The next time you go to fill up your car with petrol, diesel or even the more up-to-date innovation of bio fuel think about the fact that it will be one of the last times you do this. Okay, so it is still going to be a good few years until these sources of fuel run out completely, but, as prices continue to rise, technology continues to thrive on creating new devices that use alternative power resources. Bio fuels might still be around a bit longer than the others, but finally we will be using more undoubtedly gained and renewable resources.
At the moment there are three main sources of alternative energy, but before we have a look at them let us ask ourselves a very easy quiz, - is alternative power undoubtedly a new concept? Why should we ask ourselves this? Well, when it comes to using the power of wind to do something for us that we would rather not do ourselves then history is teaming with evidence of wind power being utilised in our past. We had navigation ships up until the later part of the 19th century, we used and still use wind power to some extent to grind wheat.
Nuclear Power
There is even evidence of a wind power land car that used a sail to capture the wind and catapult it and it's enthusiastic passenger over the land. Hydro power might seem like a new concept, but again if we take a step back in time we will see that water from rivers was used to turn wheels with the purpose of grinding grain. Solar power, again, may seem like a new invention, but if we take a look out of our living room window and into our pretty gardens then we will undoubtedly be humbled by the fact that evolution has used solar (sun) power for millions of years to provide power for plants. The advantages of solar power are definite if we just look up.
What we have done more recently is not so much produce alternative power sources, but rather to re-invent them to suit the modern needs of today.
Alternative energy Sources - Advantages of Solar Power
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