Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fukushima Temp rises Highest Yet! Evacuate Tokyo? update 2/12/12

Fukushima Temp rises Highest Yet! Evacuate Tokyo? update 2/12/12 Video Clips. Duration : 10.92 Mins.

One reading of Fukushima reactor exceeds 80 C***see Footnote at bottom*** The operator of theFukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says the No.2 reactor is in a state of cold shutdown. This is despite the fact one of its thermometers showed a temperature above 80 degrees Celsius on Sunday. The reading of the thermometer at the bottom of the reactor began to rise late last month, prompting TEPCO to increase the injection of water into the reactor. Although the reading temporarily declined, it started to rise again on Saturday and reached 82 degrees at 2:20 PM on Sunday. The government and TEPCO declared in December that all the reactors were in a state of cold shutdown, with temperatures below 100 degrees. At that time they set guidelines to keep reactor temperatures at a maximum of 80 degrees, given the thermometers' margin of error of up to 20 degrees. This is the first time a temperature reading has exceeded 80 degrees Celsius since the declaration was made. TEPCO reported the reading to the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency. TEPCO maintains the reactor is in a state of cold shutdown for a number of reasons. Two other thermometers installed at the same height as the one in question show temperatures dropping to around 35 degrees. The readings of 3 other thermometers placed about 1.5 meters lower fell as TEPCO increased the amount of water injected into the reactor. A study of air samples collected around the reactor shows no sign of nuclear criticality occurring at ...

Keywords: Fukushima Daiichi, nuclera power plant, Tokyo Electric Power Company, TEPCO, evacuation, Japan, Japanese government, hysteria, panic, exclusion zone, worst case scenario, death, poisoning, food, water, air, pacific ocean, meltdown, Ohi, cold shutdown, stress test, enenews, bwr, mark1 nuclear reactor, spent fuel pool

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