Tuesday, January 31, 2012



The brilliant, but wicked and evil spirited occult New World Order masterplan is unfolding. The ultimate goal of globalization (or globalisation) through propaganda and rhetoric (War on Terror) and initiating chaos that eventually will lead to depopulation (genocide). Under the energy of Venus and the Sun, the occult NWO foundation masterplan must be realized by 2013. (that is, by Gregorian calendar date December 22, 2013 following another ritual circle around the Sun (starting in Solar Maximum year =2012) counting from December 22, 2012. (= end date of Mayan Long Count Calendar 13.00.00 Baktun). It takes 243 years for Venus to return to the exact point where it started. It's called a Venus Round. And they (Illuminati), determined the creation of the NWO in 1770, with Rothschild and Adam Weishaupt as the real "founding fathers." 1770 was the year in which a new cycle of 242 years started, sectioned in 99,11121,11 = 242 years! (=11x9, 99:9, 11x11, 121:11) (sequence= x9,:9,x11,:11 = ratio 9/11) Right now we are living in the ':11 stage', meaning the LAST 11 years from SolarMax to SolarMax, starting from 2001 (WTC attack) to 2012. 11:11 as deceptive symbolism, means nothing more than the completion of their NWO in the last solar maximum cycle to 2012 with the start of their NWO in the new year 2013. In 2013 there will have been a complete Venus Round of 243 years counting from 1770, and in THEIR (Illuminati/Elite) minds, the celebration of a new "spiritual era" but not in ...

Tags: Bush, queen, phillip, william, royal, scum, revolution, obama, mccain, new, world, 9/11, bankers, financial, tazer, gun, control, 2012, plan, nuclear, non, proliferation, treaty, security, BILDERBERG, oil, spill, venezuela, pakistan, iran, clinton, stock, market, wall, street, 911, crash, september, congress, news, commentary, analysis, documentary, political, commercial, alex, jones, order, barack, illuminati

Chernóbil-La noche del fin del mundo 3/12

Chernóbil-La noche del fin del mundo 3/12 Tube. Duration : 10.53 Mins.

El tercer ángel tocó la trompeta, y cayó del cielo una gran estrella, ardiendo como una antorcha, y cayó sobre la tercera parte de los ríos, y sobre las fuentes de las aguas. Y el nombre de la estrella es Ajenjo. Y la tercera parte de las aguas se convirtió en ajenjo; y muchos hombres murieron a causa de esas aguas, porque se hicieron amargas (Ap. 8:10) Una visión nunca antes vista de una de las mayores catástrofes de la historia de la humanidad. Desgarradoras imágenes de los momentos posteriores al accidente de la central nuclear soviética y del grupo de hombres que sacrificaron sus vidas por salvar a millones de personas. Muchos de los que sobrevivieron aseguran que el día 26 de abril de 1986 supuso el comienzo del Fin del Mundo. Un sobrecogedor hecho que aparece recogido de forma profética en las antiguas escrituras. Iker Jiménez recapitula lo sucedido en la central nuclear antes, durante y después de la explosión del núcleo, contando para ello con los testimonios estremecedores de personalidades que en 1986 vivieron de forma muy directa el suceso. Joan Majó, ministro de energía e industria en 1986, Alfonso Palomares Presidente de la Agencia Efe, Eduardo Sotillos director de RNE, Baltasar Magro director de Informe semanal, Rafael Caro consejero del Consejo de seguridad nuclear en 1986 o Igor Kostin reportero que fotografío la zona cero tras la tragedia detallarán lo que les supuso Chernobil y las verdades que se ocultaron desde el gobierno de Gorbachov para atenuar lo ...

Tags: Chernobil, iker jimenez, la noche del fin del mundo, ajenjo, apocalipsis, energia nuclear, radio, raioactividad, damajedi

Monday, January 30, 2012

Fukushima Disaster BBC Report Decommissioning Reactors, Radioactive Waste and Accidents

Fukushima Disaster BBC Report Decommissioning Reactors, Radioactive Waste and Accidents Video Clips. Duration : 7.37 Mins.

This BBC report was created for non-technical adults and children. BBC report (part 2 of a documentary) explains Decommissioning nuclear plants, the handling of nuclear waste and problems with clean up when radionuclides are released into the environment. Broadcast 03 October 2011

Keywords: Japan, earthquake, tsunami, spent, fuel, pool, sfp4, dead, quake, today, 2011, Tokyo, sendai, Tohoku, reactor, unit, documentry, bbc, report, horizon, panorama, documentary, Fukushima, daiichi, nuclear, Power, Plant, exclusion, zone, accident, radiation, TEPCO, Japanese, contamination, destruction, disaster, Survivors, Stories, atomic, Robot, video, image, UFO, ghost, alien, Chernobyl, explosion, 福島, 核, 災害, 재앙, 후쿠시마, 福岛

Sunday, January 29, 2012

What is the safest place to live in America?

First seeing at weather patterns, it appears that if there is nuclear fallout, where could you want to be? Remember weather patterns start in the West or North West and move over the country and turn throughout the year, but all the time for the most part blow from East to West. So if you live East of the West Coast you could be in problem if a Western city gets nuked. Then there are the East Winds in Ca, which are called the Santa Ana Winds which are hot, fast keen and dry, the worst inherent conditions for fires. As we see every few years in the Southern Ca mountains.

So then perhaps you might wish to live on the West Coast, fairly good weather all year and the wind blows the other way. But you would want to live far from any major city on the West Coast. Not in La, Not near the Nuclear Power plants, Not near the soldiery bases of Pt Mugu, Camp Pendleton or Vandenburg Afb. So where? Probably on the coast between Humbolt, Ca and mid state Or. But alas there are huge faults along the West Coast and the Or Coastline is riddled with issues from liquefaction to offshore Tsunami generating Earthquake faults.

Nuclear Power

San Francisco gets huge Earthquakes as we know and La is not immune either and neither is the central valley of Ca with it's issues after proof in the Coalinga Fault. Living between the Russian River and Or Coastline near the coast would be okay even with these issues. Also you would not be down wind from any fallout and you are not a target. Safe in that you have fish for food and lumber for heat and no need for much of anyone like power, surrounded by capable woods people.

You would have lots of rain and no water that would be polluted running off from areas of fallout. Of procedure from an strike by sea from the Pacific side in the case of invasion, you would not be in the best spot, we are not expecting any wars, yet 20 years from now will China be our biggest trading partner or will 2 billion of them like this piece of real estate? If we were attacked for some suspect you would have air support from all the Navy and Air guard Bases along the Pacific Coast. Where are other good spots? If Seattle was not hit by a weapon of mass destruction then you still have Earthquakes and remember Mt. Saint Helen. There are some cities inland on the I-5 freeway surrounded by mountains, but they are close to volcanoes too?

Where else would be good? Well not Phoenix, not Las Vegas and Reno is over the hill from Ca and gets all it's left over weather. Boise has issues too. Although there are other cities in Id worthy of mention. Salt Lake is on a huge Earthquake fault. How about Helena Mt, drought plagued and fire issues. Kellogg Id, superfund area. Billings out of water, Bozeman? Well too close to the State Park and there are issues with the volcanoes there too. Butte, Mt also too close. Casper Wy out of water and down wind in case of Volcanic activity from Yellow Stone. Also think if Portland, Sf or La are not hit with nukes then we like, Four Corners, Elko Nv, Battle Mt (armpit) are doable with large private water supply but it has arsenic in it. Winnamucka Nv many not be safe either, but has thermal activity for power. Nd and Sd seem safe too, but winter weather is tough. Ogalla private aquifer is being drained fast and could cause Earthquake from collapse. Western Ne, not good, Denver either in case of water supply issues in future or fallout from volcano in Yellow Stone. How about in the Northern Section of Az? Flagstaff has harsh weather, fire season. Winslow Az is okay, with rail and Fwy, but isolated. Of procedure these are only a few western states categorically and well we have identified several great locations with all you need to survive.

Having studied the Fema reports and the regional issues of each area and state and the disaster plans, we are well served by such data, but it falls short and a full, plan of strike needs to be considered, because many people living in a region will need supplies, such as we see after major Hurricanes. Which by the way leaves us to wonder if there are in fact any safe cities on the whole Eastern Seaboard, Gulf Coast or West Fl coastlines. As we saw in the black out of 2003, the Hurricanes and loss of power, the many fires in drought areas of Ca, Az, Nv, Mt, Id, Or, Nm these are all big issues.

When manifold disasters hit, and transportation is down, power is out, water turned off, dams broken, bridges out, etc. Then what? Well, for some it will be their demise, others have adequately planned. Some of the safest cities are sitting near large private water supplies and generate their own power or have co-generation plants, which are co-ops near by. Those mid western cities near large rivers are not safe due to the issues with flooding, as we have seen and continue to see every three to five years some town gets it. The water is fresh and clean in those areas and very soft, but when it floods, it is a disaster and very risky too.

Some would say it is probably unnecessary to have a major disaster plan, however it is a good exercise anyway, in planning. Things of significance are fresh water supply uncontaminated, food supply, encapsulated market, not over populated, no problems with contaminated air from normal weather patterns know and comparable to the last 200 years, out side of a fire zone and a defendable location. Also of secondary significance out side the risk of major seismic activity, trip from major highways causing and influx of others trying to get away thus bringing in diseases or viruses or using up local natural resources. Worst places to be D.C., state capital cities with lots of soldiery bases close by, cities on major freeways with bridges and no other ways around for over 40 miles or passes on mountain ranges.

The cities which do not make the safest cities are Denver, Dallas, Mobile, Biloxi, Seattle, Chicago, Nyc, Orlando, Tampa, Las Vegas, Salt Lake, La, etc. Cities with no way to get out the people swiftly are of problem, for instance Dc with it's daily grid lock or Los Angeles, Atlanta, Sf, etc. Cities, which rely on exterior sources to get in foremost stuff are bad. Not to mention you are more likely to die from an auto wreck, although on the plus side they have the cleanest and best filtrated water supplies. That of procedure a trade off from the polluted air around you which could also kill you before your median life expectancy figure.

Port cities and cities with big major airports, which are hubs for major airlines are bad too. Cities that are big but do not have fed banks are one click down on the list too. Think of the logistics by train too. Cities which are down river close to major hasten bridges, which cope lots of interstate trains are bad too. Port cities get an extra bad deal. Cities which are close to port cities which are over 2 million people are risky too. Large cities near borders of Mexico are risky if they have over 2 million populations.

San Diego County, San Antonio, Phoenix, Austin Tx, Houston, even throw in Tucson, El Paso, Yuma all bad. Already at a fresh water question time due to droughts and over populations. Santa Monica is bad and Lax is a bad area to be near. A question at the sewer rehabilitation plant near Lax could be devastating with chlorine gas and weather patterns, with a weapon of mass destruction. Worrisome also to our scenario of possibilities is the major computer brain areas. Like Silicon Valley, Seattle, Va and other Internet hubs, which would also comprise Boston.

I would like to see a full, plan to save American lives if an strike or mum Nature event occurs, one which encompasses the whole country. perhaps this is a good job for our war planners at the Pentagon, to try a reverse order plan, it would help them learn where best to minimize vulnerabilities and an activity plan against International Terrorists or Catastrophic mum Nature Events.

I have been to every city in the United States over 10,000 population. Where have you lived? Have you lived straight through a natural disaster? Many of us have. The Hurricanes alone last year alone added 40 more million people to that list, it was a high-priced year for Fema, but we made it straight through and showed resilience. So where are you safe? The write back might be nowhere or anywhere and making ready and potential of first reponders may hold that key. What were your concerns, and immediate needs during that period in your life when you faced such uncertainty? What would you tell others who plan to safe the asset and lives of America, too the first responders, planners and those entrusted to safe humanity in the times of need?

What is the safest place to live in America?

Psychic Predictions 2012: public Unrest and Flood Prediction

Psychic predictions in 2012 are a hot topic. The year so far has been one of major global communal unrest in many counties the like of which we have not seen before. Flood and earthquake disasters are creating more devastation with destruction of city infrastructure. Here we use the psychic art of prediction to see what the time to come holds for our international global village:

1. The euro falls sharply and it drops to an all time low. It falls to one third of its January 2011 value. The broke economies of Spain, Greece, and Portugal drag the currency down the tubes.

Nuclear Reactor

The other factor that contributes to its decline is immense disagreement on the continent of Africa. Thousands of refugees migrate to European shores seeking security and well being. Riots begin to spread from African countries to Europe added weakening the financial system. The economies of Germany and France are strong yet they will be worn down enduringly by unexpected negative surprises. Problems with food distribution in major cities, communal riots, and the looting of residential homes are foreseen to cause major headaches.

2. Oil doubles in price. Solar flares cause satellites to malfunction and this creates an open gateway for minor dictators to reign supreme on the battlefield. The troops dictators will send their soldiers to hijack oil tankers for ransom and to trade. The result is the cost of oil transportation costs skyrocket and leaves the buyer with a bigger price tag.

3. Radiation enters the water supply of many countries. The 2012 psychic predictions state that the impact of flood disasters with their tsunami force of impact destroys several nuclear reactors. Plutonium leaks into the drinking water of many countries. Drinking water that is polluted by radiation causes a slow death. Fresh drinking water will be the new commodity of trade in the time to come because it will be so scarce.

4. A large comet enters the earth's climate and smashes into the pacific ocean. The impact of the comet causes flooding of the California coastline.

5. Floods will be a major question for many countries in the year of 2012. This will be good for ship and boat manufacturers as water voyage becomes more common and the ask for this service will increase.

Flood and disaster predictions entered a new phase starting with the natural earthquake disaster of Haiti. It was a sign from nature of things to come and many psychics viewed it as a forewarning to pay heed to such noted recorded predictions of Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce. It was the start of a fierce and destructive form of natural catastrophe which ushered in a new age of cataclysm.

6. Large parts of Russia are flooded due to the melting of the polar ice caps and a raise in sea level. This will take Russia and many other weather forecasters by surprise. It will be a fact the rapid increase in sea level will shock many.

7. A trend will emerge and lots of people will move from cities and urban suburbs to smaller and more communal villages.

In the final pathology the psychic 2012 predictions show the immediate time to come full of natural disasters, floods, and communal unrest. But don't worry mankind survives it all! There are psychics who have already seen the triumph of humanity with their clairvoyant sight.

Psychic Predictions 2012: public Unrest and Flood Prediction

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Atomic Age - J. Robert Oppenheimer Quote

Atomic Age - J. Robert Oppenheimer Quote Tube. Duration : 0.90 Mins.

J. Robert Oppenheimer was an American theoretical physicist, best known for his role as the scientific director of the Manhattan Project, the World War II effort to develop the first nuclear weapons, at the secret Los Alamos laboratory in New Mexico. He is known colloquially as "the father of the atomic bomb". Taken from the Atomic Age video collection.

Keywords: Atomic, Nuclear, Hydrogen, Bomb, Manhattan, Project, Oppenheimer, New, Mexico

Friday, January 27, 2012

Ron Paul HUMILIATES Rick Perry in front of Tea Party Audience

Ron Paul HUMILIATES Rick Perry in front of Tea Party Audience Tube. Duration : 1.80 Mins.

This debate took place on September 12, 2011, Tampa, Florida www.facebook.com/groups/242533229123112/ Please rate, comment and subscribe! Thanks, and here are some informative sites. truther.org www.pbjfreedomfellowship.com www.ronpaul2012.com www.rt.com www.ae911truth.org theintelligencereport.tk www.campaignforliberty.com www.adamvstheman.com

Keywords: OWNS, destroys, Rick, Perry, Tea, Party, Express, Ron, Paul, revolution, mitt, romney, health, care, obama, fraud, republican, conservative, libertarian, cain, federal, reserve, constitution, thomas, jefferson, truther, nuclear, bible, false, flag, iran, new, world, order, glenn, beck, alex, jones, disinfo, shill, zionist, terrorism, palestine, israel, war, freedom, peace, liberty, economy, freemarket, capitalism, liberal, socialist, illuminati, Ronal, regan

North Korea Nuclear an inside view

North Korea Nuclear an inside view Tube. Duration : 45.02 Mins.

This is a video I found about North Korea which shows how the North Korean dictator kim jong il ruled over it's suffering people with an iron fist. It also shows how the North Koreans are brainwashed from a very early age at school in all it is just a glimpse at the blanket of fear of which the innocent civilians of North Korea have been forced to reside under.

Keywords: North Korea, Nuclear Weapon, Destruction, Nuclear Power, Atomic Weapons, Fukushima

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Minecraft - SDK Guns Mod Spotlight - (Technic Pack Part 3)

Minecraft - SDK Guns Mod Spotlight - (Technic Pack Part 3) Tube. Duration : 11.63 Mins.

Lewis backdates his Minecraft to 1.7.3 and looks at a combination of awesome industry-style mods compiled by an awesome fellow named Kakermix as the "Technic pack". I have shied away from this for a while because it's so complicated, but once I got stuck in, I realised it was totally and utterly awesome. The Technic combination mod pack is out-of-date and completely unofficial, so use it at your own risk! You should be able to find a way to downgrade your version of minecraft back to 1.7.3 with this mod: www.minecraftforum.net The Technic pack is available to download here: v2: www.multiupload.com Version 3.1 is also out now complete with an installer! Just make sure you've got a clean version of Minecraft 1.7.3! v3: www.multiupload.com Also a torrent for 3.1 here: www.demonoid.me Credited List Of Mods and Forum Links ——————- Modloader by Risugami www.minecraftforum.net Modloader MP Unofficial by jamioflan www.minecraftforum.net Minecraft Forge 1.0.6 by SpaceToad and Eloraam www.minecraftforum.net Industrial Craft 2 1.00 by Alblaka and the IC2 Team forum.industrial-craft.net Buildcraft 2.1.1 Complete Package by SpaceToad www.minecraftforum.net RedPower 1.7.1 Complete Package with RedStone Pipe by Eloraam www.minecraftforum.net Equivalent Exchange v3.55 and EE/IC2 patch by x3n0ph0b3 www.minecraftforum.net Minefactory Reloaded 1.1.2 by power crystals www.minecraftforum.net Unofficial SDK's Mods by merlwiz79 www.minecraftforum.net Mo' Creatures 2.12.2 by DrZhark www ...

Tags: yogscast, lewis, simon, honeydew, technic pack, technic, buildcraft, industrialcraft

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Submarino ruso: no hay amenaza nuclear

Submarino ruso: no hay amenaza nuclear Tube. Duration : 1.05 Mins.

Fuera de peligro. Las autoridades rusas aseguraron el viernes haber apagado el incendio en un submarino nuclear. Además excluyeron todo riesgo de fuga radiactiva por este incidente, que según expertos daña la capacidad de disuasión nuclear rusa.


SL-1 The Accident: Phases I and II

SL-1 The Accident: Phases I and II Tube. Duration : 40.37 Mins.

US Atomic Energy Commission Idaho Operations Office SL-1 The Accident: Phases I and II A13886VNB1 Describes this nuclear accident from the point of view of the Atomic Energy Commission.

Tags: fedflix, NTIS, Public.Resource.Org

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Trainspotting diagnosis

Trainspotting adapted from Irvine Welsh's novel and made by the Shallow Grave team of writer John Hedge, producer Andrew Macdonald, and director Danny Boyle, giving us characters and moments that are unforgettable. Ewan McGregor plays Renton, an on-and-off heroin addict who can't conclude whether to clean up or regress in the business of his loser friends in working-class Edinburgh, and later in London. The film was produced in 1996.

Trainspotting in reality refers to a session of dark linear mark or track that is left in the veins after shooting heroin. The first thing is that heroin users mainline along their arms and inject up and down on the main vein. "Station to station," they call it. For addicts, all things narrows down to that one goal of getting drugs. "Trainspotters" are like that, obsessively taking down the numbers of trains.

Nuclear Power

The five main actors in this film are all males and with a life threatening drug habit. Trainspotting can be classified under four separate types of film genre including: drama, comedy, crime and drug culture. "Trainspotting" is classified as drama since it is a serious story due to the drug habit and several scenes that showed the real lives of junkies, and visible images of injecting heroin. On the other hand it can be classified as comedy especially when Spud goes to an interview high on speed and other funny moments that are there to lighten up the seriousness of the film. This can be classified as black humour. verily Trainspotting can also be out under the crime and drug culture genre due to the story in itself and the characters This film gives us a very vivid and real photo of a heroin addict's every day routine.'Choose Life...' the film's most notable quote means a lot. Those portrayed in Trainspotting are the ones that need to understand choosing life; they are the ones that this phrase was penned for and who are these habitancy living a life less ordinary? They are addicts in Scotland, living lives that are synchronized colse to getting what they need. For three of them, heroin is their mode of addiction, for someone else passivity, and for the last aggression. They are a mad quintet, pissing away lives that could maybe estimate to something.

In the starting as we are introduced to our humble narrator Renton (McGregor). We can see that he is on a road to nowhere, stealing Cds from a shop in hopes of making a little cash to pay for the next hit. His home away from home is a drug dealer's apartment ( mom Superior) where he is issued a regular platter of needle, spoon, lighter, and heroin beside his best mates Sick Boy (Miller) and Spud (Bremner). They are as troublesome as he is, though Spud is helpless in his addiction while Sick Boy is just there to collate metaphorical sizes.

Movies about drug addiction are verily nothing new, but this film makes all things look different, approximately like it is the first film to deal with the subject. Trainspotting is brave and frequently hilarious; it's dark, smart and stubborn. It's more than one of the best 'drug movies' ever made; it's arguably the finest film to come out of the Uk

Ewan McGregor plays the main character; Mark Renton. He introduces the film Trainspotting with an very energetic scene, the previous scene accompanied by Iggy Pop's 'Lust for Life', along with Renton's sarcastic narration, which rejects our weak, mechanical existence in favour of the joys of heroin. Iggy pop is Renton's hero. He even has a poster of him in his room. When he goes clubbing, we consideration that his heroin habit has been going on for a long time as he doesn't identify any of the new songs at the club. Diane makes him consideration this, and Renton starts to perceive that heroin has taken so much out of his life.

"People connect it with misery, desperation and death, which is not to be ignored. But what they forget is the satisfaction of it, otherwise we wouldn't do it" He is verily appalled by society and the materialistic satisfactions it offers. He later compares heroin: 'imagine the best orgasm you ever had and multiply it by a thousand and you're not even there' However, after a few minutes into the film he decides to quit heroin. The viewers may desist that it is time to move on in life, yet he could not live life without heroin as we see straight through out the film his discrete unsuccessful trials at quitting his habit

Renton has a serious drug habit, and due to his unemployment must support is by shoplifting and petty theft. When he was on methadone, he had his 'last hit' and this resulted in an overdose. This naturally shows an effort to avoid being compliant. In fact, it is this thought about attitude which maybe explains heroin's over Renton. He states, "We'd inject Vitamin C if they made it illegal"

Even though he manages to kicked his heroin addiction and starts a new life in London, his old circle of friends are not easy to get rid of and Renton ends up getting complex in a drug deal, and sells 4 kilos of heroin with his 'so-called' friends. Towards the end of the film, he betrays the others by escaping with the money. This shows the viewers that he decided to 'choose life', be 'just like us' which is a doubtful aim; the qualities of which the film questions the whole time

Renton is dreamy, sharp, troubled, and calm, seemingly all at the same time, and you never know where you are with him, as he never knows where he is with himself. It's an understated portrayal of an essentially rootless character - yet a magnetic one.

Johnny Lee Miller plays the part of Sick Boy who is portrayed as a handsome guy who has the habit of talking nonsense and bombarding his mates with trivia about Sean Connery. He is a womanizing James Bond wannabe, who is very intelligent. Sick Boy is the one who seems least affected by his heroin habit. In fact, when Renton tries to quit heroin, Sick boy does the same just to spite him In the film Trainspotting Sick boy is the one who trivializes heroin and seems to have no problems with his addiction contrary to the rest of the crew.

"The film only touches on the demand of how far his persona is genuine or just group camouflage" . Sick Boy's behaviour in the final parts of the film show how the death of his baby has affected him and made him more crime prone. He starts to deal in drugs, pimping and becomes an all round con. Renton states that when Sick Boy's child passed away, something inside Sickboy must have died and never came back .

Later in the film, Renton escapes to London to start a new life, while Sick Boy and the rest of his friends remain in the Scottish capital. When he visits Renton unexpectedly, he immediately sells Renton's television without consent and he also offers to sell Renton's passport. Sickboy is so fixated with his new criminal occupation that he never even bothers to think about Renton's feelings. "He becomes obsessed with developing beneficial contacts for that elusive 'big deal', and sticks a finger in any pie on offer" He becomes a manipulative pimp and drug-pusher at every chance and wouldn't hesitate about taking advantage and manipulating whatever for the purpose of self-advancement. All straight through out this ordeal Sick boy remains as vain as always.

Tommy, played by Kevin McKidd, contrasts vividly with the other main characters. He is portrayed as athletic, seeing satisfaction walking in the countryside, weight lifting and watching football rather than making use of drugs. As the film progresses, there is a drastic convert in Tommy, turning him into the worst of the bunch with a "rapid and fatal" descent .

Tommy's relationship with his girlfriend Lizzie does not seem to be progressing well. The strain of seeing their homemade porn film missing because Renton "borrowed" is the final straw for Lizzie and breaks off the relationship. When his efforts to patch up his relationship fail, Tommy falls in a depression and resorts to drugs. Sadly adequate (black comedy), it is Lizzie, the very someone whom Tommy loves that causes his death. With the increased use of heroin, Tommy contacts Hiv. His initially clean and tidy apartment becomes filthy. His final tentative to regain Lizzie sees him getting her a kitten, which she refuses. Tommy is found dead due to an infection from the kitten's faeces . This has a group connotation as Hiv and Aids due to heroin abuse was on the increase and booming in 1996.

Clarke considers this character's story helps to create an ethical perspective in this film, giving the audience something to think about. whatever can fall victim to drug abuse, even youths thought about as 'good'. Clark states that Tommy is portrayed as free from drugs on film whereas makes use of amphetamines in Irvine Welsh's novel. This could be credited to the fact that unavoidable individuals would prefer watching the film rather than reading the book thus the message has to be harsher to get across. The same can be said of Tommy's behind-the-scene drug use. As the film proceeds, Tommy's condition aggravates thus shocking the audience. In the end, without Lizzie, Tommy "chose not to choose life" but heroin and death .

Begbie considers himself great than any of the rest. This is seen clearly when he lectures his friends after Renton narrowly escapes imprisonment , and trys to appear mature in front of Renton's parents and when he claims that never would he "poison" himself with chemicals. Alcohol can also be thought about as a harmful chemical to the body, but Begbie doesn't see it as such. Begbie takes a commanding attitude when with his friends, for example in the final pub fight scene when he orders Renton to bring him a cigarette or during the hallucination scenes as well as during his stay with Renton in England.

Spud, the "amiable, childlike loser" as described by Clarke, is played by Ewen Bremner . Clarke considers Spud's life as brimming with wrong choices, including his choice of drugs which is thought about unsuitable to his weak character . during his six-week relationship with Gail, they never had sex. On the night she wanted to have sex with him, Spud was too drunk to do anything. On awaking in Gail's bed the following morning, he finds the sheets soiled. Spud's bowel contents end up smeared on Gail and her parents whilst eating morning meal .

Clarke compares other scenes from the film. Spud gets incarcerated for shoplifting while Renton emerges approximately scot-free. Similarly, Diane sees Spud lying intoxicated under the pavement during the letter scene whilst the others appear lucid . Also, despite discrete threats, Spud is the only member of the group to be injured by Begbie. Nonetheless, it is unavoidable for every person to love Spud. The audience sympathise with him. Renton wishes he ended in prison instead of his friend. In the end, he leaves money only for Spud because he pities him.

Kelly Macdonald starring as Diane is young but wise beyond her actual years. This is shown especially when she deals with men. At first, Renton sees her at a nightclub rejecting the advances of a man by drinking both drinks and leaving, and secondly when Renton approaches her surface the club and responds to his weak chat with a coldly cruel speech that leaves him fully dejected. However, when she leaves the taxi door open for Renton to go in, it becomes clear that the negative response may have been purely a tool to create sexual power over him.

Later in the film, after a night of passion with Renton in her bedroom, Renton and the audience are amused and disturbed to see Diane changing from her silver dress into her school uniform. The audience understands the position Renton has found himself in. He ought to flee from this situation or else face the consequences since she is underage. However, Diane has once again the power over Renton in this situation because if she tells the police, Renton will face prison. She knows the law and blackmails him to meet her again . Diane also seems to be more knowledgeable about modern culture. In fact she emphasizes that shooting heroin, listening to Iggy Pop and the fact that Renton and the main protagonists are still in Edinburgh are outdated, "Times are changing, music is changing, even drugs are changing" .

Establishing sexual power over men is also seen in other women in the film. In a nutshell, Trainspotting's male characters are ready to drop their usual regain façade and jeopardize embarrassment to fulfill their sexuality. The women in Trainspotting seem to be more than happy to coerce. For instance Spud's girlfriend refused to sleep with Spud during their six-week relationship but she later admitted to Lizzy that she wants to sleep with Spud yet she loves watching him suffer. Lizzy is also seen as ridiculing and sexually controlling her men. She would not deny herself from having sex with Tommy since it is her only satisfaction she gets from him. However, later in the film, when Thomas could not find the very intimate underground video, Lizzy was ashamed. She was so furious with him that she left him .

Alison, played by Susan Vidler, is a typical drug-craving mother. She is self-centred, fully neglecting her daughter. When the baby is found dead in her cot, Renton narrates that they did not know who father her baby. This furthers the reliance that she is quite adolescent and lacking in morals, having sexual caress with all male members of the group. On discovering her daughter's death, one of her initial reactions is to take heroin.

Mother classic is the group's heroin provider. Although he is seen administering the drug to the friends, he himself is never viewed making use of it. mom classic cannot be thought about fully as friend to them because he ultimately wants money for the drugs he provides. However, when Renton overdoses, mom classic calls for a taxi and provides money for it. This can be interpreted as a amiable gesture but also as helping Renton to avoid getting in trouble. mom classic knows the separate characters of the group. This can indicate that they have all be using drugs for quite a while, thus frequenting mom superior's place often. during the film, the characters are seen shoplifting to support their drug habit. The need to steal might have been initiated by mom classic demanding hard cash.

The bond Renton has with his friends is just the tasteless goal of shooting the next hit. When he is not on drugs he has to face reality, which is, maintaining relationships, meeting girls and everyday responsibilities. The film portrays what seems to be united group. However, there is a fear of Begbie because of his violence and alcoholic tendencies as well as him being the older of the lot. Sickboy, Renton, Spud and later on in the film Tommy all have a heroin addiction, thus their beloved formula to solve problems is taking a hit. Begbie solves his by drinking and fighting. The group share stolen money and tend to shoplift in groups. When they go to the clubs, they party together. Still, in the end Renton calls the rest of the group "so-called friends".

The relationship between Renton and Spud can be plan of the best within the characters. As mentioned before, Renton cannot help liking Spud. Renton is seen giving his friend hints before Spud's job interview. Even though it is thought about wrong, Renton offers Spud some speed to put him at easy. When both of them are caught shoplifting, Renton wishes he went to prison instead of Spud. In the same scene, he admits feeling lonely, although being surrounded with family and friends. At the end of the film, Renton felt sorry for Spud because he never harmed whatever or said a bad word about his friends. Thus, he left money only to Spud. This relationship is added supported by the fact that Renton asks Spud if they would take the money and go. Renton could have more verily grabbed the bag and left before Spud would have reacted in any way.

Renton has a good relationship with Tommy as well, mental of him as one of his best friends. Tommy also considers Renton a friend by confiding with him the problems he had with Lizzie. Renton felt sorry for Tommy when he found his Hiv unavoidable friend living in a horrible, filthy apartment. He tried to make amends by giving money to Tommy to pay the rent. This relationship is somewhat ironic because Tommy's downfall is caused by Renton when he stole Tommy and Lizzy's video. From the beginning, Renton and Sickboy's relationship does not seem strong. Renton is slightly jealous of Sickboy. This impression is born by the fact that Sickboy can verily overcome heroin just because Renton is trying to quit. Sickboy does not seem to have any problems dating girls in the disco scene whereas Renton did not like the females colse to him, except for Diane. Towards the end of the film, Renton states that Sickboy would betray him off as well if he plan about it first. Sickboy himself admits the fact.

Spud and Tommy are seen alone talking about sex a very underground issue since they both have a girlfriend. Their girlfriends also seem to be in reliance with each other. They are comfortable sharing problems: Spud - no sex in a six-week relationship; Tommy - forgetting Lizzy's birthday. He had a ticket for Iggy Pop for the same night. When Tommy dies, Spud sings him a song. This little act shows how much Spud cared for Tommy. Begbie's relationship with Renton is slightly contradictory. Begbie trusts Renton adequate to confide with him when he went out with a transsexual without knowing at first. However, Begbie threatens Renton on several occasions, his aggressive nature taking over all emotions. Renton pleases Begbie in general because he fears him. Renton tries not to oppose Begbie because he is "a psycho" At the end of the film Renton states that he did not care that he betrayed Begbie.

The relationship portrayed between mom classic and Renton cannot be termed as a friendship because ultimately mom Superior's business consists of selling drugs to Renton and the rest of the group. Still their relationship runs deeper than the normal dealer-user relationship. mom classic could have verily dumped Renton somewhere instead of calling a taxi to take him to hospital. However, some may doubt the gesture as generated due to friendship. The audience could believe that paying for the taxi is a little price to pay when compared to all the issue mom classic could get if found with a dead body.

Trainspotting could be described as conveying an anti-drugs message, which is portrayed straight through "character studies rather than a patronizing preach" This film presents its audience with more than one view of drug Throughout the film, the youth characters are frequently seen cooking heroin and injecting the latter into their bodies (, any way it also portrays the pain, agony, melancholy and unhappiness that are derived from this drug addiction . One could say that this film is a warning about the fears and perils of drug addiction, in general heroin addiction .

Trainspotting's anti-drug message in general lies within the film's quality to explicate and tackle the guess as to why young habitancy are attracted to drugs. Furthermore the film's power and success into presenting the audience with the negative results, damage and consequences that regain from this type of addiction transport this anti-drugs message more clearly. The film portrays these negative results and damages constantly throughout the film. The film and its characters enter a world of neglect, dieing babies, Aids, anxiety, depression, boredom and hopelessness. Moreover the other anti-drugs message that derives from this film "goes beyond causes and consequences in explaining that serious drug abuse is itself beyond cause and consequences: Renton asks, "Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?" .

Trainspotting deals with the mid 80's heroin subculture of Edinburgh, "when Pakistani smack had glutted the Uk market, becoming, for thousands of commonplace habitancy mired in unemployment, a cheaper means to oblivion than alcohol". It determination the likelihood of youth subcultures to surpass "their group class contect and form(ing) a class of their own" In this film even "nonravers" are portrayed as drug users, both in a literal sense ("state-sanctioned chemicals like alcohol or tranquilizers") and in a metaphorical sense ("Tv, videos, computer games, the adrenaline rush of football violence") .

Hebdige (1979:100) maintains that "style is an intentional communication." Barthes (N.D.) as cited in Hebdige (1979:100), differentiates between "subcultural" and "normal styles." The subcultural style collects those insistent mixtures of clothing, music, jargon and so on, and nearly exhibits a corresponding relationship to "the more accepted formulae (normal suits, ties, twin sets, etc.)". The clothes that individuals wear are superior within the constraint of preference, taste, cost etc. Such choices embrace a wide range of messages, which are communicated straight through the delicately discrete distinctions of a estimate of "interlocking sets" such as status, self-image and class. Subcultural styles distinguish themselves from normal styles as "they are fabricated and they display their own codes," and this is constantly portrayed throughout the film (Hebdige, 1979:100-101). straight through the clothes worn by the characters in the films, they are portraying the message that they do not belong to the "normal culture" but they belong to a class or subculture of their own; "I speak straight through my clothes" (Eco, 1973 as cited in Hebdige, 1979:100).

Trainspotting can be described as dark humor, but junkies' world over priced the film heartily. It's a film that is in general about habitancy that do not want to belong. Trainspotting is not the first film about heroin, but the first one that is a 'slap in our faces are both the grim realities of life at the tip of a needle and a freewheeling, pop-music-fueled glorification of the addicts' smack-happy existence' .

The Trainspotting soundtrack was wildly prosperous in the international charts after the issue of the film itself, in the 1990's. The music score is in general composed of favorite music. Sometimes the film takes the semblance of a music video, with conversation kept at a bare minimum. The scene and the soundtrack are unblemished and adequate for the viewer to understand. This is used several times and for separate purposes .

In the first ten minutes of the film, we are transfixed; watching as the anti hero Renton and Spud race straight through the streets and a voice over begins:"Choose life. choose a job. choose a career. choose a family. choose a fucking big television; choose washing machines, cars, contract disc players and electrical tin openers. choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. . . ."

This litany goes on and then we get a view of Renton lying in heroin stupor and the voice over ends with:

"But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?"

Accompanying this considerable scene is Iggy Pop's 'Lust for Life'. 'Lust for Life', in which the lyrics, are markedly subordinated to Renton's voice-over after the thumping chance few bars, so much so that the only lyrical fragments that can be heard are the chance line 'Here comes Johnny Yen again...' and the choral refrain ('I gotta lust for life'). Incidentally, Iggy Pop is notable for his past heroin abuse and is mentioned quite a lot in the film. The two at last come to signify each other - Mark Renton is the central character of the film, and Iggy Pop is the most foremost artist on the soundtrack album. Iggy Pop's music also lends a sense of rebellion to the film. We can consideration Iggy Pop's poster in one of the scenes too

Renton's knowledge of new music is little and this is seen when they go clubbing. Renton is ill at ease; he hasn't been out for a long time and is not in touch with the current music scene. This is where we have the inclusion of the songs Born Slippy and 'For what you dream of'. All this shows how Renton has been so wrapped up into his heroin habit that he is totally put of touch. The only song Renton recognizes is a song originally by Blondie called "Atomic' (an 80's song). The shift in emphasis is clear in Trainspotting itself as, although the musical character of the score gradually shifts from the proto-punk of Iggy Pop straight through to the more up-to-date waves of dance music

Some of the music was recorded purposely for the film. For example Pulp's "Mile End", which accompanies Mark Renton's inviting into a London flat. The lyrics of the song divulge the state of the flat he moves into:

"It smelt as if someone had died
The living room was full of flies.
The kitchen sink was blocked
The bathroom sink not there at all..."

Another song created by the group Leftfield for the film is ironically called 'The final Hit'. Throughout the film Renton takes many of his so called final hits. It is in general an instrumental track, with harmonic chords which discrepancy with a dark, approximately overpowering rhythm track. The discrepancy between harmony and rhythm may relate Mark Renton's mixed feelings at this point in the film - he desperately wants to give up heroin, but the feeling it gives him is too pleasurable.

As a whole the music used in the film is full of irony. For example when Renton is hallucinating that he is disappearing down the 'dirtiest toilet in Scotland', we hear a mellow piece of ambient music by Brian Eno, aptly called Deep Blue Day. The film takes a surreal twist here and we enter a world of soft sounds and images as Renton swims in a blue ocean. This all contrasts harshly with the reality of Renton digging into a filthy toilet to find his heroin suppositories, while he vomits uncontrollably

All of the songs in the soundtrack of Trainspotting have become important to habitancy who saw it and connect the songs to the film; to heroin. At this time, the term heroin chic was having great impact in the world. Heroin chic was a trend in the 90's that characterized the "thin, sickly look of junkies. Blank expression, waxy complexion, dark circles under the eyes, sunken cheeks, inordinate thinness, greasy hair" were seen on runway models showing the 'heroin chic' look and promoted in favorite magazine and fashion circles as 'chic'. This fragile, thin, and drug-addicted look was well-liked in the fashion world. In fact, in 1997 it was the basis of the advertising campaign of Calvin Klein. The heroin chic fashion provided deliberate upon and anti-drug groups protested. "Fashion designers, models such as Kate Moss and James King, and movies such as Trainspotting were blamed for glamorizing the heroin chic look and lifestyle"

Former Us President Bill Clinton condemned the heroin chic look and the 'heroin chic' fashion photography for sending a message that using the drug is 'glamorous' and 'sexy'. He said, "You do not need to glamorize addiction to sell clothes." As he saw it, the glorification of heroin "is not creative. It is destructive. It is not beautiful. It is ugly. And this is not about art. It is about life and death. And glorifying death is not good for any society" Not surprisingly much of the mainstream press and the dailies were horrified by the apparent glorification of heroin use in the film Trainspotting. Junkies were presented as righteous heroes choosing freedom over the tyranny of buyer society. Suddenly all values were inverted as viewers and readers were invited to identify and empathise with low-lifes who would think nothing of spending all day watching telly and shooting heroin. Trainspotting helped a new morbid fascination with the drug heroin by portraying considerable role models in the movie. For years heroin has been very favorite in the lives of young celebrities for example River Phoenix (who died of an overdose in 1992).

Trainspotting was a great hit and could be seen of more than advertisement than a film. Even years after the film was released, the film about heroin addiction is was of the best marketed films that portrays cultural images of the heroin subcultures. Trainspotting has received a cult following. The film addresses both the problems of heroin addiction from a user point of view to an anti-drug point of view. Trainspotting manages to shock us, terrify and disgust us one moment and make us laugh the next. Trainspotting does not verily have a plot but naturally effect the daily lives of this group of junkies

Drugs are the main focus of this film. In the 1990's a new wave of music and drugs started to emerge. Heroin was seen as old-fashioned (Iggy Pop). With the film Trainspotting heroin was given the spotlight. Characters like Sick Boy and Renton became idols for rebellious teenagers who wanted to experiment in drugs, felt disillusioned, unattached from society. Trainspotting became the bible to this new generation of heroin junkies. They had a soundtrack and idols to emulate. On the other hand one could have viewed the film as it is; an ironic and cynical peep hole into the lives of a group of heroin addicts. The tragedy of the film is apparent to the viewer, but than it is up to the private to explicate it.

Trainspotting diagnosis

[[[Watch it to believe it]]] Hiroshima Atom Bomb Impact

[[[Watch it to believe it]]] Hiroshima Atom Bomb Impact Video Clips. Duration : 9.50 Mins.

Hiroshima bomb impact documentary video made. FYI : * This video is not from (any) film , its a short documentary video , as it is. ** Plz feel free to share and link the video , I have made it Public. *** Thanks for all the appreciation **** Love you too Haters :)

Keywords: Hiroshima, atom, bomb, dangerous, danger, fire, impact, documentary, movie, disaster, war, bombing, atombomb, kam, sidhu, Nuclear, Destruction, Watch (TV Channel), Weapons, Power, Blast, Destroy

Monday, January 23, 2012

Neem Neem Shahad Shahad - : 11/30/11

Neem Neem Shahad Shahad - : 11/30/11 Video Clips. Duration : 20.90 Mins.

Sonali tells Vikram to stop right there and that she will not allow him to enter her room....and that he should do his work for which he has come and then leave....Usha is very upset and Ranjan is trying to console her and say that everything will be alright... and that Nirali will also learn her responsibilities....Sejal is trying to call Modi house and luckily this time Kinjal picks up and she gathers all information.... and also learns that there is a new guest in the house Vikram....

Keywords: Creative, Eye, Neem Neem Shahad Shahad, Sejal Shah, Lily Patel, Surendra Pal, Hasmukh, Vidya Sinha, Amrapali Gupta, Pankaj Berry, Anita Kulkarni, :Joint, family, Nuclear family, marriage, Yesterday episode, Last episode

Sunday, January 22, 2012

200 West Stack Demolition

200 West Stack Demolition Video Clips. Duration : 4.10 Mins.

The stacks and support structures of the 284 West Power House (coal, not nuclear) at the Hanford Site were taken down on February 18, 2011, using explosive demolition.

Keywords: 284 West Power House, Hanford Site, explosive demolition, 200 West Area, environmental cleanup, Department of Energy, deconstruction

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fukushima nuclear plant - Two Flyovers shot in high definition

Fukushima nuclear plant - Two Flyovers shot in high definition Video Clips. Duration : 6.37 Mins.

I found this today and it shows the extent of the damage at the plant. Here's a great site to get the latest real news about the situation. Arnie Gundersen www.fairewinds.com

Keywords: Japan Nuclear Disaster, Fukushima nuclear plant, quality, destruction, weapons, nuclear, helicopter

Free vigor Generator - Free Power From Home

What's the adored formula to furnish your own electricity?

Most homeowners turn to wind turbines and solar panels as a free vigor generator, but the above-mentioned have many disadvantages. They are confounding to install, pricey to shop for and unworkable in adverse weather. Is there a best way to furnish free power?

Nuclear Reactor

When compared to coarse methods, a magnetic motor has several benefits as a free electricity generator.

In contrast to solar panels and wind turbines, you can build a magnetic power generator at home with token mechanical knowledge and very small cash. Everyone with free vigor generator plans is able to build one.

Additionally, a magnetic power generator expends less area in the home when compared to wind turbines and solar panels. As an extra benefit, a magnetic motor makes hardly any or zero noise and has no emissions.

A magnetic motor depends on magnetic fields powering a turbine, and that means the weather never influences its operation. Magnetic polarity therein causes constant movement, and they never need external soldiery to drive such a free power generator.

So how does a magnetic motor function as a free vigor generator?

Magnetic motors, intended to create free power without any external vigor or a fuel source, are still met with disbelief about how they function and why they do. Historians acknowledge Howard Johnson as the inventor of the first functioning magnetic power generator. He collected U.S. Patent No. 4,151,431 for his invention.

Free magnetic power generators harness the power of permanent magnets to furnish free electricity. The polarity potential in permanent magnets produces an sufficient furnish of force to spin the blades of a turbine. The spinning turbine produces the free power. A magnetic vigor generator is a true perpetual request for retrial gadget.

The builder, Howard Johnson, speculated that the vigor from a free vigor generator arises from revolving electrons in an unnamed molecular particle. This creates a "free" source of vigor in the same way that atomic weapons and nuclear reactors do. It harnesses the vigor of the atom.

An investigation showed that free magnetic motors are capable vigor sources. Howard Johnson, the designer, wrapped specialized magnets in foil, put them in an arc, and aligned them to make free power. He put a synthetic sheet on the magnetic arrangement to carry a replica railway car and path. When arranged at one end, the car traveled fast from one end of the track to the next. Even up a gradual incline, the train still had sufficient free electricity to move along the track.

This test, along with three U.S. Patents earned by the creator, incontrovertibly demonstrated the usefulness of magnetic vigor generators in the pursuance of free power for domestic purposes.

For the solitary homeowner, a magnetic motor might be the adored choice as a free vigor generator. You can cut down your electric bill, come to be more self-sufficient and advantage the environment all by making your own power at home. You just need free vigor generator plans, a incorporate of parts from the tool store and a bit of time to come to be vigor self-reliant!

Functioning as an asset, a free vigor generator is one of the lowest-risks with the most reward. Set it up it on one occasion, and you will save money on your electric bill indefinitely.

Free vigor Generator - Free Power From Home

Friday, January 20, 2012

Lewis Black on Nuclear Holocaust

Lewis Black on Nuclear Holocaust Video Clips. Duration : 2.28 Mins.

Lewis Black talking about what his government did to ease his mind during the cold war.

Tags: Lewis, Black, cold, war, holocaust, atomic, bomb

Strike Packages de MW3 (Análisis de las rachas)

Strike Packages de MW3 (Análisis de las rachas) Tube. Duration : 11.07 Mins.

Leed la descripción: Strike Packages de MW3 / Rachas de bajas de Modern Warfare 3: Asalto, Apoyo y Especialista. Lista de reproducción: www.youtube.com Canal de Vlogs www.youtube.com Sígueme en Twitter twitter.com Sígueme en Facebook www.facebook.com Live streaming www.ustream.tv

Tags: ventajas, mw3, call, of, duty, modern, warfare, carroñero, fantasma, asesino, ninja, silencio, mortal, chaleco, antibalas, blast, shield, dual, revolver, thedualrevolver, overkill, prestidigitación, condicionamento, extremo, blind, eye, stalker, sitrep, informe, de, situacion, mw2, cod4, machinima, respawn, rachas, bajas, pave, low, ac130, artillero, torreta, uav, contraespionaje, nuke, bomba, nuclear, pickle9000

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Facts About Crude Oil

Crude oil, also well-known as petroleum, is the term used for "unprocessed oil". Naturally derived from decaying plants and animals, crude oil is a fossil fuel.

Crude oil is made up of discrete elements or compounds such as carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, metals and salts. Due it to its constituency, crude oil differs in color from plain to tar-black and in viscosity, from water to nearly solid.

Nuclear Reactor

The main component of crude oil is hydrocarbon, which contains a lot of energy. Hence, crude oil is used in generating many forms of energy such as gasoline, diesel and other fuel oils.

Hydrocarbons are considered to be versatile because it can be used in many separate forms. By chemically treating it in separate ways, many things such as artificial rubber, nylon and plastic can be made out of hydrocarbon.

Also, petroleum is used as the unprocessed material for many chemical products such as pesticides, fertilizers and pharmaceuticals.

It is believed that due to its high energy density, plenty availability and trouble-free transportability, crude oil has become the world's most imperative source of energy.

It is estimated that the present utilization of crude oil is about 90 million barrels per day. Studies impart that the proportion of oil is persistently plummeting as petroleum recovery is getting intricate. At this addition consumption levels, soon these reserves would be gone and lead to a global energy crisis. Also, crude oils release carbon dioxide when they are burnt, which has impacted our environment and led to global warming.

Facts About Crude Oil

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

In 2012, Where to Assemble After the Continental Shift?

Our Earth turns counter-clockwise. In Timaeus, Plato described the shifting in the Earth's crust as follows: "The globe makes all kinds of movements, forwards and backwards and then downward, wandering in all directions." This uncommon portrayal of the behavior of the Earth's covering perfectly describes a polar reversal. At the end of 2012, once the polar reversal has taken place, the Earth will begin rotating clockwise. At this time the Earth's crust will have shifted, pushing North America in the direction of the pole. It will seem as if the Earth is curious itself in all directions: from left to right and from below to above and vice versa. There are fullness of directions the continents can move in! But where will they end up?

Fourteen thousand years ago the scientists of Aha-Men-Ptah calculated that their whole continent would be destroyed completely, come 9792 Bc. With great certainty, they knew how the Earth would start behaving. It is highly probable that they based their predictions on the polar shift of 29,808 Bc. They must have speculated that the same type of shift would take place in 9792, but in reverse, leading them to the closing that the continents would drift back in the opposite direction. After many calculations they also figured out that their whole continent would come to be the South Pole and would therefore frost over and come to be uninhabitable. For that presume they decided to lay plans for a mass exodus to take place on that fateful day. Many were able to flee despite the multitude of difficulties they encountered, among them, a civil war.

Nuclear Power

Escape and Overpopulation
Because the Atlanteans had hundreds of years of establishment to survive the last cataclysm, there are billions, instead of tens of millions, of habitancy living in the world today. Taking this into consideration, we encounter an unfortunate moral and ecological question: would it be great that a great many or that only a vital few should survive? For the time being, this demand need not be answered. Few know about the forthcoming catastrophe. Even fewer are convinced of taking measures to ensure anyone's survival. Possibly only a few thousand will survive, a petite fraction of the percentage that survived twelve thousand years ago.

The reasons we will suffer such devastation are simple: lack of establishment and planning. The last time a polar shift occurred, the Atlanteans were prepared. They had built enough unsinkable boats to carry every person off the continent. They had also devised an evacuation plan, which they practiced in establishment for the advent event. Presently, there are few ships available to the group that will withstand the devastation of a polar reversal. There is no plan for escape.

A Catastrophic Shift?
In the event a polar shift of greater magnitude than incredible should occur, all our gift plans may be futile; that is to say, in a case such as one wherein the gift polar landmasses would shift all the way to the equator in a very short period of time. Such a drastic shift would have disastrous effects on planetary life.

In the July 25th 1997 issue of Science magazine, there is published proof that such a monumental polar shift can occur. The facts were gathered by researchers of the California organize of Technology and communicate to a period of 535 million years ago. Geologists at the California organize discovered "that a turn of 90 degrees had occurred in the turning direction of the Earth's axis." Landmasses that were previously situated at the North and South Poles slid around the Earth and stopped on the equator. Two opposite points that were previously situated on the equator became the new poles. The researchers compiled the evidence found at the base of stones deposited while and after this interval of time, and discovered geophysical proof that all the big continents were branch to an impulse movement, a rapid, catastrophic rotation of great proportions curious the whole Earth's crust.

Should we experience a catastrophe of the same magnitude as mentioned above, our numbers will drastically decrease. Few habitable areas will be left on Earth for some time due to the fact that the land under the South Pole is freezing and buried under ample amounts of ice. When newly situated at the equator, the continent will want time to melt before anything will be able to live there. Currently habitable areas will come to be colder and less able to reserve life.

According to the facts, a shift this drastic hasn't occurred in 535 million years. However chances are that this could be when it happens again. A petite polar shift is disastrous enough; a ninety-degree polar shift would be a serious nightmare!

The current theory rests on a shift of thirty, maybe forty degrees; a bit farther than the old shift. The longer the sun contains its energy, the more power there will be to unleash when it comes time to release it. A somewhat larger shift in the Earth's covering structure is expected, but in the opposite direction than what took place in 9792 Bc. Let's hope the conservative assessment is true.

This brings us back to locating potential places that may furnish enough space for human survival. The Earth's crust is fairly rigid so the shape of the continental landmasses should not deviate much from their pre-catastrophic forms. Necessary differences can occur, but the whole should remain more or less the same; however, some parts will rise above sea level, while others will sink below it.

The sliding around of the lithosphere is what causes us the greatest consternation. When the crust loses its anchor, the continents will move around on the covering of the Earth; this will restrict the amount of available choices for habitation. Doing some homework though, we may be able to map out some scenarios in advance, based on a shift of thirty to forty degrees for North America. The reality after the catastrophe, optimistically, should not differ much from at least one of our models. These models make it potential to pick out several beginning points for a new civilization. Pessimistically, the shift can turn out very separate from our predictions, so we need to keep our options as wide open as possible. Should a beginning place fail to be suitable, we need to have a few backup locations chosen to take its place.

The assembly places we are selecting are leading to habitancy who want to survive the tidal wave with the help of unsinkable boats. After the catastrophe habitancy in these boats will be separated from others in their boats, large distances of wide-open ocean between them. Groups of survivors will be completely alone, adrift on the open sea. Without a proper plan, chances for continued survival are slim; the odds of restarting a new civilization without those habitancy diminish. The bigger the group, the great are our chances for survival. By establishing potential meeting places beforehand, we are offering every person the quality to reach a new place they can call home where they will meet others who have the same goal in mind. In order to originate this reality, we need to take the following into account:

Meeting places need to be prioritized and restricted to a determined number-a maximum of five assembly places per model. In order for us to survive the "nuclear winter", designated meeting places have to be situated as close to the equator as possible.

According scientific calculations, choices would have to be situated in the following areas:

* South America (somewhere at the height of Lake Titicaca)
* Africa (Dragon Mountains)
* Asia (India, Thailand or Borneo)

In 2012, Where to Assemble After the Continental Shift?

Monday, January 16, 2012

History Channel Modern Marvels Power Plants NuclearAge Part 1 of 5

History Channel Modern Marvels Power Plants NuclearAge Part 1 of 5 Tube. Duration : 9.85 Mins.

Tags: History, Channel, Modern, Marvels, Power, Plants, xvid, mp3, nuclearage

Another Major US War? | Iran's Nuclear Weapons

Another Major US War? | Iran's Nuclear Weapons Tube. Duration : 7.37 Mins.

Is Iran developing nuclear weapons, despite denying such claims? A "trusted source" is indicating that they indeed are. Follow me on Twitter, twitter.com Link to Article, edition.cnn.com Video Links, TheGUNNShop Video: www.youtube.com NGT Minecraft Video: www.youtube.com

Tags: News, iran, US, france, nuke, nuclear, weapon, threat, world, issue, thegunnshop, World Issue, General Interest

Sunday, January 15, 2012


BEFORE THE DAWN - Deathstar Tube. Duration : 3.55 Mins.

The brand new clip of Suomis very own Dark Metal legends BEFORE THE DAWN! New Album "Deathstar Rising" out February 25, 2011 on Nuclear Blast!

Keywords: before the dawn, black sun aeon, dawn of solace, tuomas saukkonen, deadsong, deadlight, katatonia, dissection

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Another Day with Olga Kay - Russian Nuclear Submarine

Another Day with Olga Kay - Russian Nuclear Submarine Tube. Duration : 8.67 Mins.

Posters bit.ly My website - OlgaKay.com People in the video Olga Kay ‪http INTRO by Patrick www.youtube.com VLOGGZEYS season 1-4 www.youtube.com Playlists that will save you from boredom SKETCH COMEDY- ‪bit.ly EMO GIRL - ‪bit.ly ASK OLGA KAY- ‪bit.ly GAMING- ‪bit.ly NURSERY RHYMES- ‪bit.ly 2010 VIDEOS - ‪bit.ly TUBE TOP- ‪bit.ly VLOGS - ‪bit.ly OTHER YOUTUBE CHANNELS OlgaKay's show- ‪youtube.com Iphone Channel- ‪youtube.com Mushka's channel - ‪youtube.com Gaming - ‪www.youtube.com STORE: MOOSHooS - ‪www.tweakfootwear.com SHIRTS - ‪olgakaydesigner.spreadshirt.com‬ CONNECT with me http ‪twitter.com ‪www.facebook.com ‪imdb.com ‪www.olgakay.tumblr.com‬ MY IPHONE APP ‪‪http OlgaKay POBOX 17782 Van Nuys, CA 91416 Intro by www.youtube.com show some love :D See you guys next time!!! Hugs Olga aka MOOSH mommy

Keywords: olga, kay, russian, russia, st., petersburg, traveling, family, war, weapons, moosh, army, will, dominate

NUKES, TVA, Health & Safety, The NRC & the Nuclear Industry With Ann Harris

NUKES, TVA, Health & Safety, The NRC & the Nuclear Industry With Ann Harris Video Clips. Duration : 58.18 Mins.

Nukes, TVA, Health & Safety, The NRC & the Nuclear Industry With Ann Harris Part 1 On 7/9/2011 Tennessee Valley Authority nuclear plant whistleblower Ann Harris talks about her life and struggles at the TVA in the fight for health and safety and justice on the job. Harris has not only defended herself but many other nuclear industry workers. She also talks about the control of the TVA and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission by the industry and their trade organization the Nuclear Energy Industry NEI. More information at www.cbsnews.com www.cbsnews.com www.bernabeipllc.com Part 2 Of Harris Interview www.youtube.com Production of Labor Video Project www.laborvideo.org laborvideo.blip.tv

Tags: nei tva, osha, nuclear industry, nrc, ann harris, whistleblower, US department of energy, cover-up, terrorism, bullying on the job, worker rights, free speech, US department of labor, health and safety, watts, bar, laborvideo

Friday, January 13, 2012

Inepsy - City Weapons

Inepsy - City Weapons Video Clips. Duration : 5.33 Mins.

Tags: Inepsy, City Weapons, D-Beat, Road Warrior, civilizationsdead

Bomba Nuclear Express!! Modern Warfare 2

Bomba Nuclear Express!! Modern Warfare 2 Video Clips. Duration : 3.95 Mins.

Nuclear Spas 12 AQUI!!: www.youtube.com Canal de Richar: www.youtube.com Sigueme en: Mi 2º canal: www.youtube.com twitter: twitter.com

Tags: Willyrex, thewillyrex

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Three Ways to Save Fuel and power With Magnets

The principles behind using a fine magnetic field to enhance fuel burn in combustion engines is nothing new. Magnetic fields were use to enhance the combustion of fuel as early as 1940s. The Us air force used magnets on their Mustang aircraft and produced greater range and execution from poor ability fuel. In 1952, Felix Bloch and Edward Mills Purcell were jointly awarded a Nobel Prize for their work on magnetic fields on solid, liquid and gas substances.

There are three ways magnets save power and fuel.

Nuclear Reactor

Attach a magnet to the fuel lead pipe of your burner. The magnet conditions the fuel allowing greater combustion. This happens immediately. You produce more heat for the same whole of fuel and harmful emission is cut. I have Calorgas (Liquid Petroleum Gas) central heating. Since attaching a magnet, my direct debit has been cut by 110%. If your boiler is old and inefficient, instead of buying a new boiler, try a magnet first.

In expanding the cleaner burn means that the boiler will need less servicing and lasts longer. If your boiler is already efficient, then the benefit will be less. You cannot generate power during a chemical reaction. Magnets, however, allow as close to 100% combustion. Instead of buying an high-priced new boiler, attach a magnet.

Attach a magnet to the fuel feed of your car and your save fuel, power and sacrifice emission. The magnet improves combustion. This produces good miles per gallon, more power and a smoother running engine.

In 1992, The Warren Springs Laboratories, the Uk Government Dti's own car testing department, were commissioned to carry out extensive trials on the benefits of magnetic fuel on motor vehicles and were very surprised by the results. Their 16-page in-depth description confirmed increased power, improved fuel cheaper and a discount in harmful emissions.

If your car is old with poor emission levels, the magnet will gently clean the engine. So initially the emission will be higher than expected but ultimately the level will drop significantly. A friend of mine tows a caravan with his Peugeot 2L Hdi Partner Quicksilver. Since attaching a magnet his mpg has jumped up a added 10 mpg. Normally you would expect about 10% improvement.

Magnets stop and sacrifice lime scale. Lime scale forms because the solubility of calcium carbonate decreases with increased temperature. As calcium carbonate separates out, lime scale is formed.

Lime scale affects heat transfer. A layer of calcium carbonate 25mm. Thick can decrease heat exchange by 95% and a 0.5mm layer of silica causes a decrease of 90%. In expanding if lime scale collects on the heating element in your hot water tank, the element will not last long. Lime scale causes problems in washing machines.

If a magnet is attached at an angle perpendicular to the flow of water, it stops the lime scale deposits and breaks down the deposited lime scale. No one knows exactly why this happens but the magnet keeps calcium and magnesium in explication and stops them separating out and producing lime scale. It also lowers surface tension and stabilises pH. The magnetised water will safe your washing engine but will not stop lime scales in your kettle. This is because the magnetic succeed is neutralised when the kettle is boiled.

So there you have it. With fuel prices going upwards at regular intervals, attach a magnet to your boiler, your water principles and your car and save energy, save fuel, save money, sacrifice emission and prolong the life of your boiler and car.

With global warming a major current issue, it is up to all of us to do our bit. In Germany, if your boiler emission level is too high, your pay a fine. One day it will come to Britain and Usa. If you have emission problem, a magnet will speedily solve it. The right magnet will keep its magnetic properties for 100 years and you take it with you when you move home or change cars. It needs no maintenance. You just simply forget about it.

Copyright 2006 Dr Phil Hariram

Three Ways to Save Fuel and power With Magnets

Petroleum - Its Uses And Benefits

Petroleum or crude oil is a plainly occurring liquid found in formations in the Earth consisting of a involved aggregate of hydrocarbons (mostly alkanes) of discrete lengths. Petroleum certainly means rock oil; oil that comes from rock. Petroleum or Crude Oil is a plainly occurring hydrocarbon-based liquid which is sometimes gift in porous rocks below the earth's surface. Petroleum is formed by the slow alteration of organic remains over time. It consists of a aggregate of liquid hydrocarbon compounds and varies widely in composition, color, density, and viscosity. This liquid after distillation yields a range of combustible fuels, petrochemicals, and lubricants. Compounds and mixtures of compounds separated from crude petroleum by distillation comprise gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, fuel oil, some types of alcohol, benzene, heavy naphtha, separate grades of lubricating oils and residuum. Petroleum is commonly classified agreeing to the predominance of paraffin or asphalted compounds and accordingly is said to have a paraffin base, an intermediate base, or an asphalt base.

Oil wells are drilled as deep as six miles into the Earth to hunt for petroleum. These wells can cost millions of dollars to drill, yet drilling is done because petroleum is a critical natural resource. Although the major use of petroleum is as a fuel (gasoline, jet fuel, heating oil) and petroleum and natural gas are often used to originate electricity, there are many other uses as well.

Nuclear Reactor

Here are some of the ways petroleum is used in our every day lives. All plastic is made from petroleum and plastic is used almost everywhere, in cars, houses, toys, computers and clothing. Asphalt used in road construction is a petroleum stock as is the artificial rubber in the tires. Paraffin wax comes from petroleum, as do fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, detergents, phonograph records, photographic film, furniture, containers materials, surfboards, paints and artificial fibers used in clothing, upholstery, and rug backing. Helium, sulfur and other critical materials are produced from oil wells along with petroleum itself. Petroleum is used principally as a source of fuel and lubricating oils. Only when these supplies are restricted or threatened does the average someone begin to realize their importance.

The top three oil producing countries are Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the United States. About 80% of the world's effortlessly accessible reserves are placed in the Middle East, with 62.5% arrival from the five Arab countries: Saudi Arabia (12.5%), U.A.E., Iraq, Qatar and Kuwait. Millions of citizen colse to the world are employed to find or yield petroleum, ship and refine it and design and store the many oils and waxes made from it.

Although there are many alternatives to petroleum fuels, an determination of costs and benefits shows that petroleum is classic in most every area. Hydrogen, ethanol, hybrid, and biomass technologies are promising for automobiles and may soon growth efficiency and sell out emissions; but many of these technologies have not yet proven sufficiently profitable to providers or inspiring to consumers. Petroleum retains a key benefit because the price of oil remains low compared to forms of energy with lower environmental impacts, like wind and solar power. Unlike hydrogen or even natural gas, oil is certainly portable and there is a vast infrastructure in place to keep its use.

There are many factors due to which oil prices are rising but still petroleum is a necessity. These reasons are lack of ready capacity over the oil supply chain in production, refinery upgrading and transportation infrastructure; surging interrogate in emerging economies; apparent insensitivity of consumers to the price signal; uncertainties linked to the weather (hurricanes) or to politics (Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Nigeria); and expanding activity in the commodities markets. It is not very useful to blame any single player in the game. This could pose danger to the cheaper and company of the world.

Therefore, benefits of petroleum have brought enumerable benefits to human civilization: ability of life, dynamic prosperity and a source of earnings to energy traders.

Petroleum - Its Uses And Benefits

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Skyline Nuke Scene with Predator Drones and Stealth Bomber Fighter UAV

Skyline Nuke Scene with Predator Drones and Stealth Bomber Fighter UAV Video Clips. Duration : 4.23 Mins.

***SPOILER*** GTFO IF YOU DIDN'T SEE IT YET!! en.wikipedia.org Predator Drones + Northrop Grumman X-47Bs + Nuclear Missile = win right? Yea, CynicalVision was right, xD. YOU KNOW WHAAAAT YOUTUBERS LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL I don't even frakking know anymore, take it with a grain of salt hahahah. -My Initial Thought And I thought there was going to be a plasma shield. Wasn't as epic as the Independence Day "up yours" if you ask me. =\ But then again how many times have we seen motherships fall down? lol; not that many if I can recall... -You know after watching this again and again.... all they needed was a stronger nuke... to vaporize the entire mothership. Kind of like in DBZ when Cell regenerated because only parts of him were destroyed; gotta vaporize him entirely, right? =\ GO WATCH THE MOVIE ALREADY; lul. Let's go Skyline 2, your scripts already ready. ^^ Skyline Nuke Scene with Predator Drones and Stealth Bomber Fighter UAV

Keywords: Skyline, 2010, Nuke, Nuclear, Warhead, america, united, states, of, girl, guy, not, avatar, fat, stupid, blond, chick, stereotypes, predator, drones, b2, bombers, stealth, independence, day, transformers, Los, Angeles, comes, up, with, plan, to, escape, on, boat, like, in, dawn, the, dead, siege, movie, rated, no, zombies, aliens, invasion, hydras, widescreen, drift, fallout, nasa, ufo, weapons, drifting, missile, nissan, ovni, ufos, Northrop, Grumman, X-47B, space, speed, destruction, flying, air force, compilation, airplane, scifi television show, sinblesser

Tale of Two Cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Tale of Two Cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki Tube. Duration : 12.05 Mins.

The Time was near noon upon the pontoons as we watched the bomber fly over, August 6th was the date, Colonel Tibbits huge weight resting squarely upon his broad Shoulders His eyes told truth that the people will soon be vapor and shadows from his mission His Mother's name on the side of the B-29 that delivers his fate filled decision The project was completed our foe was defeated, To save generations of souls. Atomic Destruction, Population Reduction in a Flash Eighty Thousand became Bones. -J1

Tags: A Tale Of Two Cities, Atom, Bomb, Vanish, People, Kill, Death, Nuclear, Nuclear Weapon, Destruction, Atomic, Weapons, World, Memories, Blast, Power, Tears, Destroy, americanbandwidth

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Panel energizes nuclear power debate

Panel energizes nuclear power debate Tube. Duration : 2.22 Mins.

Ninety-five percent of the electricity produced in Indiana comes from coal and new efforts by the president and Congress to limit carbon emissions will force Indiana utilities to reduce their reliance on coal generation.

Keywords: Panel, energizes, nuclear, power, debate, wish

John McDermott~Farewell to Pripchat

John McDermott~Farewell to Pripchat Video Clips. Duration : 5.15 Mins.

A sad and moving song from John this time... Those of you who listen to Chalie and the Bhoys will reconise the tune and some of the words from 'Albert Kidd'. Tim Donnehy wrote this about a small town (Prypiat) not far from Chernobyl. Pripyat is an abandoned city in the 'Zone of Alienation' in northern Ukraine, Kiev Oblast, near the border with Belarus. It was home to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant workers. The city was abandoned in 1986 following the Chernobyl disaster. 50000 people used to live here; now it's a ghost town. This has also recorded by Christy Moore If anyone feels I have made a mistake, please do not hesitate to contact me. en.wikipedia.org

Tags: John, mcdermott, Farewell, to, Pripchat, Prypiat, Chernobyl, disaster, Glasgow, Celtic, 88

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Book: "Atomic Cover-Up: Two US Soldiers, Hiroshima & Nagasaki"

New Book: "Atomic Cover-Up: Two US Soldiers, Hiroshima & Nagasaki" Video Clips. Duration : 2.18 Mins.

To ORDER BOOK or E-BOOK editions, or read more: gregmitchellwriter.blogspot.com In my latest book (print or e-book) "Atomic Cover-Up: Two US Soldiers, Hiroshima & Nagasaki, and The Greatest Movie Never Made," I probe a turning point in US history: the suppression of film footage, for decades, shot by a US Army unit in the atomic cities -- a wrong turn with staggering consequences even today. This is a detective story, a profile of two remarkable military officers, and one of the last little-told stories of World War II. The cover-up even extended to MGM and Hollywood--and to President Truman. And there was no WikiLeaks to get the film aired. To ORDER BOOK at .95 gregmitchellwriter.blogspot.com Or E-book version just .99 (for Kindle, all phones, iPads, Blackberry, PCs) at Amazon here: amzn.to You do NOT need a KIndle. My email: epic1934@aol.com As co-author of the classic "Hiroshima in America" and eleven other books, I've written about elements of this story for leading newspapers and magazines, but now I tell the full saga here, based on new research -- from the Truman Library to Nagasaki. Praise for my "Hiroshima in America" book: "A great book" -- Los Angeles Times. "Compelling reading." -- The New York Times. "Excellent." -- The Washington Post. All front page reviews. The new book opens this way: "This is the story of twenty hours of film footage, blazing with color, shot in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in early 1946 by a US military crew, that would change the lives ...

Tags: atomic bomb, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Japan 1945, atomic, nuclear war, nuclear weapons, Truman, World War II, World War Two, cover-up, coverup, dropping the bomb, nuclear, radiation, radioactive, power, destruction, blast, three, missile, book, history, conflict, warfare, explosions, educational, Sinclair, 34

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hillary - Obama & 66.6 Years of Presidents Who Worshiped the Beast

This description was submitted the 4th of February 2008. It was last updated Oct. 15, 2011. The year 2008 is leading in order to show that it had essentially accurate predictions, even with updates, which are sometimes in brackets]. This description predated the choosing of Obama by approximately a year.

Hillary, Obama & the Anti-Christ movement in America

Nuclear Power

What will the Hillary-Obama White House be like? If this Bible study is accurate, our nation could be on the road to civil war between Christians and Anti-Christs.

This information is investment that is based on an in-depth Bible study. It has predictions about Us Presidents and catastrophic events. They might be true or false because they are the products of a fallible human mind. It is your responsibility to do your own Bible study and make your own judgments.

The identities of end-time presidents of the United States and prime ministers of Britain are in the Bible. The casual reader will never identify them because the Bible is designed in such a way as to reward population agreeing to the sincerity and intensity of their study efforts. If a someone puts forth a great deal of time and effort, God might open up the deep treasures that He keeps inexpressive from casual readers. Also, God does not allow atheists to have thorough technical and/or spiritual understanding of His word.

This Bible study is the ensue of 17 years of effort. That is a very long time! It is about Hillary Clinton, Us presidents and other national leaders. The years of their terms in office are revealed by an old Freemason prophecy calendar that I have been rediscovering.

God's evaluation of safe bet presidents

It is apparent that God opened up some deep secrets because this study has revealed details about some private presidents whose terms were and are between 1989 and 2012. This study also reveals God's personal view of the policies of singular presidents in the 66.6-year span between 1945 and 2012. For example, the policies of President Reagan are very indispensable in God's mind. I would tell you what God thinks about them but I would be digressing. This description is generally about Us presidents in office from 1989 to 2012.

This Bible study has two basic parts. One part has been the Scriptural identity of private Us presidents and God's view of their policies. The other part has been the singular years of their terms in office.

I offer versions of the Forefather's Prophecy Calendar as a complement to this singular Bible study. This calendar has given us the dates of Hillary's 2009-2012 time in the White House [update: Hillary might continue to be in the White House after 2012]. This study does not clearly identify Hillary as President. She could be president, vice president or an influential member of the cabinet. It could be that she begins as vice president and becomes president after Obama dies while in office. This study does indicate the death of a male president.

The last president in a 66.6-year span

Hillary Clinton has the divergence of being the last of a series of leading White House officials leading up to the year 2012 [update: She might continue beyond 2012]. I use the term legal to delineate Hillary because she need not be a president. She might be a president, vice president, cabinet member or other staff member. Regardless of her position, she will have a mighty affect on policies and laws.

2012 is both a transitional year and a culminating year. The presidential inauguration (November 2012) will be the culmination of 66.6 years of evil rule since the death (in April 1945) of the last proper president of the United States, who was Franklin Roosevelt. Hillary and/or Obama are within the 66.6-year span, which means that they are not proper to God.

It appears that they will not break the cycle of unrighteous leadership although they have a mandate to break it. I wish they would break the pattern but it appears they will not and/or cannot break it.

[Update Aug-28-2009: between the death of Fdr death, April-12-1946, and the choosing of Nov-6-2012, there are 66 years, 6 months and 6 days. 24314 days are 66.6 years]

This 66.6-year span is an approximately selfsame repetition of Old Testament history. For 66.6 years, evil kings ruled Israel. At the end of that 66.6-year span, God began to execute members of the evil ruling dynasty of Ahab and Jezebel. We suspect that God would begin to eliminate presidents, first ladies, advisors and congressional leaders.

The next Franklin Roosevelt ends 66.6 years of infamy

The year 2012 marks a turning point. Before 2012, God will have allowed events to run their courses. For example, Us presidents would have been chosen straight through normal procedures. However, God would begin to demote and promote presidents after 2012. Eventually, God would hand pick a soldiery normal to be president.

It appears that God wants a Us president like Franklin Roosevelt to take the United States straight through tumultuous end-time events. You recall that Franklin Roosevelt guided the nation straight through the Great Depression and World War Ii. He also prevented a Marxist/communist takeover when many frustrated citizens carefully Marxist communism to be an alternative to the corporate controlled government in Washington Dc.

The years 2012 to 2015 correspond to the end of Elijah's ministry, which was to overthrow evil Ahab, Jezebel and their sons. God then used Elisha to make a new king in Old Testament Israel [corresponding to possibly 2015 or 2016 Ad].

That singular king had been a soldiery general, and he had a mandate from God to restore the government to founding principles. A similar attempt is described in Malachi. An end-time Elijah was to return and to turn the hearts of the end-time generation back to the noble visions of their Forefathers. That is other way of saying that our gift government has gotten off track and it needs to be put back on track.

According to this Bible study, Franklin Roosevelt was the last proper president in the eyes of God. He corresponds to Israelite kings who ruled Israel prior to the 66.6 years of infamy.

Presidents who worship the Beast

The year 2012 is highly leading because in that year God will begin to reverse bad trends that had been taking place under Us presidents in the 66.6-year span. Those trends have been evil in the eyes of God.

The numbers 666 are indispensable because government leaders in those 66.6 years have done many wicked things that hurt citizens. We can celebrate when those 66.6 years of infamy finally come to an end because corrupt leaders with the bestial nature will begin to be purged from our nation's capital.

This singular study associates corrupt American leadership to the numbers 666, and the worship of the Beast. In the 66.6 years since 1945, we have had presidents, congressmen and judges who worshipped the Beast in discrete ways.

The political theory has not advanced in the way that God would have liked. For example, many members of congress hold office plainly because they are from wealthy aristocratic families. These families have had the money to finance political campaigns. They also have had connections and influence. These aristocratic developments are not in line with America's nobler ideals and God's wishes.

In the Books of Kings we read that Elijah ministered while tumultuous times. We can assess those times with our time and see that an end-time Elijah will also do his ministry while tumultuous times.

Obama and Hillary Clinton might trigger tumult because of their left-wing beliefs and policies. If we assess the times of Elijah to our time, we might stop that there would be major divisions and even violence. The left and right would struggle over power and policies.

This struggle would be very violent at times. It would not be just a battle of words. By the time Old Testament Elijah and Elisha reestablished a pro-God government in Israel, about 1,000 opposition leaders were executed.

I do not know if we can draw a accurate parallel to our time. In our modern time, there are non-violent means to get corrupt population out of office. Citizens can vote them out. We could be looking at 1,000 population voted out of office. That would beyond doubt be best than the violent methods that were used in Old Testament times. When Franklin Roosevelt was elected president, voters swept the establishment out of office. We will have to wait and see if there will be violent change.

Inset- [3-11-2010 Update: This could be where two Us Army generals come in. A Us normal like David Petraeus or Colin Powell could be lifted up by God to assume control in Washington in order to save the Us Government while severe crises.]

It appears from this Bible study that citizens would welcome soldiery activity by Petraeus and Powell that would save the nation from a destructive civil war provoked by Marxist and communist policies of Obama and Hillary. A leader like President Powell might be able to generate a domestic schedule that would guide the nation straight through an Armageddon era and a new Great Depression era.

Either Petraeus or Powell (if they are the ones) would be a strong president while battles of Armageddon, especially when those battles come to American soil.

This Bible study correlates a Us soldiery normal to the old soldiery general, named Jehu, whom God promoted to be a king of Israel. There could be more than one Us Army normal who shares identifying characteristics with Commander Jehu of old Israel. Both normal Powel and normal David Petraeus are in observation because they were in war, Queen Elizabeth knighted both of them, they are pro-God and they would both jump at the chance to become President of the United States, even if the position were taken by a coup, rather than by a normal choosing process.

2015 or 2016 could be the year that a Us Army normal intervenes in Washington Dc in order to save the Us Government. The hero might not be Petraeus or Powell. The identity and the time could become clearer as the event draws nearer. -Inset end

Petraeus & Powell, God's chosen

[3-11-2010 Update: God anointed Jehu king of Israel on the health he purge the government. Jehu pleased God because he was zealous in the purge.

This Bible study predicts that Us soldiery generals, who could be Petraeus and Powell, would win favorite elections After they purged Washington Dc of corrupt and Marxist officials in 2016. Petraeus and Powell would come to power as a ensue of dire circumstances that threaten to end the republic.]

Those dire circumstances could contain terrorist acts that are horrifying to think about. It is curious to note that 2012 is the anniversary year of the War of 1812. 200 years prior to 2014, the City of Washington Dc was invaded. The invading army burned the White House and Capitol building, but God miraculously saved the homes of citizens by sending a heavy rainstorm.

This Bible study has other dimension that serves to identify normal Colin Powell as God's choice for president or vice president. This dimension deals with the suspect that God prepared a Black man. But, I cannot cover all things in this short article.

I believe that Freemasons staggering the rise of a black population to the White House with great joy because it would be a formal and legal end of racism. It would also validate Bible prophecy and fulfill the vision of the Forefathers of an enlightened and advanced American society.

[3-11-2011 Update: Typical black Americans will not remember Obama with pride. Instead, they will honor Colin Powell for generations to come because he was a truer reflection of the Christianity and nobility of black Americans.]

The downfall of Britain's prime priest

The Prime priest of Britain would be part of events in the end-time ministry of Elisha. It appears that the prime priest will also lose his office, and possibly his life, while an upcoming soldiery coup. So, it appears that the year of the coup will see dramatic changes of leadership in both the White House and 10 Downing Street.

The dramatic convert in leadership would be a purge. In my opinion, God is seeking new leadership for the Us and Britain. He will patiently wait for Hillary and others in the White House to make safe bet changes while their term 2009-2012. If they Do beyond doubt turn things around, I assume that God would increase their stay in power and a purge would be averted.

If on the other hand, Hillary and other Democrats in the White House were not able or willing to make righteous changes, there eventually would be a purge. We have been fooled before by disinformation from the White House.

If there is a accurate parallel to the times of Old Testament Elijah and Elisha, private leaders will be singled out for severe punishment. Those who committed especially corrupt acts, like murder, would be purged. [The worst of the purge could be in 2015 or 2016 and After the 2012 presidential election.]

When we as citizens watch news reports between 2009-2016, we could be getting propaganda from the White House. So, we would think that all things is going our way. In reality, we might continue to be sold out. But, God watches what goes on behind concluded doors in the White House and in the Capitol. Do not be surprised if there is a purge even though the White House tells us that things are going well.

I hate to seem pessimistic because many Americans have their hopes set on a Democratic White House. Democrats have earnestly put their hopes in Hillary. Obama and his wife, Michelle, seem to be very sincere, and they are popular. Citizens listen to speeches by Hillary and Obama and want to believe that corruption would end.

Is political corruption a systemic problem?

However, prophecy seems to happen just as it was written thousands of years ago. It appears that the new Democratic management will carry on the same corruption that was characteristic of the past. It has been said that politics corrupt population and that there is no way to avoid it. The question is systemic. The way the theory advanced over 66.6 years is essentially wrong.

It could be very naive to think that a 66.6-year-old tree could be reshaped. There is a saying that a tree grows as its twigs are bent. If a man does not like the way his tree has grown, he need only cut it down. The stump would sprout new limbs that could be shaped in a sufficient manner.

Presidents who worship the Beast

God might need to cut the tree down in order to get rid of all the undesirable beasts that have made their homes in it (referring to lobbyists and professional politicians). That was what God did with Nebuchadnezzar, who admired predatory beasts and behaved like a beast. It seems cheap that God would do the same for Us presidents who likewise ensue the Beast.

(Daniel 4:23) And whereas the king saw a watcher and an holy one arrival down from heaven, and saying, Hew the tree down, and destroy it; yet leave the stump of the roots thereof in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass, in the tender grass of the field; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, and let his measure be with the beasts of the field, till seven times pass over him...

This Bible study indicates a demoralizing discontentment for the nation in the years 2009-2012. The only consolation would be that a female became president or a black man became president. That consolation would not last if corruption prolonged as usual and the middle class prolonged to be preyed upon by the establishment. As a ensue of yet other disappointment, God would throw in the towel and purge Washington Dc of leaders in 2015 or sometime immediately afterward. God would also purge the court theory of Marxist atheists.

God raised up terrorist Ben-Hadad against Ahab & Jezebel

If we do a accurate comparison of the times of Old Testament Elijah/Elisha to the times of end-time Elijah/Elisha, the purge would be violent. possibly terrorists would be involved. Old Testament Israel beyond doubt suffered violent attacks from terrorists. God clearly stated that He raised terrorists up against wicked Israelite leaders.

We might take a lesson. In order to get rid of terrorists, we need to first get rid of corrupt leaders. After all, it was the corrupt acts of our leaders that provoked population to become terrorists.

It is sobering to think that terrorist attacks on American soil began and continue to occur while a span of years that corresponds to the reign of evil Ahab, Jezebel and their corrupt sons. That span of time, in which Ahab and his traitorous son Ahaziah reigned, parallels a span of years, from 1989 to 2015, that we are now in. [So far, we cannot be safe bet of dates because historians differ in their dates for the times of Ahab and Jezebel.]

Ahab was leader for 22 years, which were while the time of the ministry of Elijah. Ahab died after those 22 years. That time span could correspond to 1989 to 2012. For any supplementary years, the corrupt sons of Ahab and Jezebel prolonged to reign. At this time, we suspect that the entire end-time dynasty of Ahab and Jezebel could end in 2015. We are again hampered in our calculations by differences of opinions among historians. Our calculations are also affected by the shortening of time that God promised.

Today, we would say that Us presidents are on a destructive procedure that includes subservience to Red China. In the time of Ahab and Jezebel, Israel was becoming subservient to Assyria. Like Israel of old, the Usa would eventually suffer a soldiery occupation by a modern-day Assyria, which corresponds to Red China. The suspect for the occupation would be the variety of debt that the Us Government owes to Red China and other nations like Russia.

We might now have any indispensable personages with us who are the fulfillment of prophecy. We have Elijah, Elisha, Ahab, Jezebel, Ahaziah, Jehoram, Jehu, Jehonadab and Ben-Hadad the terrorist. And, they are all active in the 26-year span (1989 to 2015 or 2016) that leads up to a soldiery coup that God initiates in order to save the republic.

We could do a non-violent application of Old Testament events onto end-time events. In that case, the purge would be nothing more than a dramatic convert of power. Petraeus and Powell could be heads of a new political party that overthrows both Republicans and Democrats.

I beyond doubt hope this would be the case because it would be non-violent. A third party would make many citizens happy because they want to get rid of the two-headed beast that is the Democratic/Republican establishment. But, Bible prophecy is written in stone and it has never been altered by actions of men or the intervention by God to my knowledge.

Armageddon and other Great Depression

International events could affect events in the United States and Britain in the year 2015 or 2016. Events that lead up to Armageddon would be on the minds of citizens. population would be worried about world war and nuclear missiles. Aside from soldiery threats, economists are warning of other Great Depression as a ensue of bad economic policies. Even now, severe weather conditions are ruining food harvests. Agricultural plagues, like the Bee Colony Collapse, could lead to famine in the Us.

Christians Vs. Anti-Christs

The main issue for many Americans is religion. Many Americans would fight to support a Government under God. They would not idly stand by and allow anti-Christs to take over the Us Government. They would not allow the Constitution to be reinterpreted by closet Marxists into a communist Constitution.

I think I can say that semi-religious Americans ordinarily believe that religious leaders could make the country better. They also believe that corrupt and self-serving leaders could destroy the nation. Marxists would right on destroy the nation, like they destroyed Russia.

The median American seems to have an instinctive distrust of left-wing politicians because of the horrors that were suffered by Europeans, Russians and Chinese under discrete forms of Marxist-socialist dictatorships. Germans also suffered under Nazi style Marxism, which was other version of the teachings of Karl Marx.

It is all right for a politician to champion labor in the manner that Franklin Roosevelt did. But, it is not all right to turn the nation into a Marxist and anti-Christ dictatorship. God would destroy the nation before He allowed that to happen. We can see that from reading Bible history.

After American voters give up on the Hillary-Obama White House (and the administrations that immediately follow) citizens will welcome a coup by respected soldiery leaders who might be normal Petraeus and normal Colin Powell. If Powell, as the singular leader to concentrate on the domestic agenda, were to concentrate the best of the Democratic Party, which is pro-worker, with the best of the Republican Party, which is pro-business [and pro-religion], he would win time to come elections. That would be a repeat of the popularity of President Franklin Roosevelt.

According to this Bible study, God has been establishment generals, who could be Petraeus and Powell, to become president and vice president as pro-God and pro-citizen leaders who reassert the Constitution and the indivisible association between Christianity and the Us Government. They have been prepared to set the government on a righteous course.

Queen Elizabeth saves her government

It is proper that Queen Elizabeth knighted both Petraeus and Powell. They would be thereby legally empowered to act on the Queen's profit in Great Britain (or the profit of the time to come ruler). God might use Sir Petraeus and Sir Powell to help the Queen (or King) make leadership changes in Parliament. That would correspond to Elijah's work with rulers in countries allied to old Israel. Elijah and Elisha anointed time to come kings of nations other than Israel.

I could tell you more but...

This splendid Bible study has many details that are too controversial to delineate to the normal public. The Bible reveals secrets that politicians plan to be buried (literally). Readers are reminded that this Bible study is speculative because a divine being did not appear and dictate it. Even so, I believe that this study has tapped into a vein of prophetic gold.

For example, this very same Bible study in 1991 announced that an unknown politician named Bill Clinton would become president in 1993. That prediction was outrageous at the time because incumbent President Bush I was a favorite Persian Gulf War hero and nobody ever heard of Bill Clinton. Nobody believed that prediction.

As if that prediction wasn't ridiculous adequate in 1991, this study clearly indicated that Bill Clinton's wife Hillary would return to the White House in the future. That was not to say she would be president. Anyone position she would be in, she would exert mountainous influence. Of course, nobody believed those Bible study predictions at the time. But now, we see that they were right on!

So, if this Bible study has been right so far, it seems fair to assume that it will be right about the future. That means that two Us Army generals (who could be normal David Petraeus and normal Colin Powell) could take the White House and Capitol after tumultuous events in the Us and Britain. And, the Democratic White House [the Progressive Movement] would be purged from power because it would continue the corrupt status quo. Both parties could be purged. And, corrupt leaders could be singled out for severe punishment. We shall see.

Hillary - Obama & 66.6 Years of Presidents Who Worshiped the Beast