Saturday, March 31, 2012

Expert Warns: Water Leakage from the Unit 4 SFP Will Mean "THE END" (Mar. 8, 2012)

Expert Warns: Water Leakage from the Unit 4 SFP Will Mean "THE END" (Mar. 8, 2012) Tube. Duration : 7.63 Mins.

Please click on "cc" button at the bottom right of the YouTube window to show the English subtitles. This video clip is part of a live morning news & information TV program called "Morning Bird" by TV Asahi, aired on March 8, 2012. The reporter is Mr. Toru Tamakawa. The expert is Dr. Hiroaki Koide, Research Associate at the Research Reactor Institute of Kyoto University. The original video: Translation and captioning by tokyobrowntabby. The French version is at kna60's channel:

Keywords: japan, fukushima daiichi, hiroaki koide, unit 4, 小出裕章福島4号機

Friday, March 30, 2012

What Will Happen on December 21, 2012?

What will happen on December 21, 2012? Learn more about this mysterious date.

December 21, 2012 - What is it all about; Is it the end of world?

Nuclear Reactor

The old Mayans looked into the stars and imaginable catastrophical changes on earth and marked on their long count calendar the date December 21, 2012 as the end of world.

Solar Flare, Polar Reversal, Volcanoes and Earthquakes

The introductory phenomenon for the end of world would be massive solar flares caused by unusual sun's magnetic fields. The increase in the whole of sunspots and sun flares for 2012 has been imaginable by Nasa. This would precisely bring satellite disruptions and electrical failures.

The solar flare would in turn work on the earth's polarity and will reverse north pole to south pole. And a series of catastrophic chain reaction might occur. From pole shift to earth's lost geomagnetism to massive earthquakes to erupting volcanoes to tidal waves to floods and there would be massive destruction to life on earth.

Because of the weakened magnetic fields the earth may not safe us against cosmic and solar radiation which would work on the nuclear reactors on the nuclear power plants. Structure and skyscrapers will be shattered and a cloud of volcanic dust will cling.

Is 2012 hoax?

Do you believe if the solar flare maximum is scientifically proved by Nasa scientists? A quick google crusade on "2012 solar flare Nasa" will bring you an report 'solar storm warning' on Nasa's site. A lot of people colse to you just say 2012 a hoax or scam. And being skeptic is just normal, because we all live in a world of cheats and scams. But think again this is absolutely not a hoax. We just plainly stamp anyone beyond our knowledge as hoax. We will absolutely find more scientific explanations as 2012 nears. Before that, are you prepared sufficient to survive?

What Will Happen on December 21, 2012?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

health Benefits of Quinoa

The aged seed of Quinoa is so versatile and such an leading source of nutrients that it has been referred to as the "gold" of the Incas. It is known to growth stamina, a useful aid in days gone by when "warriors" needed every bit of advantage they could get when their "people" were under attack.

However, such is the structure of Quinoa, it has the advantage of being a natural and faultless protein. This means that it has all the amino acids like acid lysine which is very leading for the heal and growth of body tissue. As shown below, it is known to be useful to the body in a whole of ways - nature's natural remedy.

Nuclear Power

Migraines and hypertension

Riboflavin and magnesium are the natural aids in Quinoa for bad headaches. They are known to help relax the blood vessels, which reduces constriction and so eases tension. Basically they help the body to function best which in turn eases the stress the body experiences when circumstances make it over work. While no one claims it makes headaches go away, it can help and is known to reduce the frequency of throbbing head attacks.

Childhood Asthma

Many allergies are connected with grass seeds but Quinoa is not a grass. It is a plant but is not known to furnish serious allergic reactions in people. Asthma is the ensue of breathing difficulties that are made worse by tension. It is known to have triggers and often there is a house history of asthma. It is known to have got worse over the years and many experts point to our modern living conditions as making it more prevalent. While not all asthma attacks are caused by allergies which may or may not be avoidable, it is known that Quinoa helps to reduce body stress and helps to keep the airways open. It is recommended that children with asthma eat a whole food diet. Many of the nutrients that we need are in Quinoa such as Magnesium which naturally helps to reduce spasms in the bronchial tubes. We know that many asthma sufferers are short of vitamin b, minerals like magnesium, zinc and iron all of which can be found in Quinoa. Why not check out some of the recipes and see which ones are easiest to contain in your child's diet.


This is another surprising area where Quinoa is known to be useful. It may not get rid of gallstones but it can help safe their development. as a matter of fact this is another case where a wholesome diet rich in fiber can aid in the digestion of foodstuffs. As it is a soluble fiber it speeds through the intestines and reduces the need of increased bile production. Too much bile yield helps to establish gallstones so this is another natural remedy for our bodies.

Type 2 Diabetes

Quinoa is rich in magnesium which is a mineral that is primary in the body's capability to deal with glucose and insulin. Yet again there is evidence that Quinoa, as part of a whole food diets aids in the digestion of foods. It is also known to growth Insulin sensitivity while reducing triglycerides (blood fats which need to be kept low in diabetics).

Heart Disease

Quinoa is known to prevent the clogging of arteries and veins which in turn helps to relax stresses on the heart. The fat in Quinoa is good fat in that is low in cholesterol and can help reduce blood pressure thanks to the presence of potassium and magnesium. In other words it is a good source of protein without the drawbacks of too much saturated fat and cholesterol.

Pregnant Mums

Quinoa is known to be an endurance food which gives energy. It is also known to be a good source of Iron which pregnant mums are all the time advised to growth in their diet. It is good for tissue heal and amelioration of teeth and bones. Along with the other benefits of Quinoa, it is a useful source of goodness that forming babies will question in fullness as they grow. It is also good for Mums when they are feeding as it will heighten the capability of milk for new-born infants.


Quinoa is conception to help prevent cataracts and may aid those with the condition. Studies have shown that people who absorb about 99 grams of protein were only half as likely to establish nuclear cataracts(light is difficult to pass through the centre of the eye) while those with the greater polyunsaturated fats about 17 grams a day were 30 percent likely not to establish problems with the outer lens(corticular cataracts).

Nowadays, we are looking more and more to natural foods. We all know the benefits of fibre in our diet but until more recently we have forgotten about Quinoa.

health Benefits of Quinoa

101 East - Taiwan's nuclear debate - Part 2

101 East - Taiwan's nuclear debate - Part 2 Video Clips. Duration : 10.37 Mins.

Taiwan wants to extend the life of its oldest nuclear power plant and increase reliance on nuclear power for its energy consumption. 101 East looks at energy policies in Taiwan and the human cost of electricity.

Keywords: Al Jazeera, 101east, 101 East, Taiwan, nuclear waste, atom energy, electricity, Nantian village, radioactive, nuclear power

Arnie Gundersen - Nebraska Nuclear Plant: Emergency Level 4 & Getting Worse (2 of 3)

Arnie Gundersen - Nebraska Nuclear Plant: Emergency Level 4 & Getting Worse (2 of 3) Tube. Duration : 10.02 Mins.

Repost as needed! Part 1: Part 3: Fort Calhoun near Omaha, Nebraska "On June 6, 2011, the Fort Calhoun pressurized water nuclear reactor 20 miles north of Omaha, Nebraska entered emergency status due to imminent flooding from the Missouri River. A day later, there was an electrical fire requiring plant evacuation. Then, on June 8th, NRC event reports confirmed the fire resulted in the loss of cooling for the reactor's spent fuel pool. The discussion includes specific details of the technical failures at Fort Calhoun, the risks of coolant loss at overcrowded "spent" fuel pools, and the national hazards of nuclear facilities along the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers, and other water sites during the current period of floods and climate change." link to watch full interview on youtube (not my vid so no friendly visuals to see ;p): (full 40 minutes) download the audio podcast here: Arnie Gundersen's Updates on Fukushima: KETV News' Piece on the Nuclear Plant MucH LoVe!

Keywords: nuclear, energy, disaster, emergency, fukushima, japan, calhoun, united, states, nebraska, arnie, gundersen, radiation, leakage, spent, fuel, rod, news, june, 2011

Mr.Nakate explains why doctors in Fukushima won't help children.

Mr.Nakate explains why doctors in Fukushima won't help children. Video Clips. Duration : 7.53 Mins.

Fukushima Parents Seek Dismissal of Radiation Advisor: Mr.Nakate speaks. Mr. Nakate explique pourquoi les médecins à Fukushima n'aident pas les enfants 27.08.11: Seiichi Nakate, delegate of 'Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation', tells how Dr.Yamashita affect doctors in Fukushima in the lecture, 'Citizens Rally to Aim at the Future without Nuclear Power', held in Taito Palace of Metropolitan Industry and Trade Center in Tokyo on 27th Aug 2011. 100µS/h=876mS/y; 20µS/h=175.2mS/y Before the accident, one was normally allowed by law to be exposed to artificial radiation of less than 1mS/y(approximately 0.114µS/h) in Japan , which was calculated on the idea that the amount of the radiation the a human being irrated to in his life time should be less than 100mS(100mS/100year). The footage of Dr.Yamashita refered to here: You can make sure what he said at 0:32 and 0:52. *The website of Fukushima prefecture: You can see the sentense below the picture of Dr. Yamashita say in Japanese, "Correction: The remark, 'Our health isn't hazarded as long as it doesn't get more than 100millisievrt/h' was a mistake for 'as long as it doen't get more than 10millisievert/h'. We correct here. We are so sorry fo troubling you. Judging from his context in the footage, you can see Dr.Yamashita intenally says '100µS/h'. Network for Saving Children from Radiation': Mitsuhiko Tanaka ...

Keywords: Syunichi, Yamashita, Seiichi, Nakate, Mitsuhiko, Tanaka, Takashi, Hirose, the, accident, of, Fukushima, Daiichi, Nuclear, Plant, Child, health, Radiation, Japanese, Communist, Party, 中手聖一, 山下俊一, 広瀬隆, 田中光彦, 肥田舜太郎, 日本共産党


AMORPHIS - Alone Video Clips. Duration : 4.68 Mins.


Keywords: Amorphis, Death, Metal, Nuclear, Blast

Monday, March 26, 2012



Nuclear War: Atomic Explosions. Hydrogen Bombs. THE MOST POWERFUL BOMB IN HISTORY.

Tags: Nuclear, War, Atomic, Explosions, Hydrogen, Bombs, Hiroshima, World, III, 2012, Doomsday, 12/21/2012, December, 21, Rhawn, Joseph, Brain, Mind, Tsar, Bomba, Aftermath, Weapon, Detonation, Test, Bomb, Explosion, TNT, Explosive, Soviet, Union, Russia, Communists, Communism, Marxism, Fission, Fusion, Diplomacy, Cold, UN, United, Nations, US, States, Nikita, Khrushchev, Adlai, Stevenson, Envoy

Fallout New Vegas MOST SECRET RARE weapons locations 3

Fallout New Vegas MOST SECRET RARE weapons locations 3 Video Clips. Duration : 9.28 Mins.

the most secret rare weapons in fallout new vegas including: -Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle -Q35 Matter Modulator -Chopper -Big Boomer -Figaro -50k views milestone! ty everyone!- part1: part2: ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- music: Eminem&50Cent watch in 720p for better quality! tags:yt:quality=high fallout new vegas rare weapons most secret newvegas part 2 part2 ratslayer lucky magnum ohbaby ohbaby mace pc xbox ps3 gameplay eminem 50cent windows osx linux hd strip fps first wtf amazing person shooter rpg role playing game gun money omg bottlecaps hidden special sony vegas

Tags: yt:quality=high, fallout, new, vegas, rare, weapons, most, secret, newvegas, part, part3, bigboomer, sniper, rifle, q35, matter, modulator, figaro, chopper, gobi, scout, pc, xbox, ps3, gameplay, eminem, 50cent, windows, osx, linux, hd, strip, fps, first, wtf, amazing, person, shooter, rpg, role, playing, game, gun, money, omg, bottlecaps, hidden, special, sony, hd4670, valve, gaming, video game, warfare, nuclear, destruction, games, atomic, computer, power, blast, destroy, maker, action, missile

Sunday, March 25, 2012

2012 Doomsday Survival Sanctuaries in North America

There are 9 possible 2012 disaster scenarios incredible by the Sumerian Nibiru Prophecy, Nostradamus's Doomsday Prophecy and others. The challenge is to find a sanctuary to be with your house when it all gets ugly. Fortunately the Usa is blessed with an massive land area, much of it in high elevations, so finding a remote safe place with the critical topography is possible if you know where to look. Taking a look at the 'Lights of the Us' on the website will show you very clearly where the major citizen concentrations are by the lights at night, and where the empty spaces are too. That's where you'll find your 2012 survival sanctuary.

Here are the best 2012 survival sanctuaries in the continental Us in alphabetical order, not order of preference.

Nuclear Weapons

The Appalachian Mountains

This area is a good candidate for its immensely thick and solid granite core. While they are not exactly what you'd call remote. They cover a big sufficient area and are sufficiently rugged for you to be able to get some withdrawal for your house Safe House. The downside is that a lot of other 2012 Survivalists know about the Appalachians too, so finding your own private survival sanctuary with be trickier and possibly quite expensive. If you can, you'd be a lot great off tantalizing right away from the heavy citizen concentration on the Eastern third of the continental Usa and finding for your 2012 survival sanctuary to the west of the Missouri River. So now let's take a look at the other areas worth additional investigation.

Northern Arizona

The Colorado Plateau is very high at 5-8,000 feet, and a 200 + miles from Phoenix where most of the citizen in the State is concentrated. The main thing is look out for here is that you have an aquifer on your land, so you can draw your water from underground.

Land ranges from 0 to 0 per acre for midpoint grade and goes up to - K in very high ability areas, which have all in the 2012 survival sanctuary wish-list.


North Central Arkansas is high sufficient to be safe, has low citizen and a good growing season. The cost of living is lower than midpoint and land is cheap at 0 - 00 per acre, and it seems like you can build pretty much what you want without needing a permit.


Parts of this state are Ok if you can get far sufficient from other people, also it can get highly cold.


Idaho is as close to perfect as it gets. There are massive areas of forest, great hunting and fishing, and a good growing season in lower areas of the state, but it can get very cold at high elevations. Property isn't expensive.


At lower elevations west of the Great Divide there are some promising places your family's 2102 survival sanctuary. citizen is low, but the growing season is short, there's not much crop diversity and it's cold in winter. Areas nearby Flathead Lake, Eureka and Kalispell are worth a look.


The interior of Oregon looks like a survival paradise until you think how close it is to the teaming millions living in California. The climate is mild and the growing season long. Eastern Oregon could still be worth considering, if you can find a place that is either very hard to find from the road, or very easy to defend.

South Dakota

The South-West part of the state has good groundwater from the Ogala Aquifer, very low citizen and microclimates can give a great growing season. The topography also lets you find a well concealed hiding-hole with a good view of unwelcome guests.


Texas is so big that there are plentifulness of remote rural areas where you can get out of sight. In the hill country the climate is mild and the growing season is long. The downside is that most of the locals are armed to the teeth and don't take amiable to strangers.


A lot like Oregon, it has a mild climate and good growing season, and areas where citizen density is low. There is the California factor too though, but wide without fail worth considering.


Hard winters, but very low population. Wyoming could be a good choice if you can afford to build a very well qualified sanctuary with safety from ultimate cold and plentifulness of storage. Remember that a winter resulting from a nuclear war or space object impact could last five years.

This list no ifs ands or buts gives you a few options to select from. However for most of us the final choice will be dictated by cost - meaning we need to look for 2012 survival sanctuaries near to where we live. However if you're properly ready you can feel definite and collect even in less remote locations. I'm reminded of the hit song from the 80's with the chorus line 'You great stay away from Copperhead Road.'

2012 Doomsday Survival Sanctuaries in North America

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fukushima Temp rises Highest Yet! Evacuate Tokyo? update 2/12/12

Fukushima Temp rises Highest Yet! Evacuate Tokyo? update 2/12/12 Video Clips. Duration : 10.92 Mins.

One reading of Fukushima reactor exceeds 80 C***see Footnote at bottom*** The operator of theFukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says the No.2 reactor is in a state of cold shutdown. This is despite the fact one of its thermometers showed a temperature above 80 degrees Celsius on Sunday. The reading of the thermometer at the bottom of the reactor began to rise late last month, prompting TEPCO to increase the injection of water into the reactor. Although the reading temporarily declined, it started to rise again on Saturday and reached 82 degrees at 2:20 PM on Sunday. The government and TEPCO declared in December that all the reactors were in a state of cold shutdown, with temperatures below 100 degrees. At that time they set guidelines to keep reactor temperatures at a maximum of 80 degrees, given the thermometers' margin of error of up to 20 degrees. This is the first time a temperature reading has exceeded 80 degrees Celsius since the declaration was made. TEPCO reported the reading to the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency. TEPCO maintains the reactor is in a state of cold shutdown for a number of reasons. Two other thermometers installed at the same height as the one in question show temperatures dropping to around 35 degrees. The readings of 3 other thermometers placed about 1.5 meters lower fell as TEPCO increased the amount of water injected into the reactor. A study of air samples collected around the reactor shows no sign of nuclear criticality occurring at ...

Keywords: Fukushima Daiichi, nuclera power plant, Tokyo Electric Power Company, TEPCO, evacuation, Japan, Japanese government, hysteria, panic, exclusion zone, worst case scenario, death, poisoning, food, water, air, pacific ocean, meltdown, Ohi, cold shutdown, stress test, enenews, bwr, mark1 nuclear reactor, spent fuel pool

TOP 10 nuclear bombs (bombas nucleares) 2

TOP 10 nuclear bombs (bombas nucleares) 2 Video Clips. Duration : 8.07 Mins.

segunda versão do meu video top 10 bombas nucleares feito em 2010, um top de bombas nucleares organizadas por potencia, pena que nao tem um video na internet do Teste 219.. veja a primeira: 10: Baker, 21 quilotons 9: Ivy King, 500 quilotons 8: RDS-37, 1,6 megatons(1 600 quilotons) 7: Redwing Tewa, 5 megatons 6: Hardtack Oak 8,9 megatons 5: Ivy Mike 10,4 megatons (10 400 quilotons) 4: Castle Romeo, 11 megatons(11 000 quilotons) 3: Castle Yankee, 13,5 megatons 2 Castle Bravo, 15 megatons (15 000 quilotons) 1 Tsar Bomba 57 megatons (57 000 quilotons)

Keywords: nuclear, bombs, atomic, destruction, fallout, destruição, USAF, US, USA, Nagasaki, EUA, URSS, união, soviética, bombas, atomicas, war, termonuclear, weapons, armas, nucleares, hydorgen, de, hidrogenio, blast, power, top, destroy, missile, best, favorite, rocket, songs, greatest, secret, mass, hits, explosions, conflict, steel, world, favourite, fallout3, boom, action, tank, destroying, bethesda, cannon, destroyed, armor, vault, hiroshima, wasteland, army, apocalypse, 10, biggest

Friday, March 23, 2012

Dystopian Novels - 1984, Brave New World and Never Let Me Go

A "dystopia" is the opposite of a utopia -an ideal world. Both have been the field of assorted novels and films. Perhaps for dramatic reasons, dystopias tend to be a petite more interesting. an additional one connected but positive genre is the post-apocalypse world, as in life following nuclear war or a plague that wipes out most of humanity.

Dystopias, on the other hand, are about the day to day life of habitancy living under tyranny or some other miserable condition. The best known example of a dystopia in literature is George Orwell's 1984. This novel, written in 1948 (Orwell naturally reversed the years), was no doubt at least partly inspired by up-to-date events in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia.

Nuclear Power

1984 is a brilliant and chilling novel for some reasons. For one thing, it shows us what life would be like under a purely malevolent, all-powerful and ruthless dictatorship. As the Party leaders admit, they do not believe in anyone except power. If there is a downside to this portrayal of pure tyranny, it is that it's more than a petite depressing. You close the book with a sense that the Party is invincible.

Orwell's novel is also supreme for pointing out the role language plays in forming our thoughts and beliefs. The Party in 1984 finds that if habitancy are thoroughly brainwashed by propaganda-filled language, they will be incapable of rebelling. Thus, they originate the diabolical technique of "doublespeak." The slogans of the Party, "War is Peace, relaxation is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength" are examples of this. Victims are ultimately brought to the point where they will believe anything, such as 2+2=5. 1984 is about the perfect subjugation of the individual at the hands of a merciless regime.

The other major entry in the dystopian genre is Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. While the community portrayed in this equally brilliant novel is not quite as overtly malevolent as the one in 1984, it is just as insidious in a more subtle way. It has been observed that Huxley, Perhaps fortunately, turned out to have been more prophetic than Orwell in describing the kind of world that would come about in the half century or so after these books were written.

In Brave New World, habitancy are not so much frightened or beaten into submission as lulled into a state of mindless complacency. Between the drug soma, the open sexuality and the constant diversions of favorite entertainment, habitancy do not have the time or vigor to form former thoughts. Everything, including birth, has been automated; Huxley was an early prophet of genetic engineering and test tube babies.

When you reconsider the way habitancy are beholden to television and celebrity culture today, you can beyond doubt see similarities with Brave New World. As for the "soma," this is not so distinct from all the (legally prescribed) drugs given to both children and adults today to treat contemporary "diseases" like Add, depression, anxiety and so forth.
In contemporary society, as in Brave New World, no one is startling to face reality without the aid of chemical or electronic stimulants or relaxants.

A more up-to-date worthy expanding to the dystopian genre is Never Let Me Go, by Kazuo Ishiguro. This is in some ways a more fully realized novel than even 1984 or Brave New World. For as brilliant as both of those are, the characters of both are beyond doubt just there to react to their dystopian circumstances. Yet in Ishiguro's novel, the characters are extremely well developed, to the extent that you don't even perceive you are reading a dystopian novel until a quarter or so into it. This also makes it more chilling. The sinister aspects of the society, which I won't even specify, since in this case it would spoil it for anyone who hasn't yet read it, are so taken for granted by everyone that no special concentration is paid to them. The horror of it all gently descends on us as we find out what's beyond doubt going on.

Aside from providing enchanting backdrops for stories, dystopias have a cautionary message. Hopefully, as we read about the terrible things going on in a novel like 1984, we will be on guard against anyone similar happening in our own world. For example, habitancy speak of government guard as being "Orwellian." The cautionary effect may not always work, but at least we have clues about some things to look out for.

Dystopian Novels - 1984, Brave New World and Never Let Me Go

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Fallout New Vegas DLC: Lonesome Road - Part 1

Fallout New Vegas DLC: Lonesome Road - Part 1 Video Clips. Duration : 33.50 Mins.

I take a look at the new DLC and give up all my damn companions! Nathan1380-Alternate Loading Screens tarrant-DeathClaw DimaSmirnov-Get To It

Keywords: nuclear, brotherhood, of, arms, ncr, enclave, minecraft, add, on, creeer, weapons, weapon, armor, mod, power, goodsprings, buildable, bots, mojave, atomic, water, destruction, dlc, addon, destroy, pokemon, pikachue, raichu, theme, song, very, best, ash, ketchum, back, to, the, future, 88mph, deloreon

Xzibit - Klack

Xzibit - Klack Tube. Duration : 7.52 Mins.


Keywords: Xzibit, Busta, Rhymes, Klack, Hip, Hop

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Function and Uses of a medical Centrifuge

Medical centrifuges come in assorted sizes and apply to many separate applications, development them an very useful expedient either in a doctor's office, hospital environment, or laboratory.

Modern centrifuges are basically compact, made either of plastic or metal, and are visually appealing; they regularly sit on a counter top on rubber feet so they do not move while in operation. The bottom may be weighted to make it stable while in use. Size will resolve how many glass test tubes or vials it may hold at one time. They are controlled by a timer and have at least two speeds, low and high. Many also have the ability to keep the interior cool so when the appliance is working, particularly on high speed, the contents will remain cool instead of heating up as would regularly happen when the centrifugal force is applied.

Nuclear Reactor

There are many medical applications for a medical centrifuge together with studies of viruses, proteins, polymers, nucleic acids, and blood. They can cut off serum as well as from plasma from blood, and solids from liquids. The uses are many and not restricted to the medical field alone.

Having a timer is suitable when uses consist of extended periods of time required for disunion of ingredients. The high speed spin creates an synthetic gravity that, depending on the substance, will cut off the ingredients swiftly or slowly.

Medical centrifuges can spin at amazing speeds, especially the changeable speed models. They can produce from eight hundred revolutions per small (Rpm) up to a blazing two and a half million Rpm. Midpoint use and application for most centrifuges with a minimum of two speeds (low and high) are from two thousand Rpm up to sixty thousand Rpm. Most uses need the higher speeds but for shorter periods of time.

It is a discrepancy in density that causes most substances to cut off when run straight through a cycle in a medical centrifuge. The high speed units are called ultracentrifuges and these are ordinarily bench top units which need some means of fastening them down on the counter or bench top so they stay in place while in use. Uses for ultracentrifuges consist of the disunion of gases to resolve molecular weight of obvious liquids. They are put to use as a means of separating uranium 235 for nuclear reactors. The climatic characteristic requires strict operate in many of these applications due to sensitivity of the ingredients. They will become very hot at high revolutions which are unmistakably a form of friction.

While an Midpoint medical centrifuge may cost in any place from a few hundred to some hundred thousand dollars, there is one instance of an efficient expedient being created by chemists at a university which cost a mere two dollars to make. The expedient is basically an old fashioned egg beater to which was added plastic tubing held on by tape. It is capable of creating a low speed centrifugal force that unmistakably will cut off blood cells from plasma and has proven useful for straightforward laboratory tests in instances where no lab or equipment is available. It proves that human ingenuity can work many wonders.

Function and Uses of a medical Centrifuge

The GUNN Shop - 2012 Year of War | SOPA | Iraq | Iran

The GUNN Shop - 2012 Year of War | SOPA | Iraq | Iran Video Clips. Duration : 25.68 Mins.

SOPA Update - 3:23 Iraq Conflict - 8:27 Iran's Nuclear program - 17:16 Follow me on Twitter, SOPA article, Iraq article, Iran article,

Tags: Iran, Iraq, War, George, Bush, Old, Year, Oil, George W. Bush, Cheney, Nuclear, program, SOPA, Stop Online Piracy Act, EA, Electronic Arts, Sony, Nintendo

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

YouTube - Japan's nuclear crisis deepens.flv

YouTube - Japan's nuclear crisis deepens.flv Video Clips. Duration : 2.43 Mins.


Keywords: Japan, nuclear, crises, deepens

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Illusion of free time

In any society there is the illusion of freedom, and if we believe we are free, well then I guess we are. Yet, if we as a society decide to feel trapped, without occasion or denied the pursuit of happiness, we will not feel free. Nevertheless, some leisure is given up by citizens straight through laws, taxes, or agreed upon public contract.

And just as gravity is a wall we accept such rules to a large extent in a similar fashion. After all, we call things like gravity, natural "laws" of physics, but they do severely restrict our leisure of movement.

Nuclear Power

In the Us we have a sort of economic enslavement brewing, but we should expect this as we have failed to make good on the promises of capitalism, while the leadership proves ethically challenged and weak to the very human nature that purport to be above.

Some philosophers have noted and still to this day their follower's cite that: "The vigor of democracy is that it offers the illusion of freedom."

While this is a tasteless argument, it should be noted that a pure democracy is hazardous to itself, however the Us was set up as a Republic, not a straight-line democracy. And I would submit that Communism is not the maturing of capitalism, as stated by such detractors as Karl Marx in Das Capital.

Rather, communism's charm is that it can solve the problem of those who want to get the most for doing the least (human nature) and therefore, communism and its inefficiencies are the death of the individual's power for the beehive of humanity, where people are pushed down and no longer matter.

So, in both a democracy and communism there is the illusion of freedom. In communism, no one is free, but every person believes in the State, as roughly a religion and they wish to be a good communist for the well-being of the whole. In essence giving up self in order to serve, but supposedly in and of their own free will" after being brainwashed into that reality.

In a level Democracy the public group gets together and votes for those things they want, in trade for giving up their extreme occasion for public protection and being taken care of. Either way, pure Democracies and Communist Nations only have the illusion of freedom. Think on this.

The Illusion of free time

Sunday, March 18, 2012

13 separate Types of Engineering Explained

As a trainee inspecting your options for college or university, the choices can be overwhelming. This is the case even within inescapable disciplines where there might be a dozen different subcategories and / or specialties within the profession. Let's survey some of the more beloved Engineering disciplines, shall we?

Agricultural Engineering is the engineering discipline that strives to apply engineering science to agricultural production and farming. In some circles it is ordinarily approved that the scope of agricultural engineering is broader than all other forms of engineering, as it combines elements of mechanical, civil, and chemical engineering with animal and plant biology.

Nuclear Weapons

Architectural Engineering involves the application of engineering system to construction construction and design. In some parts of the world, the words architect and architectural engineer are used interchangeably.

Biomedical Engineering strives to apply engineering system and technology to the field of medicine. Originally thought about an interdisciplinary specialization, biomedical eng has grown to become a respected discipline of its own. Tissue engineering, while also thought about a specialization within biotechnology, is one such example of biomedical engineering in action.

Ceramic Engineering relates to the practice of designing and creating objects from inorganic, non-metallic materials. The process ordinarily includes the purification of raw materials, the production of compounds, their formation into components, and the study of their composition, properties and structure.

Civil Engineering is a discipline that deals primarily with the design, construction and maintenance of bridges, roads, canals, and the like. As a point of interest, this engineering discipline was enshrined to distinguish itself from military engineering. It is thought about the second-oldest discipline, after military.

Computer Engineering is a combination of computer science and electronic engineering. Computer engineers originate both computer software and computer hardware, in addition to developing solutions for the integration of the two.

Electrical Engineering is the study and application of electromagnetism, electronics, and electricity. It's a broad-based discipline that encompasses the originate and implementation of assorted electronic / electrical systems such as circuits, generators, motors, and transformers.

Environmental Engineering refers to the application of scientific system to environmental improvement. ordinarily speaking, this discipline attempts to contribute wholesome air, water and land for safe habitation. Additionally, this particular discipline attempts to find ways to reverse environmental damages caused by pollution.

Industrial Engineering is a discipline involved with the improvement and ongoing improvement of integrated systems. In manufacturing systems, focus is located on seeing ways to eliminate waste (time, money, materials, energy, etc). Commercial engineering is not necessarily little to manufacturing, however.

Manufacturing Engineering, on the other hand, deals almost exclusively with the originate and maintenance of different manufacturing processes, tools, tool and machines. Lean manufacturing system are one such example of scientific manufacturing in action.

Materials Engineering is involved with the properties of matter and it's application to science and technology. This ordinarily refers to the study of the buildings of materials at the molecular level, and includes elements of applied physics and chemistry. Nanotechnology is one such example of materials engineering in action.

Mechanical Engineering is one of the oldest disciplines, and is primarily involved with the design, production and use of tools and machines. It is primarily involved with the generation and application of mechanical power.

Nuclear Engineering is a discipline that is primarily involved with seeing practical applications of nuclear energy. This includes the improvement and maintenance of nuclear reactors, power plants, and weapons.

13 separate Types of Engineering Explained

Minecraft - Mod Spotlight - Uranium Mod

Minecraft - Mod Spotlight - Uranium Mod Video Clips. Duration : 6.58 Mins.

Uranium ore and nuclear bombs are the focus of this little (fairly buggy) mod. UraniumMod 1.6 Title Splashscreen by Cryosignal:

Keywords: uranium, minecraft, mod, nuclear bomb, epic, TNT, reactor, fallout, uranium ore

Nuclear Weapons Damage Simulation

Nuclear Weapons Damage Simulation Video Clips. Duration : 9.92 Mins.

I found a neat little tool that lets you show the blast radius of nuclear weapons superimposed on a google map at I did a few simulations, namely of a 100 ton nuclear demolition charge, a 22 kiloton implosion bomb, a 400 kiloton thermonuclear bomb, a 1.6 megaton hydrogen bomb, and the "Queen Mother of Nuclear Weapons", the Tsar Bomba. All of them detonated at the base of the Washington Monument in Washington DC. I also tried to flesh out the results a bit by explaining the damage to various buildings around, and adding video of the respected bombs being tested. I also used for music some Gustav Holtz, namely the Mars and Jupiter symphonies. They just seemed appropriate. I'm sorry about the damned computer voice, I have to microphone, so this is the closest I can get to narration. Tell me what you think.

Tags: nuclear, weapons, Washington, DC, monument, simulation, atomic, thermonuclear, hydrogen, fission, fusion

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Hello Everyone! My Name is SeaNanners - Custom Portal Map Part Two

Hello Everyone! My Name is SeaNanners - Custom Portal Map Part Two Video Clips. Duration : 9.13 Mins. Watch the previous episode of Hello Everyone! My Name is SeaNanners! Hello Everyone! My Name is SeaNanners: Custom Portal Map Part Two (S01E013) This video helps you learn: How to fly like an eagle. How to fly into the sea. How to set your spirit free. Director's Channel: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima Inside Gaming Machinima Respawn Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: Tags: yt:quality=high Call of Duty Modern Warfare MW2 UPC 47875333376 047875837492 0047875333376 PS3 XBox 360 XBox360 X360 PC MPN 83747 Infinity Ward Activision CoD MW two machinima respawn commentary gameplay 1st person shooter first firstpersonshooter first-person highrise spas favela skidrow kill streak ground domination tips tricks nuclear twigy talk developers ak47 amazing triple quad montage cod4 mw2 minitage zombies nixon mcnamara hutch monkey bombs rampart sark castle portal

Tags: yt:quality=high, Call, of, Duty, Modern, Warfare, MW2, UPC, 47875333376, 047875837492, 0047875333376, PS3, xbox, 360, xbox360, X360, PC, MPN, 83747, Infinity, Ward, Activision, cod, MW, two, machinima, respawn, commentary, gameplay, 1st, person, shooter, first, firstpersonshooter, first-person, highrise, spas, favela, skidrow, kill, streak, ground, domination, tips, tricks, nuclear, twigy, talk, developers, ak47, amazing, triple, quad, montage, cod4, minitage, zombies, nixon, mcnamara, hutch, monkey, bombs, rampart, sark, castle, portal

JFK Speech on the Cuban Missile Crisis (Part 2)

JFK Speech on the Cuban Missile Crisis (Part 2) Video Clips. Duration : 10.45 Mins.

October 22, 1962 Watch the full film: Arthur Schlesinger, historian and adviser to John F. Kennedy, on National Public Radio on October 16, 2002, concluded that Castro had not wanted the missiles but that Khrushchev had forced them upon Cuba in a bit of political arm-twisting and "socialist solidarity." However, Castro has said that although he was not completely happy about the idea of the missiles in Cuba, the Cuban National Directorate of the Revolution accepted them to protect Cuba against US attack, and to aid its ally, the Soviet Union. Schlesinger believed that, having accepted the missiles, Castro was angrier with Khrushchev than he was with Kennedy when the missiles were withdrawn, because Khrushchev had not consulted Castro before deciding to remove them from Cuba. In early 1992, it was confirmed that Soviet forces in Cuba had, by the time the crisis broke, received tactical nuclear warheads for their artillery rockets and IL-28 bombers, though General Anatoly Gribkov, part of the Soviet staff responsible for the operation, stated that the local Soviet commander, General Issa Pliyev, had predelegated authority to use them if the US had mounted a full-scale invasion of Cuba. Gribkov misspoke: the Kremlin's authorization remained unsigned and undelivered. (Other accounts show that Pliyev was given permission to use tactical nuclear warheads but only in the most extreme case of a US invasion during which contact with ...

Keywords: JFK, cuban, missile, crisis, documentary, speech, movie, the, aftermath, game, president, john, kennedy, 1962, declassified, united, nations, conference, fidel, castro, footage, history, channel, khrushchev, news, report, summary, song, operation, mongoose, trailer, un, video

Friday, March 16, 2012

China's Sold Weapons to Iran, Venezuela, Al Qaeda, & Syria - Should the Us Arm China's Separatists?

Perhaps, you didn't perceive that China is a one of the largest military weapons exporters. Unlike the United States of America China often sells weapons to rogue nations, and has even sold weapons to Al Qaeda. Many of these weapons end up in the hands of terrorist organizations, insurgents, or nations which then use them against Us troops. This is fully unforgivable inspecting the boost in the military-industrial involved in China has been created by the huge numbers of dollars that have gone to China to buy goods for the American middle class.

In other words, not only has the United States been funding the war engine of China, China is ramping up their military manufacturing of weapons and selling of weapons to our enemies. Obviously, it makes sense that the Us consumers should fully boycott all Chinese goods and tell them where to stick it. Or best yet, maybe the United States market involved should sell our top tech military weapons to Chinese separatist groups; for instance those in Tibet, Burma, or the Urumqi region.

Nuclear Weapons

Why not? Fair is fair.

Now, you might think that this is totally unacceptable and my comments are out of line. But maybe that's because you don't have a brother in the United States marine Corps. If you did you might think twice about what the United States should do about this. If China refuses to stop selling weapons to countries like Iran, Venezuela, Syria, or the terrorist group known as Al Qaeda, or to nations that would give weapons to Hamas or Hezbollah, then the Us consumers should boycott all Chinese products and send all those ships back to China.

Then we can see how long their military-industrial involved can last production blood money off of Us troops. I am sick and tired of the hypocrisy, I hope you are too. After all, two can play this game and if that's the way China wants to play it, then let's show them how good we are at the game. Now, I am pretty definite that China is not stupid, and understands what the United States military did to Russia in Afghanistan using leisure fighters and Stinger missiles.

Imagine if China's separatists groups had such weapons. I bet China would economically implode if we took such actions against China. If China keeps selling military weapons that end up killing Us troops, then as far as I am concerned, that is a fair trade. China owes the United States of America and the American citizen an apology and we deserve it now. Please consider all this.

China's Sold Weapons to Iran, Venezuela, Al Qaeda, & Syria - Should the Us Arm China's Separatists?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Critics' Picks - Critics Picks: La Jetee -

Critics' Picks - Critics Picks: La Jetee - Tube. Duration : 3.67 Mins.

AO Scott looks at Chris Marker's 28-minute rumination on time, love and the apocalypse. Related Article:

Tags:, The New York Times, Critics' Picks, AO Scott, Chris Marker, La Jetee, Janus, apocalypse, movie, film, review

Nuclear Explosions.mp4

Nuclear Explosions.mp4 Video Clips. Duration : 5.73 Mins.

Ich habe diese Video nicht selbst gemacht und befürworte weder den Einsatz, noch die Tests Dieser Waffen !!!

Keywords: Nuclear, explosion, explosionen, Nuklear

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Neem Neem Shahad Shahad - : 02/09/12

Neem Neem Shahad Shahad - : 02/09/12 Tube. Duration : 20.28 Mins.


Tags: Creative, Eye, Neem Neem Shahad Shahad, Sejal Shah, Lily Patel, Surendra Pal, Hasmukh, Vidya Sinha, Amrapali Gupta, Pankaj Berry, Anita Kulkarni, :Joint, family, Nuclear family, marriage, Yesterday episode, Last episode, Lime, Honey, Sweet, Bitter, Tasty, Taste, Couple, People

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Terror Birds

The "Terror Birds", or "Phorusrhacids", are a grown of carnivorous (meat-eating) predatory birds that were among the top predators of South America for most of the Cenozoic Era (the period since the dinosaurs became exintct, i.e. The last 65 million years). The Phorusrhacids were an extremely prosperous group and only became extinct comparatively recently.

The first Phorusrhacids are believed to have evolved during the Paleocene epoch, about 62 million years ago. during this period, South America was an island continent (a status which it would hold for about the next 60 million years), and the Phorusrhacids grew into a prosperous group.

Nuclear Weapons

The majority of Phorusrhacids were relatively small, standing just to 2 to 3 feet (0.6 to 0.9 meters) high. There were however exceptions, the largest species could grow up to 10 feet (3 meters) tall. Phorusrhacids were flightless, but were probably fast runners. They were equipped with fine claws on their feet, and a hooked eagle-like beak that no ifs ands or buts would have been a very productive weapon. In the majority of species, the wings of these birds were stubby and useless, but in one species, Titanis, the wings may have evolved a claw-equipped finger that could have been used as a weapon against prey.

Around 3 million years ago, the Isthmus of Panama arose, joining North and South America, and facilitating the exchange of animals between the two continents. This event allow some species of Phorusrhacids to spread to North America (including Titanis), but was finally their undoing. The Phorusrhacids became extinct because of climate and habitat changes as well as increased competition from incoming animals, including from Smilodon, the so-called "saber-toothed tiger".

Terror Birds

The Future of Free Energy is here now! The end of oil, coal and nuclear pollution!

The Future of Free Energy is here now! The end of oil, coal and nuclear pollution! Tube. Duration : 10.35 Mins. A new Non-profit Group promoting and financing Free Energy Technologies Originally posted at the link above: The future of free energy is at hand. the end of the energy barons, war mongers and central bankers will follow. So, let's all demand this technology be implemented immediately. Imagine the technology shown here interfaces with Corning's new Display Glass Technology. This is the future for all of us. Free Energy and Free Thinking, the free interchange of all vital information via a free energy system. This is what I have been working for this past decade and now it s hear in our very faces: 1 Million Watt Cold Fusion Reactor Running in Italy Physics in the Age of Fakery- Bibhas De Much Love to one and all!!! Free Energy and Free Thinking Mirrored by Robert Otey 11-6-11 Visit the AlienScientist Discussion board for this topic: Below is an excerpt from: Nanoholdings is a team of scientists, investors and innovators working at the cutting-edge of nanotechnology to develop solutions to the world's growing energy problems. Working in partnership with the world's best universities we develop products and companies that will revolutionize the way we use and generate energy. Two things stand out about us -- we focus exclusively on nanotechnology-based energy solutions and we work at the very cutting-edge of nano-energy research. Our ...

Keywords: Free, energy, nano, technology

Monday, March 12, 2012

Iran's troops Capabilities

Iran accounts for 5% of world oil production. As long as cars run on gasoline Iran won't be strapped for cash and can self finance the explore and development costs for weapons of mass destruction.
In the record we analyzed Iran's objectives in the areas of foreign course and security.

Obtaining political ascendancy over the other countries in the region and buttressing her status as a regional power;

Nuclear Reactor

Spreading Islam, agreeing to Muslim tradition, throughout the world;

Augmenting active and inhibitive defense against the many threats which are directed towards her.

According to the declarations of the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, and her consummate ruler, Ali Sayyid Khamanei, we can get that the extermination of Israel is Iran's fourth objective.

In this article, I will effort to provide an idea of Iran's soldiery capabilities and the areas where she presently constitutes a tangible threat to the State of Israel.

A Large soldiery Force

The four objectives which we discussed in the old record induced Iran to begin a gigantic armaments buildup ever since the Islamic Revolution of 1979. The process accelerated greatly following the results of the Iran-Iraq War, as in the aftermath of that war, Iran's status as a regional power was without fail undermined.

Iran maintains an army, which is in succeed the largest and most powerful in the Middle East, agreeing to accepted criteria: the budgets invested in it, the quantity of soldiers who serve in it, and its firepower. The criteria agreeing to which it is former to define the Idf as the most powerful army in the world, or at least in the region, pertain to the statistics of strategic victories in relation to the size and power of the army, which are measured agreeing to those same objective parameters via which we can determine that the Iranian army is the most powerful army in the region. The Iranian soldiery force is composed of 14 land divisions and 15 Air Force squadrons.

The Iranian navy totals 170 vessels, including frigates, corvettes, missile boats and three submarines. Despite the point of the Navy for establishing hegemony on the order of a superpower in the Gulf, it is possible that the Iranian Navy constitutes the Achilles Heel of the Iranian army in particular, and of the Iranian plan to become the solitary power in the Middle East in general.

Research and development for Mass Destruction

There are many countries throughout the world who assert weapons of mass destruction. Many other countries would like to put their hands on weaponry which can pose a threat but are incapable of taking any primary steps in that direction. There are a few countries that can legitimately take tangible steps towards obtaining weapons of this type, and upon them, the West, headed by the United States applies severe pressure.

An example of this is Libya's climb down from such attempts. Libya which observed what was being done to Afghanistan and Iraq, decided to raise her hands in surrender before the West would knock at her gates and drew back from her plans to get weapons of mass destruction. An additional example is North Korea, the singular country in the world that still adopts a militant Communist line. North Korea's efforts to get nuclear weapons repeatedly provoke market sanctions against her.

What typifies Iran in the area of weapons of mass destruction in general and nuclear weapons in particular, is that it constitutes the only state that possesses the capability to fiscally assert with all aspects pertaining to the yield of weapons of mass destruction. Iran produces 5% of the world's oil consumption, and as long as the world still travels on gasoline, she will not lack for cash in her coffers, and will prove capable of financing by herself, without any exterior assistance, the explore and development primary for producing weapons of mass destruction.

In the diplomatic arena, Iran enjoys unusual immunity. A large portion of Iran's conventional arsenal was built in Russia and China, and was paid for there in cash. Additionally, the nuclear reactor in Busheir, which is supposed to be operational in the next few months, is the stock of an agreement signed in the middle of Iran and Russia in 1995. agreeing to the deal, Russia will perfect the building of the reactor within a decade, and in tandem will provide large quantities of nuclear fuel, in return for $ 830 million which Iran will exchange to Russia. The defense industries, of both Russia and China, require Iranian money like air to breathe.

Iran's ramified ties in this sphere with Russia and China, two very foremost countries in the Un, have paved Iran's path to a nuclear bomb. These countries are fighting the primary battles on Iran's behalf to forestall the imposition of sanctions that would legitimately pester her existence. In this context, Mohammed el-Baradei and his associates-- who were sent by the United Nations to supervise the Iranian nuclear program, and ensure that it would be intended exclusively for civilian (electricity etc.) purposes -- have become a fraud. Iran is not afraid of the Un and her nuclear program always regarded the yield of electricity and civilian purposes as a secondary objective, if at all.

As of 1999, Iran employs over 10,000 Russian nuclear engineers. Let it be said in Russia's defense that those engineers chose to work in Iran, naturally for the reckon that after the fall of the Iron Curtain they do not have many possible employers. If the matter depended on the Russian Government, they would have adored that as few Russian citizens as possible be dependent upon Iran.

The Iranian arsenal also comprises biological and chemical weapons. Intelligence sources, both Israeli and foreign, assert that to this date Iran has the largest stockpile of chemical weapons in the world. These stockpiles contain "materials that cause burns, asphyxiation and blood and nerve agents", contends Sean Pine, in his record in the periodical "Nativ" (the January 2003 issue). Iran's explore projects in this sphere of chemical weapons are as ambitious as her plans in the sphere of nuclear weapons.

Western Intelligence reports on a deal that can take shape in the middle of Iran and China, under which China will provide Iran with components that will allow her to be an independent producer of chemical weapons. Such a situation, if it should obtain, will allow Iran to export chemical weapons, whose signature is much lower and whose portability is much higher and smoother than that of nuclear weapons. The repercussions can be destructive, as in a chemical strike on a central Israeli city that will be perpetrated by the Hamas or one of the sundry terror organizations sheltering under its authority.

Iran conducts independent research, in the sphere of biological weaponry as well, despite the fact that this realm is much less developed than the chemical and nuclear spheres. agreeing to reports from assorted sources, Iran is the only country of means which conducts active explore in this sphere. Another hostile body which conducts explore in this field, despite the fact that one could hardly call it a state, is the global terror organization Al-Qaeda. The publications state that Iran retains stocks of risky biological weapons, such as ricin and anthrax.

Ballistic Missiles

Iran is the most developed country in the field of explore and development in ballistic missiles. Iran's most beneficial piece of missile development is the "Shihab 3" with a range of up to 1500 km, the import of this range is that it can hit any point in Israel and some strategic American targets in Southeast Turkey and in Saudi Arabia.

The development of the Shihab three began already while the year 1992. The first test was performed in 1998, and opinions are divided either it was a success or not. However, this discussion is not legitimately salient in view of the fact that tests which were conducted recently on the Shihab 3 were highly successful, and this missile is today the star of the Iranian ballistic system. It's former to believe that the Shihab 3 is a stock of independent Iranian explore and development, but in reality we are dealing with a missile that was based on a North Korean missile.

While deploying the Shihab 3, Iran is busy developing the Shihab 4, a missile that is based on technologies that were used in Soviet missiles. The Shihab 4 will have a range of 2000 km and will cover all of Turkey and parts of Greece.

The Shihab 5 is in the preliminary development stages. Its maximal range agreeing to Intelligence sources, will be 5600 km, in other words it will constitute a real threat to central Europe.

Isolated Intelligence sources record the development of the Shihab 6, with a range of 10,000 km and an capability to threaten the Eastern United States.

Additionally, Iran disposes of a principles of short and intermediate range ballistic missiles, whose purpose is to defend Iran's borders against her neighbors (such as Uzbekistan). However, one must take into catalogue the threat implicit in the fall of the Hashemite Regime in Jordan. In such an eventuality, it's possible that these missiles will legitimately find their way into the hands of Hamas on the West Bank, and will constitute a real threat to Israel.

A Huge and determined soldiery Force

To sum up the matter, Iran presently maintains an unprecedentedly powerful army. It is capable of declaring full scale war against Israel, and to constitute an equal and disciplined foe against an American invasion of Iran's soil, should that occur.

Iran's nuclear weapons buildup is apparently unavoidable. From the occasion it has a nuclear bomb in its possession Iran will be capable of launching it against us. However, due to Israel's "second strike" capability -- the launching of a nuclear bomb from Israel towards Iran, in an immediate and self-operating fashion should Iran get underway a bomb against us -- will apparently forestall the initiation of war in this manner. Even if Iran does not refrain and decides to get underway the bomb as a notification of war, it is plausible to assume that it will not succeed in destroying Israel although it could cause her unprecedented damage.

Iran's troops Capabilities

Nuclear Plant Leak PEOPLE OF AMERICA - PLEASE ! ! !

Nuclear Plant Leak PEOPLE OF AMERICA - PLEASE ! ! ! Video Clips. Duration : 2.72 Mins.

People of America if you are truly free and smart,STAND UP NOW ! ! ! not for this ore for those ,but for a COMPLETELY new Era ! STAND UP NOW ! Belive us - they hypnotize you down again!


Fallout 3 - Vash's Adventures W/ Commentary P.24

Fallout 3 - Vash's Adventures W/ Commentary P.24 Tube. Duration : 10.37 Mins.

Part. 24 PC Normal

Tags: fallout, fall, out, wastes, wasteland, raiders, raider, pip, boy, weapons, new, vegas, vash, vash12349, 12349, funny, hilarious, gameplay, game, play, playthrough, fun, nuclear, comedy, demolition, is, my, mission, explosions, energy, small, guns, unique, survive, survival, games, destruction, atomic

Sunday, March 11, 2012

the nuclear gun yes its a gun

the nuclear gun yes its a gun Tube. Duration : 1.95 Mins.

one of the worst guns ever made kills your enemy and then it slowly kills you

Tags: rifle, nuke, nuclear, war, gun, devastating, power, atomic, bomb, holocaust, danger, histery, channel, JFK, super, wepons, wmd

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fallout New Vegas DLC: Lonesome Road - Part 3

Fallout New Vegas DLC: Lonesome Road - Part 3 Video Clips. Duration : 41.33 Mins.

Adventure! DimaSmirnov-Get To It

Keywords: nuclear, brotherhood, of, arms, ncr, enclave, minecraft, add, on, creeer, weapons, weapon, armor, mod, power, goodsprings, buildable, bots, mojave, atomic, water, destruction, dlc, addon, destroy, pokemon, pikachue, raichu, theme, song, very, best, ash, ketchum, back, to, the, future, 88mph, deloreon

Hydro vigor

Water is a renewable energy resource, and one that offers the most unlikeness in power production. We can harness the water energy through what is known as motive energy or through the differences it experiences in temperature.

Water is nearly one thousand times as dense as our air. What this tells us, then, is that a slow consuming stream of water is more powerful, in terms of renewable energy than wind. A wave or swell of the sea can deliver many times that energy.

Nuclear Power

We have many forms of renewable water energy from which to choose.

There are many forms of water energy.

The first type of water energy, and the one we most commonly think of when we think of renewable water power, is hydroelectric. This is the power that commonly is created by large hydroelectric dams.

You can also have what are called micro hydroelectric systems. These are small power installations that furnish as much as 100 kilowatts of power. The most tasteless places to find these renewable water energy sources are in areas where water is abundant and the hydro theory can be used as a remote area power contribute Raps. While there are many Raps nearby the globe several are functioning in the Solomon Islands.

Wave power is an additional one way of using water as a renewable energy source. The waves are used to generate an up and down affect for pontoons that float in the water. This has just started to be used commercially as renewable energy.

Tides can furnish renewable energy as well. As the ocean tides come in the water level is raised in the water basin. Then, at low tide the basin water gets discharged through the water turbine. Tidal stream power is distinct in that it captures the energy produced by the tidal flow. This commonly is done through the use of an underwater plant that looks like a small-scale wind turbine. While governments have set up demonstrations for this type of tidal power, any large scale commercialization of this renewable tidal energy would want uncut upfront capital. This has yet to be attempted.

Ocean thermal energy conversion Otec is yet an additional one form of water energy. Otec uses the distinct in climatic characteristic in the middle of the oceans outside water and the water at deeper points. To do this it uses a cyclic heat engine. This form of renewable energy has had no large scale field test as yet.

Though not technically a form of generating renewable energy the cooling of the water in deep lakes is an productive way to save energy while the hot summer months. Pipes are submerged and used as heat sinks. The bottom of these lakes typically stays at less than 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Blue energy, which is no ifs ands or buts desalination in reverse, is a renewable energy resource still being researched. There is no data at this point to show whether it will work.

Hydro vigor

Friday, March 9, 2012

2012 - Three Issues in the Year of the Dragon, and Cosmic Alignment

2012 is the year the Mayan calendar concludes its 4.000 year cycle, and the year of the Dragon on the Chinese calendar. Former years have been momentous in terms of change, and ushered in an era of growing conflict. What are the three main issues in the Year of the Cosmic Alignment, and the Dragon.

1. Peace

Nuclear Power

"There are rumors of war," has been the catchphrase of the last few years, with conflicts expanding in many areas of our World, and the strengthening of strategic partnerships. Depending on what media you read, or listen to the message is the same,"We are right, this side is wrong." - despite the fact that it has taken a decade to reach a close to two major conflicts in Iraq, and Afghanistan.

In the year of the Dragon, fortune favors the brave, the risk takers who make bold new plans, and push them through. This may signify a probable Global conflict, with one or more of the three global power blocs, whilst signifying the ending of the Mayan Calendar, when Earth reaches its 4000 year cycle on December 21st, 2012. Is 2012, the year of global conflict?

2. Economic Changes

In 2008, Europe and the United States were hit by a shop crash, and their governments decided to bail out, borrow and print money in order to stimulate & save their economies from "collapse." 2012 should see whether the fruits of these policies bloom or these economic policies fail.

The dragon signifies risk or speculation where the roulette wheel spins, and possibly you become wealthy or bust. 2012 could see further wealth creation, whilst more poverty in the West. We could see some kind of stock shop collapse, as countries in the Eurozone, and the Usa, continue to borrow and print.

The reaction could conclude how, and where our future global economy moves to, and whether people still accept the global leaders whose decisions created this economic endgame. Is 2012 the birth of a new economic ideas or a form of government?

3. Our Environment

The old Maya had a close association with the Universe, and mom Nature. Our planet was seen as one, whilst the universe was seen as a source of wisdom. The old Mayan astronomers knew more about our Universe, then we still do today, and how prominent it was to build cities that lived with nature, rather destroyed nature.

The Dragon is a lucky seal for the Chinese, it also signifies where many Chinese people believe they came from. This coincidence, with the cosmic alignment, and the dragon may signify that mom Nature- could react against some of the damage created by modern humankind.

Reactions could be earthquakes, tsunamis, and cyclones, which originate man-made problems like the Fukushima nuclear meltdown, and the flooding of New Orleans. Nature at its most marvelous destroys, creating man made disasters like New Orleans, because we forgot to inventory nature in the construction of our cities.

We may face a daring, bold event whether through space weather through the alignment on December 21st. 2012 or natures reaction to fracking in North America. This could restart the Mayan Calendar again, as we finally learn that living within' nature rather than destroying it, is the only way forward. Will the unsustainable exploitation of our environment originate further environmental disasters in 2012?

2012 could be whether a year of great advance or doom, depending on which way you view the World. In a momentous year, if we look for peace, a new way to fix the global economy, and brave new ideas to live within nature. The year 2012 could be a new beginning, rather than a inglorious ending.

2012 - Three Issues in the Year of the Dragon, and Cosmic Alignment

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Declassified US Nuclear Test Film #35

Declassified US Nuclear Test Film #35 Tube. Duration : 37.05 Mins.

0800035 - Nuclear Excavation, Excavating with Nuclear Explosives - 1968 - 8:45 - Black&White and Plowshare - 1973 - 28:22 - Color - This video discusses the Plowshare Program - a program that promoted using the energy produced from nuclear explosions for peaceful uses and applications. The Atomic Energy Commission established the program in 1958, and Lawrence Radiation Laboratory (now Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) developed and implemented the projects and tests. Under this program 27 nuclear tests comprising 35 individual detonations were conducted. The video describes the objectives of the Plowshare Program tests that include: stimulation of natural gas production; creation of underground zones of fractured oil shale; earth breaking and moving projects; neutron irradiation of targets to create new elements; copper and other metal extraction from the earth; breaking and crushing mineral deposits; and rapid excavation for large-scale construction projects such as harbors, canals, or mountain passes. Comparisons between conventional and nuclear explosives in terms of cost, volume, and practical uses are discussed. Nuclear explosions are shown in schematic animation format in addition to actual film footage. Footage of people entering the underground GNOME cavity is shown, as well as close-ups of the five simultaneous, BUGGY row detonations. Conventional explosive comparisons are also shown, including one of almost 1400 tons of chemical explosives that decapitated ...

Tags: Nukes, Nuclear, weapons, WMD, radiation, radioactive, testing, warhead, downwinders, atomic, cancer

The Bob Tuskin Show's Nuclear Special: A Scary Situation

The Bob Tuskin Show's Nuclear Special: A Scary Situation Video Clips. Duration : 85.13 Mins.

Keywords: Bob Tuskin, nuclear special, nuclear, Japan, thyroid, radiation, radiation protection, milk

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Episode 99 - 5th january 2012

Episode 99 - 5th january 2012 Tube. Duration : 19.12 Mins.

The series is an old world romance set in the present time in a small city -- Bhopal. Chintu is an innocent slightly overweight boy who is destined to get married at 23 like everyone in his large joint family which has thirteen members to be precise including him. The number is inherently not lucky and therefore they have already started to look for a match for him and he is to be married off just after passing out. In such a large family important decisions in life are taken by everyone else except for the concerned party. So Chintu is not exactly looking for a romance and has already accepted the fact that he will be getting married soon until he literally bangs into Chinki and falls head over heels in love with her.Chinki comes from a small nuclear family. Her grandmother and their old loyal servant are the two other members apart from their family planning style family of four, Mother, Father, Brother, Sister. She is therefore more used to taking her own decisions although she is influenced by her grandmother who is a modernist and a romantic. She prompts Chinki to fall in love which by their small city standards is quite a forward thing to do.The love story has it's own share of hits and misses, confusions, formations of love triangles and quadrangles, ups and downs -- all quintessentially small town - stolen glances, first love letters, family cabin dates in restaurants, stolen dates in parks etc and of course family opposition.Yet things resolve themselves ...

Keywords: Chintu, Chinky, Aur, Ek, Badi, Si, Love, Story, Episode, 99, 5th, january, 2012, Chinki, Rajesh Kumar, Divyanka Tripathi, Rakesh Bedi, Abhishek Awasthi, zahirdolly Minhas, 22th August, 2011, monday, 8.00pm, SABTV, sab tv, SET, sony entertainment television, youtube, playlist, video, high quality, HQ, HD, high Definition punjab, punjabi, SETINDIA, shows, media, channel, TV, primetime, funny, comedy, india, Bhopal, romance, family

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Chatarra nuclear: El gobierno japonés confirma que...

Chatarra nuclear: El gobierno japonés confirma que... Tube. Duration : 1.23 Mins.

Pero para ello antes tendrán que controlar las fugas y las altas temperaturas que desestabilizan los aún peligrosos núcleos de los reactores. En caso contrario, liberarán vapor radiactivo a la atmósfera para evitar un mal mayor. ...

Keywords: euronews, Energía nuclear, Japón

Kya Huaa Tera Vaada - Episode 6 - 7th February 2012

Kya Huaa Tera Vaada - Episode 6 - 7th February 2012 Tube. Duration : 21.07 Mins.

Pradeep Singh and Mona Singh are a young couple living independently in Mumbai in a nuclear setup with their 3 kids- Bulbul (9), Rano (7) and Rajbir (5). They have been married for 10years now and they have dealt with several situations together in the past. Pradeep has stepped out of his father's business and house and wants to carve his own niche. Mona has stood by him in this endeavor. Inspite of that Pradeep and Mona's pot of joy is spilling over- they have 3 children and a life which revolves around work and children.Their biggest achievement, the children, is also what has created a wedge between them. Mona whose only priority was her husband today has 3 kids screaming for her attention and at times even demanding it. Hers is the classic case of a woman who ceases to play any other role except that of a mom

Tags: Kya, Huaa, Tera, Vaada, Episode, 7th, February, 2012, Kya Hua Tera Vaada, Kya Hua Tera Vada, Kya Hua Tera Wada, Kya Huaa Tera Vaada, Pradeep Singh, Mona Singh, Poonam Preet, Mumbai, Bulbul, Rano, Rajbir, SET, sony entertainment television, 'sony, sony tv, youtube, playlist, video, high quality, HQ, HD, high Definition, SETINDIA, shows, media, channel, TV, primetime, funny, comedy, india, prime time

Monday, March 5, 2012

Neem Neem Shahad Shahad - : 01/12/12

Neem Neem Shahad Shahad - : 01/12/12 Video Clips. Duration : 20.03 Mins.


Keywords: Creative, Eye, Neem Neem Shahad Shahad, Sejal Shah, Lily Patel, Surendra Pal, Hasmukh, Vidya Sinha, Amrapali Gupta, Pankaj Berry, Anita Kulkarni, :Joint, family, Nuclear family, marriage, Yesterday episode, Last episode, Lime, Honey, Sweet, Bitter, Tasty, Taste, Couple, People

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Minecraft - Lightning Arrows & YogBox mod!

Minecraft - Lightning Arrows & YogBox mod! Tube. Duration : 5.58 Mins.

I talk over a few things whilst showcasing some of the Yogbox features! PLEASE follow me on Twitter and I WILL answer every question :) Minecraft series on Nuclear & Twigy: Download the Yogbox mod: Thanks for watching guys, please do like the video, I will be aiming for at least a video a day now for this channel as well as Nuclear and Twigy, so be prepared for Archives and Commentaries and perhaps the odd montage :). -Henry

Tags: whoshenry, minecraft, blue, xephos, yogscast, lightning, arrows, nuclear, and, twigy, machinima, update, video, commentary, call, of, duty

2012 Outlook For High Yield Dividend Paying Stocks for retirement

This past year was one of many ups and downs in the shop but oddly enough the stock indexes ended the year just about where they started with the S & P 500 index ending down a mere 0.04 points below the beginning of the year. We enter 2012 with a mixed bag of factors. The Us cheaper seems to be getting stronger, but our congress remains as gridlocked as ever. The European financial problems, while temporarily calm, have not been resolved, and will likely rear their ugly heads again. Meanwhile Iran is threatening to blockade the Strait of Hormuz, the only tube way for oil to go from the Persian Gulf to the Arabian Sea. This would stop the flow of oil out of the middle east to the rest of the world. Iran is development this threat as a counter to Europe and the Us addition sanctions to preclude them from building a nuclear bomb. This is a very volatile, unpredictable, and dangerous situation with no easy solution. Hopefully calm heads will prevail. With the death of Kim Jong Il in N Korea no one knows how his son Kim Jong Un will act as the new leader of this wayward communist country. Initial indications are that he will be as despotic as his father...time will tell. Domestically, interest rates are at historic lows, unemployment rates are arrival down, albeit at a glacially slow rate, holiday retail sales beat expectations, corporate wage have been commonly good, forces have returned from Iraq, the Occupy Wall road movement has caused the populace and congress to stop and think, and of course it is an determination year. Just like last year, we enter 2012 with no clear direction and many many variables most of which are unpredictable, all of which will impact the markets.

There are some things that are predictable. The Fed has told us that they will not be raising interest rates until 2013, so it is uncostly to believe that the current favorable rate environment will stay as it is for at least the next 12 months. This is good for all borrowers, and good for businesses large and small. On the short term it is good for high compliance equities that are interest rate sensitive such as Mortgage Real Estate speculation Trusts, company amelioration companies and Oil and Gas expert diminutive Partnerships. The tricky part is that when rates start to rise, which they will eventually, these high yielders will be impacted negatively. When the shop begins to anticipate arrival rate increases these shares will most likely drop ahead of the interest rate increase by in any place from 6 to 12 months in advance. So now is a time to be very vigilant and perhaps to begin paring down investments in these asset classes. Clearly bonds will be hit the same way in as much as low interest rate paying bonds will suffer valuable capital losses when new bonds are issued with higher returns.

Nuclear Power

It is also uncostly to believe that the world's current dependence on fossil fuels will continue for at least the near term future. It is likely that the Us will be development major moves to become less dependent on oil from the middle east and will enhance our energy relationships with Mexico and Canada, but most importantly, the Us will likely allow the stepping up of domestic production of both oil and natural gas. With the amelioration of new "fracking" techniques and the exploitation of Bakken shale, Marcellus Shale, Utica Shale, and other new finds in oil and gas, it is very likely that the Us will not only significantly reduce its dependence on the middle east, but may become net exporters of natural gas and liquid natural gas. This will mean a build up of the drilling, pipeline, warehouse etc. Infrastructure and will be a boon to this industry.

We know for sure that this is an determination year. I will not make any predictions about the supervene of the election, but I do know that every incumbent believes that reelection is more likely when the cheaper is strong and growing. Additionally enhancing consumer confidence bodes well for those seeking reelection and both the White House and our congress will do everything in their power to enhance the economy, reduce unemployment and raise consumer confidence so that those in power will remain in power.

We also know that there are many large blue chip companies that have been growing over the past 10 years, quietly raising their dividends, addition productivity and addition globally yet their stock prices have remained in the doldrums. You have to look no supplementary than our largest retailers and biggest conglomerates to see this. My experience has been that "water always seeks its own level" and that in the end strong fundamentals will overcome everything else, meaning that we should expect to see some strong movement among some of the biggest and the best blue chip stocks. A diminutive investigate will show you exactly where. Such lists as Dividend Aristocrats, Dividend Champions, and for that matter the Dow 30 are good places to find plenty of these "under-performers."

There continues to be plenty of opening in "accidental" high compliance stocks. These are stocks that have declined along with the market, or with their segment, but on an private basis have maintained strong fundamentals. The qoute is that not all high compliance stocks are accidental high yielders. Many are high compliance because they are high risk. The key for each private investor is to determine his or her own tolerance for risk and then do the required due diligence to find the right equities to meet their own private objectives. Then based on your estimation of the shop begin to deploy your funds accordingly, be it through dollar cost averaging, or some other strategy that you have chosen.

Whether you select to pour through each year reports, 10K's, regular financials, etc. Or opt to spin financial data from secondary sources such as Google Finance, Yahoo Finance, Msn Money, to name but a few of the larger ones, it is foremost that you understand the most basal facts about any company that you are inspecting as an investment. Essentially you should understand what it is that a company does well enough so that you can explicate it to man else. You should know what kind of an operation it is, its management style, pertinent facts about the company's growth, profit, company cycle, risk factors, rating versus competition, etc. There are a number of metrics that are very helpful in rating a company versus its peers, and determining if a single equity meets your own definite criteria. These data points and ratios are available at virtually every financial site which follows equities.

Revenue: Look at the trend. Where is the company in its increase cycle?

Earnings: Is the company development money? Is wage growing or declining? What is the trend for the P/E (ratio of price to earnings)? How does the P/E ratio compare to competitors? What are the Eps (earnings per share)? How much of Eps are paid out in dividends? How much is available for R&D, growth, etc.? It is foremost to note that in some high yield tax advantaged companies such as Real Estate speculation Trusts, expert diminutive Partnerships, and company amelioration Companies, the rules governing their operations are quite different than with most corporations. Other metrics such as hedging, Dcf (distributable cash flow), and interest rate trends may be as foremost to look at as wage when one evaluates these entities. For details on these special tax advantaged companies any crusade engine will contribute in depth data as to their buildings and operations.

Ratio of Debt to Equity: In a salutary company when equity is divided into debt the results should commonly be less than one. Comparison with peers is foremost in evaluating this metric.

Assets and Liabilities: While there is a wide range of salutary or unhealthy possibilities, as a rule of thumb you will want to see assets at least duplicate liabilities. Dividing assets by liabilities results in the Current Ratio which should commonly be at least 2.

Book Value Per Share: considered by dividing the net value of a company by the shares outstanding, the Book Value Per Share is a metric that indicates how the normal shop views the success of that company. If shares sell above book it commonly means that the shop perceives hereafter growth. Sometimes the shop gets it wrong and a company sells below book providing a buying opportunity. different categories tend to have different ratios of book value to share price so it is foremost to spin other equities in the same field when evaluating Book Value Per Share.

Insider & Institutional Trading: Are insiders (corporate officers and others with inside information) buying or selling? Why? Do they know more than you do about the likely hereafter for an equity?

How many times have you heard that what has happened in the past is no guarantee with regard to what will happen in the future? Well, the fact of the matter is that generally, unless you have a crystal ball, past operation is probably the best place to look while determining what may happen in the future. This data is available to everyone, but relatively few take advantage. It is so much easier to plainly buy or sell what your broker or financial adviser suggests, but do they precisely know your tolerance for risk, financial objectives, and speculation parameters? Whose financial interests are they most concerned about, yours or theirs? Are they willing to take the time to produce a definite plan for you, or will they try to fit you into a preexisting "canned" plan that their company is marketing to folks like you?

Given the fact that there is no clear direction for the markets in 2012, doesn't it make more sense than ever to take the time to truly value your current portfolio, due the proper due diligence on stocks that you are inspecting for hereafter purchase, and to then stay on top of things so that you can make the approved mid stream adjustments as circumstances change? Does anything care more about your money than you do? Really? It's not that hard!

Copyright 2012 Boyd speculation Holdings Llc, All ownership Reserved Worldwide

2012 Outlook For High Yield Dividend Paying Stocks for retirement

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fallout New Vegas Mods: A Living Gun!

Fallout New Vegas Mods: A Living Gun! Tube. Duration : 34.47 Mins.

With the return of Steve we check out four baby mods, and one of a giant pain in my everything. DaiShi-Wh40k Tyranid Impaler Cannon Phoynix-Heavy Laser Mic112-Protect The Brahmin Sazchiel-Soviet March

Keywords: fallout new vegas, fallout 3, fallout, nuclear, game, bethesda, obsidian, albert, al, chestbreach, gaming, commentary, talking, odd, different, funny, weird, ncr, mojave, nevada, nuclear winter, sometimes you wish, blue moon, protectron, brotherhood of steel, the enclave, mod, add-on, add on, dlc, addition, new location, quest, faq, walkthrough, guide, help, baby, cakes, cake, brahmin, hunter, nexus, patch, exclamation point