Many disturbing words are written about Ahmadinejad, Iran's leader. That he believes the next Imam is coming. That a child who was thrown down a well will rise again. That he denies the holocaust. That he supports the cause of the working class in Iran. That he wants his country to have nuclear power. But let's not be hasty about his beliefs. America has a leader who believes that a man who was nailed to a tree two thousand years ago will save him from Hell. The Uk has a leader who believes the American leader. And lets not beat nearby the bush.
Iran Needs nuclear weapons. It does not need nuclear power. It has enough oil for itself and its young 70million odd population. It needs nuclear weapons because it needs to defend itself. It needs the threat that North Korea has - to be "un-attack-able". The first rule of American forces politics now is that the state you attack has to be undefendable. Iraq had nothing, nothing! And American and Uk planners knew this. This is why they did not say that al-Qaeda was in North Korea. North Korea has nuclear weapons. This is why they did not say that al-Qaeda was in Pakistan. Pakistan has nuclear weapons (and they are compliant). They said that al-Qaeda was in Iraq. Al-Qaeda, in all its shapes and forms, has not admittedly been into a champagne-guzzling regime like Saddam Hussein's. Iraq was defenceless. It had nothing. And the Amerikans knew it.
Nuclear Weapons
Iran knows too well that its democratically elected government can be overthrown by the Cia, American and Western interests. admittedly discover the Shah. Iran's defence policy, for any rational man who understands Amerikan Real Politik, and who understands what causes that great monster to move, and who knows the history of Iran will know that Ahmadinejad Needs nuclear weapons to deter an American attack. The Americans are already at his border. They have already busy his neighbour. Its client state Israel has nuclear weapons, and (despite their failure with Hizbollah) a extremely effective army. Virtually everyone in the state has forces training. Iran only has the most precious commodity on earth, oil. You can't set fire to all that oil on the soil of Amerika. You need a bloody big bomb to deter the narrow fascist state that is America. What would your policy be if you had armies on your borders who have slight qoute in invading a country on any pretext? You would want that invasion to be unwinnable. The same politics that informed America and Ussr mutually assured destruction in the cold war applies here.
Ahmadinejad, for all his failings, knows this. He may be a nutcase. If we read and believed all the Western reporting then we would assume so. We would also assume the same about George Bush Jr. But the aspiration to nuclear weaponry (let's not pretend its for energy), is a sensible policy in a world where America can keep its clients with lethal weaponry for no regard to life nor limb, nor age nor infirmity, nor right nor wrong (wrong place + wrong time = "soft target"). It can only respect annihilation as the appropriate deterrent. Hence, Iran needs a big gun.
Ahmadinejad stands for his own country and people. And says it loud. And he understands that even if Iran had done nothing, and was the purest of the pure states, they would still be liable to invasion if they upset American corporate interests.
Why Iran Needs Nuclear Weapons
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