Friday, March 16, 2012

China's Sold Weapons to Iran, Venezuela, Al Qaeda, & Syria - Should the Us Arm China's Separatists?

Perhaps, you didn't perceive that China is a one of the largest military weapons exporters. Unlike the United States of America China often sells weapons to rogue nations, and has even sold weapons to Al Qaeda. Many of these weapons end up in the hands of terrorist organizations, insurgents, or nations which then use them against Us troops. This is fully unforgivable inspecting the boost in the military-industrial involved in China has been created by the huge numbers of dollars that have gone to China to buy goods for the American middle class.

In other words, not only has the United States been funding the war engine of China, China is ramping up their military manufacturing of weapons and selling of weapons to our enemies. Obviously, it makes sense that the Us consumers should fully boycott all Chinese goods and tell them where to stick it. Or best yet, maybe the United States market involved should sell our top tech military weapons to Chinese separatist groups; for instance those in Tibet, Burma, or the Urumqi region.

Nuclear Weapons

Why not? Fair is fair.

Now, you might think that this is totally unacceptable and my comments are out of line. But maybe that's because you don't have a brother in the United States marine Corps. If you did you might think twice about what the United States should do about this. If China refuses to stop selling weapons to countries like Iran, Venezuela, Syria, or the terrorist group known as Al Qaeda, or to nations that would give weapons to Hamas or Hezbollah, then the Us consumers should boycott all Chinese products and send all those ships back to China.

Then we can see how long their military-industrial involved can last production blood money off of Us troops. I am sick and tired of the hypocrisy, I hope you are too. After all, two can play this game and if that's the way China wants to play it, then let's show them how good we are at the game. Now, I am pretty definite that China is not stupid, and understands what the United States military did to Russia in Afghanistan using leisure fighters and Stinger missiles.

Imagine if China's separatists groups had such weapons. I bet China would economically implode if we took such actions against China. If China keeps selling military weapons that end up killing Us troops, then as far as I am concerned, that is a fair trade. China owes the United States of America and the American citizen an apology and we deserve it now. Please consider all this.

China's Sold Weapons to Iran, Venezuela, Al Qaeda, & Syria - Should the Us Arm China's Separatists?

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