Thursday, October 13, 2011

Solar Power - A Good Idea Or an expensive Add-On?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

The worlds confidence on fossil and nuclear fuels has to stop otherwise the planet faces catastrophe. The world's leaders know this but most refuse to use alternative forms of power like solar citing the cost as being the main conjecture they won't change. This is ignorant as using alternative power sources like solar power will pay for itself over time and unlike many of the fuels we use today, will not pollute our planet with greenhouse gases and other poisonous gases.

Nuclear Power

Advantages of Solar Energy

We get solar power from the suns rays which are free of fee to us all. Consolidate that with the fact that the sun is producing power all the time and its clean power then solar power is useful to all who use it and the planet to. The minute we do have to pay for is facility of the solar power ideas but over time this can be recouped by producing power that is free to the user with no electrical bills to pay.

Solar power is clean power which means no harmful Co2 or other noxious gases being pumped into the atmosphere. With fossil fuels like coal, gas and oil the poisonous gases released when using these fuels is choking the planet resulting in a turn in weather patterns and increased earthquake and volcanic eruptions.

Once the solar power unit has been installed maintenance will be minimal. There are very few exciting parts to worry about and the panels themselves will sit there quietly, lapping up all the suns power and converting it into efficient, clean energy. As for noise well you will never know its there as its so quiet. Unlike oil pumps which need to be operating most of the time and make a noise, solar power units do not make noise even though they are working all the time too.

Oil is high-priced all round there is no 2 ways about it. high-priced to get out of the ground, high-priced to refine and high-priced to get the fulfilled, product to our cars and homes. And with the market being evaporative the price of oil could go up and up resulting in higher power bills for all. With solar power the power is free from the sun and after the preliminary outlay is paid for then the power you yield will be totally free. No extracting or having to refine it then distribute it to households the suns rays are free, totally free.

Disadvantages of Solar Energy

Well the first disadvantage you have with using solar power is the cost. The whole setup is very high-priced and is quite a setback for most population who are keen on installing an sufficient form of energy. There are governmental subsidies and grants ready and each country differs from the next but the preliminary outlay for this type of project is rather large.

The Only Way Forward

Using the earth's resources for renewable green power has to be the way transmit if we want to sustain our gorgeous planet. It is free and as long as we humans are on this planet then wind, sea and solar power will be here to. And once the facility is faultless you can be sure that the solar power unit will start to recoup that money you have initially laid out fast and within a short time start to pay for itself. Then the power you yield will be totally free to you. Heck you could even sell some unwanted power back to the power business and make some money too.

Solar Power - A Good Idea Or an expensive Add-On?

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