Friday, January 6, 2012

Press Conference 27 september 2010 - UFOs at Nuclear Weapon Bases (part 1)

Press Conference 27 september 2010 - UFOs at Nuclear Weapon Bases (part 1) Video Clips. Duration : 7.73 Mins.

Former Air Force officers go public on UFOs Washington - A press conference was held this afternoon at the National Press Club in Washington, where at least a dozen former US Air Force personnel, mostly officers who worked on secret projects connected to sensitive nuclear weapons sites, are admitting that they were privy to UFO and alien-related incidents -- that occurred during their time of service. In this clip, you will hear from: Retired Air Force Captain Robert Salas, Former Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Dwayne Arneson and Former Air Force Official Bill Jameson.

Keywords: ufo, aliens, nuclear, weapons, conspiracy, ufodatabase

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir or Ma'am,

    Robert Salas' discussion of the Echo Flight Incident as a UFO-related event is woefully inaccurate and leaves out a good 95% of the available information, including over 80-pages of FOIA documentation. The results tend to elevate Robert Salas as some kind of credible expert on UFOs as a result of his alleged experiences at Echo Flight and Oscar Flight in March 1967, but most of his supporters, including Robert Hastings, have failed utterly to take his poor credibility and numerous proven lies into account. The events in question simply did not occur as he has discussed and as many others are using in their attempts to effect public, political discourse. There were no UFOs involved at Echo Flight at all, and the incident at Oscar Flight never even happened. The men who have spread these lies, primarily Robert Salas and Robert Hastings, have done so for their own benefit, and they have been proven wrong on numerous occasions in numerous ways. In fact, both the commander and the deputy commander at Echo Flight on March 16, 1967 have repeatedly come forward to state that UFOs were not involved. They also insist, as do many dozens of other witnesses who were at Malmstrom AFB on the dates in question, that the incident at Oscar Flight never even occurred. There is no record anywhere suggesting that such an incident did occur. I would recommend that if you are truly interested in knowing what actually did take place at Malmstrom AFB in March 1967 you go to the following URLs, where you can download at no cost a book discussing REobert Salas and Echo Flight and supporting articles discussing the case:

    I would also recommend that you examine the numerous interviews and articles at the Reality Uncovered website: -- many of the front articles discuss the events at Echo Flight in March 1967, and include interviews with both the commander and the deputy commander at Echo Flight on March 16, 1967 when the missiles were taken offline by an electronic noise pulse, an incident that was thoroughly investigated and very well documented.

    A lot information regarding this incident can also be found at the Reality Uncovered forum, in particular the Echo Flight Incident thread:

    Tim Hebert, an ex-USAF missileer himself, has also written some enlightening articles regarding the case on his blog at:

    Dr. David Clarke, for many years an accepted expert regarding the British military forces' investigations of the UFO phenomenon for many years, has also discussed this case in the context of the "UFO and Nukes" connection asserted by author Robert Hastings. You can read his article on the subject at

    The lies currently being spread by Robert Hastings and Robert Salas have been repeatedly proven as lies by witness testimony and documented evidence. There is no doubt whatsoever that they created this case for their own benefit. There were no UFOs involved -- it is a lie, another sad little UFO hoax intended to swell the heads and bank accounts of those asserting the lie and nothing more.

    Thank you,
    James Carlson
    Albuquerque, NM
