Thorium has been used for years in high ability camera lenses and microwave ovens. With many other uses thorium is now destined to be crowned king as an alternative vigor source. Although technically a nuclear energy, thorium properties lend itself to many advantages over uranium - and coal. Here are the "Top 10" reasons Thorium vigor is the most alternative vigor source in the world. Four of the top ten are for the most prominent reasons. The safety and potential survival of mankind.
Safer: Thorium does not furnish plutonium thereby greatly reducing if not eliminating the risk of nuclear proliferation. Safer: Thorium does not need nuclear fuel rods erasing all danger of nuclear melt down as seen in Japan. Safer: Thorium has less than 1% of the nuclear waste as uranium - profoundly safer for storage. Safer: Thorium is used to eliminate existing piles of nuclear arms. United States and Russian scientists are working in conjunction with one another on thorium technology to reduce plutonium in Russia. Energy: One ton of thorium can furnish as much vigor as 200 tons of uranium or as much as 3,500,000 tonnes of coal. This overwhelming declaration made by Carlo Rubia of the European organization For Nuclear Research. Energy: Thorium can be recycled providing more vigor efficiency than any vigor in the world. Abundant: There is practically 3 to 4 times more thorium in the earth's crust than uranium. Cost: Thorium technology will save billions of dollars in safety and transportation cost. safety because microscopic thorium waste means savings on maintenance and nuclear waste plants. transportation because fuel, guarnatee and other associated expenditures in the converyance of nuclear waste will be miniscule in comparison to uranium. Desalinate Water: Thorium waste can desalinate salt water to supply potable water. This can be a life saver on an international scale to countries that have water shortages. Rare Earth Metals: Some thorium deposits have valuable rare earth metals in them. Neodymium is one of the most abundant of the seventeen rare earth metals known. The United States has one of the largest thorium veins in the world that is rich in neodymium.
Nuclear Reactor
Only one of the seventeen rare earth metals is surely rare. The name to chronicle these elements "rare earth metals" was given over a century ago. There wasn't enough technology then to excerpt the metals so they were believed to be rare and the name stuck.
Neodymium is arguably the most prominent of the metals because of its wide use and national safety implications. Reconsider the following: Neodymium magnets are the strongest magnets in the world and are utilized in hybrid cars, aircraft generators, wind turbines, headphones, professional loud speakers, welder's goggles, incandescent light bulbs, computer disks, lasers that emit infrared light and more.
Thorium vigor in a Molten Salt Reactor
Thorium is plainly found as thorium-232 or Th-232. When the thorium decays it absorbs neutrons which in turn causes the Th-232 to furnish U-233 - which is fission. This process of fission or the splitting apart of the atoms releases profound amounts of energy. Not to be confused with uranium-235, which is very dangerous, the U-233 while producing vigor - loses its capacity for bomb making. Nuclear proliferation is virtually eliminated development the world a safer place. The Msr or molten salt reactor is a composition of two salts in a Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor.
The acronym for this very technical reactor is Lftr and pronounced "Lifter". Although there are other thorium reactors, Lftr is being touted as the safest and most vigor sufficient of them all - and for good reason. The salt in the Lftr allows the reactor to operate at very high temperatures without causing pressurization. This means no explosions like in the Fukushima vigor Plant in Japan. Thorium vigor is the most alternative vigor source in the world. It reproduces or recycles vigor from its former source rendering uranium and coal practically useless in comparison. With vigor efficiency levels at 200 to over 3 million times greater than uranium and coal respectively, thorium is the wave of our vigor future.
Do you think this may be why India has already built a multi-billion dollar thorium vigor plant?
Top 10 Reasons Thorium vigor Should Supplant Uranium and Coal As vigor King
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