Title: The Mantle ~ Nuclear Fusion Artist: PEATH2 Album: Subterranean Sun Circle: ELECTRIC RED Original: 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion (Sun Worship of Gnosis ~ Nuclear Fusion) (Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom) Website: electricred.jp "With the power of the sun In the center of the Earth The goddess of the gun Is going to find her birth With her faith on science We will sight the nuclear fusion Everybody please remain in silence We are about to see the conclusion The fallen angel of pain The crow of hell is her name Utsuho Reiuji came And lead the world to its tame" PEATH2, sole member of ELECTRIC RED circle has been a suprise I have been saving for a moment like this. Trying to avoid all the puns, PEATH2 came as a surprise to me (KakashiMr showed me who he was), that such good Touhou arranger was lurking in the dark without being famous in our own little world. Considering death metal/metalcore has been always a little portion of Touhou Metal, PEATH2 comes in the same field of BLANKFILED and the now recently featured Hanaya from Kurogane Lab (listen to #267 if you haven't done so). However I have been struggling a bit founding any more information about him/her, since the site it's a bit modest, and the blog doesn't say the usual "About" tab where you can take a peak of what the artist you are listening enjoys. Only a few things I can pull out, such that PEATH2 likes Messugah and Nevermore. It's actually on pourpouse I mention this 2 bands, since I have similar feelings ...
Tags: 霊知の太陽信仰, ~, Nuclear, Fusion, Sun, Worship, of, Gnosis, Solar, Sect, Mystic, Wisdom, Utusho, Reiuji, 東方地霊殿, Subterranean, Animism, 東方, ZUN, Touhou, Death, Metal, Rock, ELECTRIC, RED, PEATH2
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