Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mr.Nakate explains why doctors in Fukushima won't help children.

Mr.Nakate explains why doctors in Fukushima won't help children. Video Clips. Duration : 7.53 Mins.

Fukushima Parents Seek Dismissal of Radiation Advisor: Mr.Nakate speaks. www.youtube.com Mr. Nakate explique pourquoi les médecins à Fukushima n'aident pas les enfants 27.08.11: www.youtube.com Seiichi Nakate, delegate of 'Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation', tells how Dr.Yamashita affect doctors in Fukushima in the lecture, 'Citizens Rally to Aim at the Future without Nuclear Power', held in Taito Palace of Metropolitan Industry and Trade Center in Tokyo on 27th Aug 2011. 100µS/h=876mS/y; 20µS/h=175.2mS/y Before the accident, one was normally allowed by law to be exposed to artificial radiation of less than 1mS/y(approximately 0.114µS/h) in Japan , which was calculated on the idea that the amount of the radiation the a human being irrated to in his life time should be less than 100mS(100mS/100year). The footage of Dr.Yamashita refered to here: www.youtube.com You can make sure what he said at 0:32 and 0:52. *The website of Fukushima prefecture: wwwcms.pref.fukushima.jp You can see the sentense below the picture of Dr. Yamashita say in Japanese, "Correction: The remark, 'Our health isn't hazarded as long as it doesn't get more than 100millisievrt/h' was a mistake for 'as long as it doen't get more than 10millisievert/h'. We correct here. We are so sorry fo troubling you. Judging from his context in the footage, you can see Dr.Yamashita intenally says '100µS/h'. Network for Saving Children from Radiation': kofdomofukushima.at.webry.info Mitsuhiko Tanaka ...

Keywords: Syunichi, Yamashita, Seiichi, Nakate, Mitsuhiko, Tanaka, Takashi, Hirose, the, accident, of, Fukushima, Daiichi, Nuclear, Plant, Child, health, Radiation, Japanese, Communist, Party, 中手聖一, 山下俊一, 広瀬隆, 田中光彦, 肥田舜太郎, 日本共産党

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