Monday, March 19, 2012

The Illusion of free time

In any society there is the illusion of freedom, and if we believe we are free, well then I guess we are. Yet, if we as a society decide to feel trapped, without occasion or denied the pursuit of happiness, we will not feel free. Nevertheless, some leisure is given up by citizens straight through laws, taxes, or agreed upon public contract.

And just as gravity is a wall we accept such rules to a large extent in a similar fashion. After all, we call things like gravity, natural "laws" of physics, but they do severely restrict our leisure of movement.

Nuclear Power

In the Us we have a sort of economic enslavement brewing, but we should expect this as we have failed to make good on the promises of capitalism, while the leadership proves ethically challenged and weak to the very human nature that purport to be above.

Some philosophers have noted and still to this day their follower's cite that: "The vigor of democracy is that it offers the illusion of freedom."

While this is a tasteless argument, it should be noted that a pure democracy is hazardous to itself, however the Us was set up as a Republic, not a straight-line democracy. And I would submit that Communism is not the maturing of capitalism, as stated by such detractors as Karl Marx in Das Capital.

Rather, communism's charm is that it can solve the problem of those who want to get the most for doing the least (human nature) and therefore, communism and its inefficiencies are the death of the individual's power for the beehive of humanity, where people are pushed down and no longer matter.

So, in both a democracy and communism there is the illusion of freedom. In communism, no one is free, but every person believes in the State, as roughly a religion and they wish to be a good communist for the well-being of the whole. In essence giving up self in order to serve, but supposedly in and of their own free will" after being brainwashed into that reality.

In a level Democracy the public group gets together and votes for those things they want, in trade for giving up their extreme occasion for public protection and being taken care of. Either way, pure Democracies and Communist Nations only have the illusion of freedom. Think on this.

The Illusion of free time

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