About 2,500 years ago the Old Testament prophet, Daniel, prophesied that the end times would see an unprecedented growth in voyage and education.
"But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase" (Daniel 12:4).
Nuclear Weapons
It has been estimated that, if the whole of history could be condensed into just the last 24 hours, all the major discoveries would have happened in the last half-an-hour. That is awesome!
Men were riding horses at the starting of this century - now they are planning excursions to outer space! The predicted developments in voyage and education, with the advance of science and computers, are mind-boggling. Knowledge is increasing at such a pace that computers are out of date even before they leave the workshop!
Man is so clever that he can make the deaf hear with the aid of science. The new "bionic ear" costs a small fortune, but it can reverse profound deafness. A South African family in Cape Town, South Africa, had one fitted in the ear of their diminutive three-year-old. It cost colse to 0,000 ... And she hears perfectly agreeing to media reports.
The undeniable explosion of knowledge has certainly helped to escalate the war situation. The First World War, for example, introduced modern motor guns, tanks, heavy artillery and poison gas. World War Two produced mass destruction from the air and unleashed the awesome power of the atomic bomb, killing hundreds of thousands. The Cold War developed missile technology and nuclear weapons capable of annihilating all human life on our planet and rocking the very earth on its axis.
An amazed world witnessed high-tech weapons reaching the limits of range, lethality and speed while the Gulf War. By the end of Desert Storm there were more than 3,000 computers in the Gulf, all connected to computers in the United States, 118,000 movable satellite ground stations and 30,000 radio frequencies carrying 152 000 messages a day. Thirty million telephone calls were made to co-ordinate the air campaign alone. Control of information gave Control of the battlefield demonstrating the unparalleled link in the middle of knowledge and power.
Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tsa Tung, and scores of lesser dictators, have combined to make this century the bloodiest in human history.
There is more to come. The Lord said that people, united in a tasteless purpose, could accomplish predicted things. "If as one habitancy speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them" (Genesis 11:6).
Today we talk glibly about cloning animals and people, yet for all his scientific advancement mankind is sinking further and further into moral decline.
A young boy was once asked why God (who claimed to be so powerful), did not stop all the wars and fighting. "Why should He", came the swift reply, "He didn't start them!"
War is here to stay and increased knowledge will ensure it escalates. God has a very specific purpose in allowing men and nations to stubbornly fight it out. Not only is prophecy being accomplished but events are being set in request for retrial that will culminate in the prophesied one-world system, dominated by a considerable world ruler.
The Explosion of Knowledge and the Return of Christ
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