***SPOILER*** GTFO IF YOU DIDN'T SEE IT YET!! en.wikipedia.org Predator Drones + Northrop Grumman X-47Bs + Nuclear Missile = win right? Yea, CynicalVision was right, xD. YOU KNOW WHAAAAT YOUTUBERS LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL I don't even frakking know anymore, take it with a grain of salt hahahah. -My Initial Thought And I thought there was going to be a plasma shield. Wasn't as epic as the Independence Day "up yours" if you ask me. =\ But then again how many times have we seen motherships fall down? lol; not that many if I can recall... -You know after watching this again and again.... all they needed was a stronger nuke... to vaporize the entire mothership. Kind of like in DBZ when Cell regenerated because only parts of him were destroyed; gotta vaporize him entirely, right? =\ GO WATCH THE MOVIE ALREADY; lul. Let's go Skyline 2, your scripts already ready. ^^ Skyline Nuke Scene with Predator Drones and Stealth Bomber Fighter UAV
Keywords: Skyline, 2010, Nuke, Nuclear, Warhead, america, united, states, of, girl, guy, not, avatar, fat, stupid, blond, chick, stereotypes, predator, drones, b2, bombers, stealth, independence, day, transformers, Los, Angeles, comes, up, with, plan, to, escape, on, boat, like, in, dawn, the, dead, siege, movie, rated, no, zombies, aliens, invasion, hydras, widescreen, drift, fallout, nasa, ufo, weapons, drifting, missile, nissan, ovni, ufos, Northrop, Grumman, X-47B, space, speed, destruction, flying, air force, compilation, airplane, scifi television show, sinblesser
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