Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Three Mile Island - A Near Nuclear Environmental Disaster

At around four o'clock in the morning of March 28, 1979, Reactor 2 at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, close to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, had a serious problem. At that early morning hour its non-nuclear cooling theory broke down and failed.

When the theory failed cooling water began to drain from the reactor. As a effect the reactor core experienced a partial melt down.

Nuclear Reactor

After that, one problem seemed to lead to another. A valve stuck and the operators made a estimate of errors. In increasing there were form errors and faulty sensors.

All of these things contributed to the publish of radiation into the air. However, it was about one thousandth the estimate of radiation that was released during the explosion at Chernobyl.

Luckily the containment buildings that surrounded the reactor held. If it didn't, approximately 18 billion curies of radiation could have been released into the atmosphere.

Some nuclear power advocates soon started to say that because the containment buildings held it meant that there couldn't be any serious nuclear accidents in the United States. However, a lot of experts said that the only thing that prevented the accident from being any worse was due to one thing and one thing only. And that one thing was pure luck.

According to the experts the reactor core was highly close to becoming hot sufficient to melt down completely. And the only theorize that total melt down was prevented was that security measures were implemented immediately.

Nobody is no ifs ands or buts sure exactly how much radiation was released as a effect of this nuclear accident. There are estimates that approximately 2 ½ million curries of radiation escaped from the reactor. As a security precaution, some days later, all of the children along with all of the pregnant women within an 8 kilometer radius of Three Mile Island were evacuated.

Subsequent to the disaster some of the elderly folks who lived in the area died prematurely and local residents developed distinct types of cancer. In addition, around dairy farms reported that a lot of their animals had died as a consequence of the accident.

In August 1979 the reactor cleanup began. By December 1993 - the time the cleanup had officially ended - the cost amounted to approximately 5 million.

Between 1985 and 1990 close to 100 tons of radioactive fuel were removed from Three Mile Island.

Although Reactor 2 was only on line for 3 months it was not safe to walk in and its reactor vessel was ruined. So it was accomplished permanently.

In 1985 Reactor 1 was restarted. However, a estimate of plans for building the same kind of reactors were later dismissed.

Three Mile Island - A Near Nuclear Environmental Disaster

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