Monday, August 29, 2011

David Icke - Stand Up (You"ve gotta bloody laugh,it"s so daft!)

David Icke - Stand Up (You"ve gotta bloody laugh,it"s so daft!) Tube. Duration : 52.67 Mins. It" no coincidence,that the word human and humour,are so similar.It"s another sense and what makes us human.To be able to laugh and see the funny side of things,even in the darkest of times. It"s also no coincidence that,very left brained people and Biological Androids,seem to have a very limited or no,sense of humour.

Keywords: David, Icke, Libya, war, middle, east, revolution, Japan, nuclear, BBC, The, Moon, Matrix, aliens, bloodlines, illuminati, Human, Race, Get, Off, Your, Knees, LION, SLEEPS, NO, MORE, book, author, illusion, mind, control, chemtrails, sex, tits, and, rock, an, roll, NWO, Obama, terror, attack, Reptilian, Freemasons, shapeshifters, Jesuit, Order, 9/11, attacks, attempt, jay4louise

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