Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hitchslap 2 - Iran and Israel

Hitchslap 2 - Iran and Israel Tube. Duration : 3.03 Mins.

Christopher Hitchslaps an audience member

Tags: Hitchslap, Iran, Nuclear, weapons, Irael, Christopher, Hitchens, Atheist, god, religion, politics, qna, Australia, bible, koran, islamic, muslims, cartervonriedel

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Crossfire Fusor - Aneutronic Nuclear Fusion Reactor

The CrossFire Fusor is a nuclear fusion reactor that is a aggregate of electrostatic confinement and magnetic confinement forming penning traps; electrostatic acceleration, injection of charged particles straight through magnetic cusps, magnetic reconnection, electrostatic and magnetic lenses, intended generally to produce fusion power for thrusting spacecrafts. The name Fusor is short for fusion reactor, and the name CrossFire is due to both confinement and injection is done three-dimensionally.

The CrossFire Fusor consists of superconducting magnets for confining radially charged particles. The magnets are disposed to form a magnetic cusp region where the charged particles are injected in an electrostatic way, for that is applied an electric voltage at this region. At distal ends of the magnets are applied electric fields for trapping longitudinally the reactants allowing products to escape. It was designed by Moacir L. Ferreira, Jr. Initially for propulsion purposes; however, it can be used as a power plant using a recipe called electricity conversion by neutralization process.

Nuclear Reactor

Problem with Current Fusion Approaches

The Tokamak requires a lot of energy, confines only in two dimensions implying low probability of fusions, and was exhaustively tried in more than 30 experiments worldwide.

The Farnsworth-Hirsch Fusor takes advantage of electrostatic acceleration attractive low energy to reach great kinetic energy, but has the unsolvable grid-loss qoute and a cloud of ion at the centre region limits its energy production.

The Bussard Polywell, its gift magnetic compression has low probability of fusing aneutronic fuels, and the excess of electrons limits kinetic energy of the plasma and causes bremsstrahlung radiation.

The Crossfire Fusor Approach

A group of superconducting magnets are disposed to form a magnetic cusp region in where is applied an electric voltage, and at distal ends of the magnets is applied an opposite electric voltage. A fuel is ionized by exchanging electrons with a ground electric possible becoming charged particles which fall down to the magnetic cusp region reaching great kinetic energy of about 600KeV (7 billion °C) at low energy consumption. The injection of charged particles is done surrounding the region of the magnetic cusps to perform a three-dimensional injection. In the interior of the magnets, the charged particles move longitudinally describing a circular and helical orbit around the magnetic field lines retention away from the magnet walls. The magnet walls are coated with a metal alloy like tungsten or depleted uranium for reflecting bremsstrahlung radiation back to plasma. At the region of the magnetic cusps, the magnetic field lines are curved forcing the charged particles to chronicle a more elliptical and eccentric orbit addition electrostatic pressure at the region of the magnetic cusps creating a great strangeness for the charged particles to flee overcoming this region (magnetic reconnection phenomenon), and a continuous injection of the charged particles by an ion injection belt manufacture it more difficult yet. The magnetic fields act as a magnetic lens focusing (converging) the charged particles, and the electric fields, at distal ends of the magnets, act as an electrostatic lens focusing (converging) the particles as they coming and defocusing (diverging) them as they move back. Pulses on electrical current of the magnets corollary in oscillations on magnetic flux transferring radially energy to plasma (pinch effect), which increases the fusion rate. When a nuclear fusion reaction occurs, the charged products of the reaction flee longitudinally overcoming the electric field and then can be deflected by magnetic and electric fields. For the nuclear fusion reactions to produce only charged products, no neutrons, the fusion fuel must be aneutronic like Boron Hydrides, Helium-3 or Lithium Hydride. Aneutronic fuels release millions of times more energy than the fossil fuels and the stock of fusion reaction generally is a non-radioactive waste Helium-4.

Using exclusively aneutronic fuels, calculations can be more feasible due to use of well known formulas of physics and electricity, which can give a reasonable degree of predictability. Exact energy and Exact ionization are input parameters for calculations of magnetic flux and electric voltages. The Exact ionization can be either confident or negative; however, Exact ionization as low as possible, retention the plasma in a quasi-neutral state, results in more energy yield and less instabilities.

Comparison to Current Approaches

The CrossFire Fusor is similar to Farnsworth-Hirsch Fusor in using electrostatic acceleration to reach great kinetic energy, but differs on confinement. It is similar to Bussard Polywell, also to Limpaecher plasma containment, in injecting charged particles straight through a magnetic cusp region, however, differs on the creation of electric potentials, trapping, magnetic focalization and electricity conversion. The CrossFire Fusor differs from Tokamaks, Farnsworth-Hirsch Fusor and Bussard Polywell in having an flee mechanism that can solve problems like ionic saturation and energetic instability of the plasma. Also, achieves both three-dimensional injection and three-dimensional confinement, linked with magnetic lenses and bore coating, can growth the probability of fusion reactions. The CrossFire Fusor has a well-defined cycle of energy and presents a set of simple and consistent calculations to preserve its technical feasibility.

Electricity Conversion

The electricity conversion by neutralization process is relatively simple. A confident electric field troops the for real charged products to replacement its kinetic energy to possible energy. The for real charged products for real attract electrons from an electron gun, and the electron gun extracts electrons from a confident final of a capacitor addition its confident voltage, which growth its stored energy (E=½Cv²), then a switching-mode power furnish sends this energy to a battery bank. This recipe of electricity conversion can exceed 95% of efficiency.

Crossfire Fusor - Aneutronic Nuclear Fusion Reactor

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What is NUPOC?

What is NUPOC? Tube. Duration : 1.77 Mins.

The Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate (NUPOC) Program is an Officer training program that offers experience and training in one of the most advanced environments in the world.

Tags: NUPOC, NUPOC Program, Nuclear Propulsion, Nuke, Nuclear, Jobs, Career, Opportunity, Navy, US Navy, United States Navy, American Navy, Officer, Training, Experience, Program

Monday, March 28, 2011

Chernobyl Museum, Kiev

At 1:23am on 26th April 1986 colse to 100km north of Kiev, the amount 4 reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded sending a cloud of radioactive particles into the air. Just one man died in the first explosion but over time, it is believed up to 500,000 population have died from the effects of radiation after the explosion.

The story of that tragic day is told at the Chernobyl Museum in Kiev which not only affected population in Ukraine but also Belarus, parts of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. As well as explaining the cause of the explosion and its terrible consequences, the Chernobyl museum also has a amount of personal items from population who worked at the plant as well as pilots and firemen who helped contain the radiation and seal the reactor. There are photographs of the power plant and the individuals complicated in the containment and clean up operation.

Nuclear Reactor

The museum can be a minuscule bit tricky to find. Take the metro (blue line) to Kontraktova Ploshchad and its is a integrate of blocks away. The address is 1 Kharyvyj Pereulok and this road runs in the middle of Khoryva street and Spaska Street. To the left of the entrance is a commemorative statue and to the right are a integrate of recovery vehicles. entrance to the museum was 2Uah and the hire of the audio criticism was an additional 5Uah. Languages ready were English and German.

The tour round the museum takes about an hour and is well worth a visit either you are planning an excursion out to Chernobyl or not. With a map of Kiev and bit of planning, a visit to the museum can categorically be part of a day's sightseeing colse to the city.

Chernobyl Museum, Kiev

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Officials Call Nuclear Crisis a Race Against Time

Officials Call Nuclear Crisis a Race Against Time Video Clips. Duration : 2.58 Mins.

With efforts to cool the reactors by dropping seawater from helicopters failing and officials raising the severity of the situation to a 5 on the nuclear scale, the nuclear crisis is being called a race against time. Gavin Blair, of Global Radio News, has the latest on the situation. For more from the Fox News Insider, check out

Tags: fox news, fox news channel, fox news insider, japan, nuclear crisis

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Huida de Tokio - 17 marzo 2011

Huida de Tokio - 17 marzo 2011 Tube. Duration : 6.93 Mins.

Este vídeo se complementa con esta entrada en mi blog donde explico mejor los motivos por los que me fui de Tokio y lo que realmente ocurre en Japón:

Tags: Huida, Tokio, terremoto, tsunami, caos, apocalipsis

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Nuclear Reactor Is Back

The United States has not built a nuclear power plant or reactor since the 1970s. It seems odd that new forms of most developed form of energy ready have not been utilized in almost four decades. After all, we continue to use existing plants, so it can be all that bad, right? Political factors, Nimby, a near disaster, and - of all things - a movie managed to grind this business to a halt. However, new needs and a changing political climate have led to a shift in the wind. Nuclear power is arrival back and will be back in the forefront sooner than later.

What stopped new building of nuclear power plants and reactors in the first place? First, nuclear power has always been an iffy political proposition. The dangers of radioactive waste make it very unpopular with environmentalists. Also, even supporters of nuclear power have taken a strong Nimby (not in my back yard) approach about it. They want the power and the advantages that it provides, just so long as the plant is settled as far away as possible. Eventually, every area takes this stance to the point that it becomes impossible to build anywhere. Another factor that shut down nuclear power building in the 1970s was the near disaster at Three Mile Island. While this was a far cry from Chernobyl, things almost got too far out hand. This combined with the coincidental release of The China Syndrome, a movie starring Jane Fonda and Michael Douglass that dealt with the potential dangers of nuclear power. Together, these factors made new sites for nuclear power very unpopular in most areas with enough voters that it became impossible to find new sites.

Nuclear Power

However, times have changed. The normal social has an extreme need for more power sources. When the need is great enough, nuclear reactors look like a better option. Blackouts in California in the past five years showed how reliant the nation's infrastructure is on reliable electrical output. With regards to environmentalists, the fact of the matter is that every form of mass power yield is unpopular with most of them. Coal results in air pollution, hydroelectric plants destroy forests and entire ecosystems, windmill farms are deemed an eyesore by many and they have questionable efficiencies, oil is dirty and puts the nation under the thumb of Middle Eastern sheiks, etc. At the end of the day, it is all about balancing the pros and the cons. As for The China Syndrome, Three Mile Island, and even Chernobyl, these are all becoming distant memories of a thoroughly different time. Nuclear power has been safe (in terms of results) all over the world for three decades now. The biggest fear is now external, as in what effects a terrorist strike would have on the facilities. Population are tending to feel relatively safe about the facilities themselves.

The last preventative to nuclear reactors is still the biggest - Nimby. This is still a strong mentality, but what has relaxed it a bit is the down economy. New power plants mean lower energy costs and more jobs. When Population are suffering, their political and personal beliefs about a specific topic tend to start involving up or down a sliding scale. There are also government incentives being offered to areas that are willing to take on the construction.

The first two new reactors are scheduled to begin building within the next year - assuming that this does not meet additional political resistance down the road, which is a specific possibility given this form of energy's history. A amount of other areas across the country will be willing to take on this building and the government subsidies that go with it should this task fall through. Regardless, nuclear power will be manufacture a very strong return to this country very soon. It is hard to imagine any kind of an energy future for this nation that does not involve nuclear power in some way, shape, or form.

The Nuclear Reactor Is Back

Thursday, March 24, 2011

ALIEN AGENDA? 50 nuclear missiles disabled

ALIEN AGENDA? 50 nuclear missiles disabled Tube. Duration : 2.47 Mins. Looks like the Aliens are trying to send us another message. On saturday October 23rd, 2010 some 50 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) were knocked offline by what the Pentagon calls a "communications malfunction. The incident affected roughly ten percent of the US ICBM nuclear arsenal for a period of about 45 minutes at the Warren Air Force base in Wyoming.

Tags: 50 nuclear missiles go offline, 50 nukes disabled, ufo2011, ufo, ovni 2011, ovni, et disclosure, disclosure, coast to coast am, george noory, aliens, time travel, project camelot, 2012, roswell, china ufo, new york ufo

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Don't Be a Menace to South Central... (9/9)

Don't Be a Menace to South Central... (9/9) Video Clips. Duration : 9.28 Mins.

¿Quieres suscribirte? ¡Inicia sesión en YouTube ahora mismo! Inicia sesión con tu cuenta de Google.! Ashtray (Shawn Wayans) is sent to the hood to live w... Ashtray (Shawn Wayans) is sent to the hood to live with his father (Tate), who somehow happens to be only a couple years younger than his son. His cousin Loc Dog, a violent, profane, drug addict who carries plenty of weapons (Marlon Wayans) and his friends Preach (a reformed gang member turned activist who is now simply confused) and Crazy Legs (a dancer who was paralyzed in a drive-by) school him on the realities of life in the hood. He falls in love with single-mother of seven Dashiki who wants to leave the hood with him. However his affair with Dashiki brings him into conflict with Toothpick, Dashiki's former boyfriend, a gangbanger fresh out of jail. Ashtray has to deal with getting Dashiki pregnant, surviving several drive-by shootings, being mistreated by self-hating cops, and being set up as a killer by "The Man". But Loc Dog always has an AK-47, an Uzi, or a tactical nuclear weapon from the former Soviet Union, on hand to help. And then there's Loc's pot smoking, cussing, "Dead Presidents"-admiring granny.

Keywords: don't, be, menace, to, south, central, shawn, marlon, wayans, comedy

Monday, March 21, 2011

Nuclear Bomb

Nuclear Bomb Video Clips. Duration : 0.87 Mins.

Explosion einer Atombombe!

Keywords: Nuclear, Bomb, Atom, Bombe

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Future of Nuclear Power

Future of Nuclear Power Video Clips. Duration : 7.00 Mins.

Future of Nuclear Power

Tags: nuclear, power, plant

Saturday, March 19, 2011

GOOD: Nuclear Weapons

GOOD: Nuclear Weapons Video Clips. Duration : 3.12 Mins. GOOD Magazine: Nuclear Weapons Video By: Max Joseph Graphics by: Erin Bosworth & Keith Harper Music by Ratatat

Tags: GOOD, Magazine, nuclear, weapons, ratatat, gettysburg, editing, archive

Friday, March 18, 2011

Molybdenum - Vital for Nuclear Reactors

Molybdenum plays a more vital role in the global nuclear renaissance than you might suspect. Without the silvery white metal, the world's energy infrastructure would somewhat suffer. But, nuclear power plants would be set back at least two decades. The new high doing stainless steels (Hpss) include as much as 7.5 percent molybdenum and can add more than three times the life to the world's aging nuclear fleet condenser tubes.

During the early building of nuclear power plants, steam condensers relied upon copper base alloys - brass and copper nickel - for heat exchange capabilities. These alloys have high coefficients of thermal conductivity required in steam generation to power nuclear reactor turbines. But copper-alloyed tubes were being supplanted too swiftly - with an median life of eight years - because of sulphide pitting. Hardest hit were those reactors using polluted seawater to cool their reactors.

Nuclear Reactor

Over the past 30 years ago, nuclear utilities slowly began turning to the super austenitic stainless steels as one way to make their nuclear reactors last longer. The addition of molybdenum, initially starting with ration of less than four percent, helped growth the thermal conductivity lacking in nickel, iron or steel. At nuclear stations which supplanted the copper alloys with Hpss condenser tubes, 57 percent rated the thermal doing good and all but one rated it normal. Molybdenum had helped overcome the thermal hurdle.

A large number of the 190 nuclear reactors, which now utilize Hpss condenser tubes, reported an median life in excess of 18 years. The longest stainless steel condenser premise has remained in service more than 26 years, agreeing to a study done any years ago. agreeing to a description published in 2000, more than 100 million feet of super-alloy stainless steel tubes have supplanted the older, copper-alloy tubing.

Condensers are large heat exchangers used in nuclear power plants. Condensers have thousands of tubes horizontally mounted to harden and recover the steam passing straight through turbines. Each low-pressure turbine generally has a condenser, which also maintains a vacuum to optimize the turbine's efficiency.

Water fouling deposits were cited as a major qoute at many reactors, especially with condenser tubes where seawater or high-chloride brackish water was the coolant. Pitting corrosion, tube sheet crevice corrosion and electric corrosion put the tubes at risk for leakage. Plugging, mud, or detritus accumulating in condenser tubes cut a power plant's efficiency.

Utilities use cleaning systems with small, abrasive sponge-like balls to keep the tubes clean and test for tube defectives with probing devices. Tube thinning and corrosion generate the chance for tube leakage. This can not be tolerated because chemicals such as sodium and chlorides find their way into the reactor vessel or steam generator.

Upgrading the steam condenser tubing to stainless steel also plays a vital role in the 'power uprate' agenda utilities have used to growth generating capacity for existing reactors as we recently discussed. The more advanced uprate agenda could add up to 20-percent capacity to existing U.S. Nuclear reactors.

Different Molybdenum Alloys

There are any Hpss manufacturers for nuclear reactor condensers. The most foremost in the nuclear sector include Pennsylvania-based Ati Allegheny Ludlum and Finland's Outokumpu. Each offers austenitic steels with chromium and nickel blend of between 20 and 25 percent for each alloy and a range of 6.2 to 7.5 percent molybdenum.

In a paper presented by Jan Olsson of Avesta Sheffield (before the firm was acquired by Outokumpu), he highlighted the results of tests performed on the new super-austenitic stainless steel, 654 Smo®. Metals comprising this brand include 25-percent chromium, 22-percent nickel and 7.5-percent molybdenum. To growth pitting resistance, the manufacturers added up to 0.5-percent nitrogen and three-percent manganese (for make the nitrogen more soluble).

As with all pioneering developments - and remember that R & D breakthroughs have taken place over a two-decade-plus period, manufacturers have re-designed their metallurgical blend to find the most encouraging percentages of nickel, chromium, molybdenum and nitrogen. The earlier stainless steels relied on higher nickel content and lesser percentages of chromium and molybdenum.

At first, conventional austenitic grades, such as 316L, or high chromium-ferritic grades, were utilized. Pitting struck down widespread use of the 316L series and was supplanted by higher alloy steels. For example, others, such as the 254 Smo® stainless steel, began aggressively replacing the copper alloy tubes and in some cases the 316L series. The 254 is comprised of 20-percent chromium, 18-percent nickel, 6.2-percent molybdenum and 0.20-percent nitrogen. It has also offered a high level of corrosion resistance at desalination plants without becoming cost-prohibitive.

The most critical breakthrough came after varied stainless steels were tested at Scandinavian coastal reactors. In the Avesta paper, the failures of each lesser austenitic grade were checked off. critical deficiencies included insufficient stress corrosion cracking resistance and resistance to natural seawater. Even titanium tubing was used as an interim part because it increased total heat exchange by 17 percent, but the metal failed to stand up to high velocity steam and suffered 'water droplet erosion.'

According to the study, "The only alloy fully defiant to all test conditions was 654 Smo®." The results at nuclear power plants in Finland and Sweden, along the Baltic Sea, were astonishing! Four foremost conclusions about this super alloy were reached after the testing.

o Its corrosion resistance could cope with the hostile environments existing inside condenser tubes of desalination plants and power plants.

o Its corrosion resistance was good adequate to cop with many other hostile brine and seawater environments.

o Its erosion resistance was advantageous where it was exposed to high velocity streams.

o There was no concern about its heat exchange characteristics.

Nuclear Consumption of Molybdenum

About 48 nuclear reactors are reportedly scheduled for building by 2013. It may be potential that up to 100 could be constructed by 2020, depending upon political and financial climates. The largest number proceeding straight through the proposed, planned or building phases will be located along coastal areas to service the most populated areas. The greatest numbers of new constructions are predicted from China, India, Japan, Russia, South Korea and Japan (and possibly the United States).

Existing reactors along coastal areas in Asian countries presently breaks down as follows: Japan (57), South Korea (26), China and Taiwan (19) and India (11). Because these are the most prone to seawater or brackish corrosion, they are also the likely candidates for upgrading existing condenser tubing to high alloy stainless steel. And their new reactors are likely going to be constructed along their coasts, requiring the super austenitic grades. As an aside, of the previously mentioned 190 nuclear power plants which had supplanted their condensers with Hpss, 45 percent used fresh water as coolant. Those plants chose the high alloy steel as a 'fail-safe' part to forestall interrupted service or a potential reactor incident.

The United Nations estimates that two-thirds of the planet's population will be living with water stress by 2025. Global freshwater scarcity may ask the use of brackish or seawater as nuclear reactor coolant. To forestall the along corrosion, the higher-percentage molybdenum alloy, specifically the 654 Smo®, could emerge as the condenser tubing material of choice. Either the 254 Smo® or the 654 would be utilized in desalination plants required to overcome water shortages in the hardest hit areas: North Africa, the Middle East and West Asia.

Typically, nuclear power plant condenser tubing requires practically 520,000 feet of stainless steel. agreeing to the International Molybdenum connection (Imoa), larger reactors could utilize up to one million feet of stainless steel. With the higher molybdenum grades found in the super alloys, new nuclear reactors could wish tens of thousands of metric tons of molybdenum.

By comparison, nuclear waste packaging proposed for the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository were forecast to consume about 15,000 metric tons of moly. While this task may or may not go forward as planned to the building phase, the Nuclear energy manufacture (Nei) has proposed regionalized warehouse of spent fuel.

Should comparably designed warehouse canisters be utilized to 'temporarily' include the nuclear waste, it is likely molybdenum will play a key role. agreeing to the U.S. Government's energy citation Database, as published by the agency of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information, "Alloys with combined chromium plus molybdenum contents greater than 30 percent were the most defiant to general and local attack." This was the conclusion reached after corrosion scouring tests were performed on stainless steel and nickel-based alloys to immobilize high-level, radioactive waste.

Another aspect where high-percentage molybdenum stainless steel would double up is with the expansion of nuclear desalination plants. In the past, and in our publication, "Investing in the Great Uranium Bull Market," we have discussed the rise of nuclear desalination across those coastal areas, requiring far more freshwater than can possibly be portable straight through other means. The World Nuclear connection (Wna) has reported of numerous such desalination projects in progress.

Will The energy Bull Have adequate Moly?

From nearly every energy task - oil, gas, coal and nuclear, and for water, molybdenum ask will continue increasing. Super austenitic grades ask a higher moly content to combat corrosion and contribute reliability of service. Of course, there will be substitution in the face of time to come contribute shortfalls. In some instances, there are reports the Russians have supplanted vanadium for molybdenum in some of their oil and gas pipelines to conserve on moly consumption. Ati Allegheny Ludlum has argued for the substitution of two-percent manganese for every percent of nickel, but in the lower grade austenitic groups which do not ask the corrosion resistance of energy projects.
While reviewing the predicted new projects from the molybdenum mining sector, we foresee the high probability of contribute inadequacy. Aside from China Moly's Sandaozhuang molybdenum mine, which the firm hopes could yield 28,000 tonnes of molybdenum combine this year and possibly grow by another 17 percent the following year, there is a paucity of new molybdenum projects coming fully online before 2009.

Based upon China's voracious appetite for molybdenum - one investigate firm estimated compounded annual growth rate over the old five years at 17 percent, anything excess moly production comes from China Moly's mining efforts could very well be domestically consumed.

Future North American molybdenum producers may need to ramp up their projects to meet the growing demand. while 2006, ask grew above the historical norm of four percent; most of the consumption came from China. This is unlikely to stagnate or decrease, and could interfere with North American and European consumption of molybdenum.

Only one firm is scheduled to commence molybdenum mining in 2007, Roca Mines. Because the firm is diminutive to a small-mining permit, predicted production could not exceed three million pounds. By late 2008, or early 2009, Adanac Molybdenum hopes to commence its start-up efforts to reach eight-figure moly production. Later, Blue Pearl Mining hopes to commence high-grade molybdenum mining at the Davidson deposit in British Columbia. Around this time, the Climax molybdenum mine could re-open and begin production in Colorado. Moly Mines hopes to begin production at the company's Spinifex project. Possibly, before the decade ends, Idaho general might commence operations in Nevada. possibly before those 48 nuclear reactors come online, Us Energy's Mt. Emmons deposit may be mined in Colorado.

Many of these projects are field to environmental permitting and/or financing, putting any material number of forecasted contribute in jeopardy. And this comes at a time when some experts believe byproduct molybdenum production at copper mines could be constrained. There are many conditional requirements which do not necessarily warrant a dependable contribute from the new breed of customary moly producers. We have witnessed comparable obstacles in the uranium sector, which has since been accompanied by a hyperbolic price rally in this metal.

There could come a point in the molybdenum sector where the silvery white metal could mimic such a breakout scenario. Nearly three years ago, featured a forecast of Us0/pound uranium. No one believed that prediction at the time. On Friday, TradeTech announced a spot price of Us3/pound.

Copyright© 2007 by StockInterview, Inc. All proprietary Reserved.

Molybdenum - Vital for Nuclear Reactors

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Riz Khan - The nuclear power debate

Riz Khan - The nuclear power debate Video Clips. Duration : 25.00 Mins.

As fear of lethal radiation from Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant is increasing, we look at the future of atomic energy.

Tags: aljazeera, rizkhan, Riz Khan, nuclear power, atomic power, Fukushima plant, Japan nuclear crisis, Japan earthquake, nuclear debate, nuclear power plants, security, nuclear health issues, radiation, atomic energy, Damon Moglen, William Tucker

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bomb kills Iran's top nuclear scientist.mp4

Bomb kills Iran's top nuclear scientist.mp4 Video Clips. Duration : 5.27 Mins.

Tags: economic, defence, director, defense, palestine, government

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How efficient Is Solar Power?

The sun is the source of all our power. A statement not untrue, albeit a dinky misleading. The sun's radiation is the origin of all the power sources we use today, affecting chemical changes to generate all from nuclear power to the much greener wind power. But how do we harness the sun's energy, and how productive is it? A worthy question. After all, solar power is almost eternally ready and, most importantly, free.


Nuclear Power

In theory, solar power can power all on earth. In practice, it's a matter of logistics. Solar power is the conversion of sunlight to electricity through either converting it directly to photovoltaics (Pv) or by concentrating solar power (Csp), using it to boil water into steam, which then generates electricity. Since the sun is only emitting radiation on any given point while daytime hours, and is affected by elements such as cloud cover, it needs to be combined with a recipe of vigor storage. Solar power's possible is vast, and could easily supply all the vigor in the world, hundreds of times over. However, the qoute lies within the cost. Although the cost is coming down, solar power panels and plants are very costly to produce.

How it works

The vigor released from the sun is radiation - light and heat. This can be harnessed in two ways. Firstly, by using panels containing photovoltaics, which absorb the radiation and convert it into direct current energy. Photovoltaic devices are a type of photodiode, which means photons of light from the sun knock electrons within the expedient into higher states of excitement, thus generating electricity. The other recipe is by concentrating solar power by means of mirrors and lenses onto a point, which can then be used to heat up water, converting it to steam and then energy. Think of a kid using a magnifying glass on an ant colony, then magnify that heat (excuse the pun), and you can see what kind of vigor can be produced.

Comparisons with other sources

Solar power is still behind fossil and nuclear power sources in terms of power generated, but its benefits for the environment far outweigh its polluting cousins. Water generation, although greener than fossil and nuclear, still requires dams and can alter landscapes dramatically. Wind power is comparable, in terms of a renewable vigor source, but wind turbines can be loud, take more time to install, wish maintenance and are more susceptible to weather damage.

Storing energy.

As an intermittent vigor source, solar power must be stored if it isn't to be used immediately. In power plants, the vigor is stored either as heat in a heat-retaining material or as pumped-storage hydroelectricity, meaning the vigor is used to pump water from a lower stockroom to a higher one. In home-based solar power storage, the explication is commonly a series of rechargeable batteries that can store the excess electricity.

Is it a realistic way of powering your home?

Many people use solar power in their homes as an alternate vigor source, however it is commonly combined with someone else source, such as wind or even the power grid. The effectiveness depends on both your location and is reliant on other sources. Ask an electrical services company for more information.

Solar power is being rapidly advanced all colse to the world, being included in projects to generate one hundred percent renewable vigor plants that incorporate solar with wind, water and biomass power sources. It is an productive source of energy, but must be harnessed smartly and used in mixture with other sources.

How efficient Is Solar Power?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Physics - Nuclear Power Plants and Their Function in Our Lives

Nuclear power plants work on the same principle as accepted power plants except for the fact that the heat power required to turn the working medium into steam is not attained by burning fossil fuels but rather through the process of nuclear fission. While this reaction, a large estimate of power is released which the power plant uses to produce electrical current.

Nuclear fission is attained by a nuclear reaction in the middle of heavy atomic nuclei and neutrons, which are elementary particles without electrical charge. In this nuclear reaction, the nuclei are broken down into two, releasing more neutrons in the process. These released neutrons then bombard into other atoms, resulting in added fragmentation. This process is referred to as a nuclear fission chain reaction. A health for this chain reaction to occur is when neutrons freed While fission react with other atomic nuclei to create added nuclear fission. This resulting chain reaction continues until all ready material has been broken down. Nuclear fuel, ordinarily a aggregate of various uranium isotopes, is cleaned While output and processed, ordinarily into fuel rods.

Nuclear Power

The actual nuclear reaction takes place in microseconds, which can be demonstrated with the corollary of an atom bomb. To be able to use this form of power safely, it is significant for the chain reaction not to occur like an avalanche or like an explosion but rather that the issue of power and its use take place under full control so that the whole reaction can be maintained under control. This is the type of reaction which takes place in a nuclear reactor.

An atomic reactor is made of any enclosed systems which work together to create energy. The fission material, which is the fissionable isotope in the fuel rods, is located where the nuclei get broken down. To start this reaction, the fuel rods can either be located into or removed from the reactor chamber. However, the output is controlled using rods made out of material, such as cadmium or metal containing boron, which are able to strongly digest neutrons. The more this regulating rod is pushed into the reactor, the more the flow of neutrons are slowed. This regulation takes place rather automatically. In case of a danger of fallout, so-called safety rods are dropped into the reactor which slow down the flow of neutrons to the point where the reaction stops outright.

The heat power released While nuclear fission is drawn away by a working, very radioactive medium within the former circuit (such as water heated to a temperature of as high as 290°C under a high pressure in the order of 107 Pa or 100 bar, which is colse to 100 atmospheres) and diverted in the exchanger to the secondary circuit, where steam is generated which drives an electric generator. A generator produces electrical power which, with the help of a transformer, is converted into the required voltage and current values, in turn used for long distant transfer.

Substances convenient for slowing down fast moving neutrons are referred to as moderators (from the Latin word modero, which means to moderate). Such substances contain, for example, hydrogen (paraffin) because the hydrogen nucleus has almost the same mass as a neutron. However, not only does general water break down neutrons but it also absorbs them. For this reason, a moderator tends to use heavy water (D2O) or graphite.

During nuclear fission, radioactive substances are created which radiate alpha, beta and gamma rays. These nuclear rays are very dangerous and may cause cancer (leukaemia) and other serious illnesses to humans. While alpha and beta rays can be successfully blocked using various measures, gamma ray penetration can be a serious problem. Gamma rays can be sufficiently blocked using barriers any meters thick made out of concrete, heavy spar concrete or water. Nuclear radiation is also emitted from exhausted, fission material and radioactive substances can emit radiation over a period of any millions of years.

Another recipe how to create power on nuclear system is with thermonuclear fusion reactors. This nuclear process (synthesis) also creates power within the sun. Using this nuclear fusion (thermonuclear reaction), the sun gains the significant power it needs to emit its radiation (nuclei synthesis). To a safe bet degree, nuclear fusion is the opposite of fission because it consists of a fusion of two light atomic nuclei into a heavier atomic nucleus (or atomic nuclei), a process which, once again, releases energy. In technical practice, no form of nuclear fusion has been successfully applied yet, even in light of decades of oppressive research. To take benefit of nuclear fusion, a enough speed of atoms would need to be attained under temperatures exceeding 100 million °C and the repulsive force of atoms would have to be overcome. An uncontrolled example of using nuclear fusion (nuclear synthesis, thermonuclear reaction) has been attained with hydrogen bombs.

Physics - Nuclear Power Plants and Their Function in Our Lives

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Emergency at Onagawa nuclear plant, radiation 700 times over normal

Emergency at Onagawa nuclear plant, radiation 700 times over normal Tube. Duration : 6.50 Mins.

Follow latest updates at and Japan has declared an emergency alert at another nuclear power plant in the north-east of the country. Radiation levels of about 700 times higher than normal have reportedly been detected at the facility in Onagawa. Authorities are currently investigating their source. For more opinion on the threat of a nuclear crisis in Japan, RT talks to Harvey Wasserman, who's written on the subject of a sustainable green-powered Earth.

Tags: RT Japan earthquake, Japan earthquake, Japan tsunami, earthquake caught on tape, video, Japan video, Japan quake, RT, oil refinery Japan, 8.9 earthquake, australia tsunami, earthquake today, japan earthquake 2011, japan 11 march 2011, japan tokyo earthquake, west coast tsunami warning, Hawaii earthquake tsunami, fukushima nuclear plant, explosion, nuclear disaster, news, chernobyl, radiation

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Nuclear Proliferation And The World

The latest hot topic of debate in world affairs for the last one month has been "Iran and Its Nuclear power Program" . There are all kind of debates going on the succeed of Nuclear Proliferation and its effects in World Peace. Let me introduce my fellow readers to what exactly Nuclear Proliferation means:

Nuclear proliferation is the spread of nuclear weapons output technology and knowledge to nations that do not already have such capabilities. It has been opposed by many nations with and without nuclear weapons, who fear that more countries with nuclear weapons may growth the possibility of nuclear warfare, de-stabilize international or regional relations, or infringe upon the national sovereignty of personel nation-states.

Nuclear Weapons

The International Atomic power department (Iaea) has been the original international anti-proliferation club since it was established in 1957 by the United Nations. It operates a safeguards law as specified under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (Npt) of 1968. It has complex cooperation in developing nuclear power while ensuring that civil uranium, plutonium, and linked plants are used only for peaceful purposes and do not contribute in any way to proliferation or nuclear weapons programs.

Those countries which have signed the Npt has been in deep trouble in the new past. Uncomplicated because like very Un laws this also is used by the excellent countries against them. If you take the Iran case in particular there is no concrete evidence which shows Iran has a Weapon Program. But it seems every other country in the Un is more or less convinced that they have one. The point I want to throw some light here is "What makes a Nuclear weapon so appealing for most of country". The main calculate why many country is trying to come to be a nuclear power is "The protection it gives". If Saddam Hussein had a nuclear weapon, then the truth is that the entire latest Iraq war would have never happened. No world leader is crazy now to attack a country which possess Nuclear Weapon and sacrifice so much of his troops along with his political career. If there was a opening of this happening, this world would have ended during the cold war days. during Cold War it was categorically the Nuclear Weapons which kept the peace in the world. In todays world with terrorism threat looming around the world, this is the main cause put transmit by Nuclear powers to preclude other countries from acquiring Nuclear weapons. Or in other words "Osama Bin Laden and enterprise helps these nuclear powers to keep their operate over other countries".

Nuclear Weapons are giving nations a sense of protection, which the Un protection council failed to provide. The new Iraq War demonstrated how in effective is the Un protection Council. Us and its allies attacked Iraq without a Un mandate, not even a finger was raised. Whereas in 1990 when Iraq attacked so much actions were rightly taken. So it emphasizes the point that the Un protection council is used to operate and target the Third world countries or in other words make them fall in line. Every nation in the country has the right to go Nuclear and safe itself from the wrath of the superpowers. The underlining principle of the Nuclear strategy should be "Either Every country possess it or no one possess it". Like Denzel washington's character in crimpson Tide said "In the nuclear world War is the enemy". So only solution is get rid off all nuclear weapons. There is no point of talking about reducing the weapon numbers. And for those who claims that Osama Bin Laden will get hold off a nuclear bomb." What incompatibility it makes either it is fired by terrorist or by any country". So get rid of it.

Nuclear Proliferation And The World