Depleted Uranium IS a WMD- Depleted Uranium (DU) weaponry meets the definition of weapon of mass destruction in two out of three categories under US Federal Code Title 50 Chapter 40 Section 2302. DU weaponry violates all international treaties and agreements, Hague and Geneva war conventions, the 1925 Geneva gas protocol, US laws and US military law. The US has illegally conducted four nuclear wars in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and twice in Iraq since 1991, calling DU "conventional" weapons when in fact they are nuclear weapons. DU weapons are very effective kinetic energy penetrators, but even more effective bioweapons since uranium has a strong chemical affinity for phosphate structures concentrated in DNA. See here- Iraq to sue US, Britain over depleted uranium bombs- BBC article avoids mentioning DU-Disturbing story of Fallujah's birth defects- Fallujah doctors report rise in birth defects- US Forces' Use of Depleted Uranium Weapons is 'Illegal'- Why Weapons Containing Depleted Uranium Are Illegal- Dennis Kucinich on Depleted Uranium- Depleted Uranium- Depleted Uranium Situation Worsens Requiring Immediate Action By President Bush, Prime Minister Blair, and Prime Minister Olmert- Depleted Uranium Dust - Public Health Disaster For The People Of Iraq and Afghanistan-
Keywords: 91177info, du, depleted, uranium, war, iraq, environment, health, nuclear, nuke, military, simpson, john, Fallujah, brown, phosphorus, evil, birth, defects, children, babies, burnt, cancer, Poison, dust, Consequences, soldiers, veterans, middle, east, tumours, 91177, info
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