoiding the Apocalypse!

Nuclear Reactor

It's no surprise that when the idea of doomsday comes up the first thing most habitancy think about are where the safe places to hide will be. The unfortunate truth is that no one can say for sure, however there is some data nearby that gives us the best evaluation of where you will not want to be.

Usa/Canada: Unfortunately there is a great deal of conflicting data concerning this area of the world. Edgar Cayce did suggest Virginia as being a safe haven, however a great deal of data now suggests should a polar shift occur north America will come to be the new north pole! With even Florida sitting on the cusp of the new arctic circle. Not to mention the super-volcano sitting under Yellowstone which would likely go off and destroy a majority of the continent, and make the air un-breathable.

If this wasn't bad enough the whole of nuclear power plants that will like melt down will be remarkable and generate a total nuclear Armageddon! Again Usa & Canada have a great deal of these power plants and this again creates another intuit not to stick nearby here.

Europe: Even worse than Usa/Canada is the whole of nuclear power plants in Europe. Should catastrophic natural disasters occur this is in fact the worst place in the world to be!

Australia: Unfortunately the 2km high tidal waves will wipe out the majority of the habitancy (as the majority live on the covering of the continent). Inland is questionable at this point. In expanding to which it's believed that if a pole shift happens Australia will be the new south pole as well!

Safe Places:

It's believed that mountains will be the only safe places should 2012 doomsday occur. With all the possibilities it's impossible to say where for sure, but with the above 3 out it's believed that expansive areas of Africa, particularly nearby Morocco and the highlands of Ethiopia will have the best chances. Highlands would be safe if it were not for the nuclear fallout which would likely occur, the same goes for various other expansive regions of Europe. Mountains in China that are inland and far enough away from any nuclear reactors would also be great than most other places.

Safe Places in 2012 - Where Will it Be Safe to Live If 2012 Doomsday Happens?

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