Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Zero Point Field vigor Wand Sparks Body's curative Power

What I would like to write about here with regard to Zero Point Field vigor originates somewhere between old natural therapeutic wisdom and futuristic technology.

I am not a scientist and do not pretend to understand all aspects of this subject matter. It is my desire to at least give the reader a remarked of the astonishing advantages and life-changing possibilities that reside in the operation of allowing our bodies to be reminded of the disease-free state they were in once upon a time.

Nuclear Power

When we look at an object under the great lens of a microscope, say a part of your body or the tile floor, etc., as you delve down deep into the buildings of the object, the electrons, protons, and neutrons appear to be similar. Going even deeper, we find the sub-atomic range. But between these sub-atomic particles is what is known as Zero Point Field Energy.

In the interest of space allotted for this article, I will not effort to get any more technical than the above paragraph. Suffice it to say that when this Zero Point vigor is directed at an object such as a plant, water, wine, a dog, our bodies, etc., incredible results begin to occur in the recipient object. Results that I dare say, if I were to retell in information here, 90% of the readers would simply not find believable.

This Zero Point Field vigor or anything gadget is used to direct at an object or a man is not the source of anything curative might occur. Either this vigor is delivered from a pendant, a wand-type instrument, or any other vehicle, what I am attempting to retell is not any type of voodoo, magic or any other such nonsense. It is not the object of delivery that brings such astonishing results, oftentimes within minutes. Instead, as alluded to above, it is simply a car allowing our bodies to be reminded of its cells that are experiencing pain; that they should go back to 'source', or back to when they were in a near-homeostasis condition, i.e., a natural health prior to pain and disease.

It appears, at this writing, that the most intensive, concentrated manner in which to apply Zero Point vigor is straight through a gadget shaped like an ink pen referred to as a 'wand.' This wand is directed at an object (or a person) and rotated in a clockwise appeal with emphasis on the area in which one is desiring to see a inescapable effect. In doing so, the private keeping the wand is, in the case of a person, reminding the natural curative properties of the body to go back to source or back to their health prior to pain and/or disease.

Various tests have been undertaken in order to get even more undeniable proof of what Zero Point Field vigor is capable of affecting. One such test involves slicing a lemon into four pieces. Two pieces of the lemon are wanded for practically thirty seconds. Those two slices are then given to volunteers for a taste test. The lemon, in virtually each touch tastes sweet and delicious.

Then the other two slices which had not been wanded are given to the same person. Each time, the participant is astonished at the sour taste of the unwanded, pesticide-laced pieces of the lemon, many times to the point of needing to spit it out.

There are new testimonials coming in truly on a daily basis as to the wonders of properly applied Zero Point Field Energy. Citizen speak of pains from all areas of their bodies that have fully disappeared. Pains such as continuing migraines, knee, neck, and back pains to name just a very few. Some are reporting astonishing changes in their animals as well.

I have just discussed the tip of the iceberg here. But any way you slice it, (no pun intended) Zero Point vigor is affecting Citizen in very inescapable ways with truly zero side effects.

Zero Point Field vigor Wand Sparks Body's curative Power

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