Saturday, May 7, 2011

Signing an Arms Treaty with Russia is Like development a Deal with a 3-Year Old Not to Eat Ice Cream

Most would agree that good diplomacy with Russia over nuclear weapons is smart, and that at least talking about the issues and concerns is much great than paranoia, mistrust, and missile envy. And either way it's great to know your real or perceived enemy great than your friends or so it's been said. Now then, what we have is President Obama eagerly running over to Russia to try to do a deal to cut the number of nuclear weapons of both the Us and Russia.

Sure, it couldn't hurt his approval numbers to come back with a new signed compact of some type, even if it's not worth the paper it's written on - you know that's just great Pr media stuff for the masses. They eat it up like candy, and I am sure the Russian Tv middle point here at home, along with our media will call him the savior from nuclear war. But is it so? maybe not, you see, Russia knows that Obama is in serious trouble at home politically, almost to the point of being ineffectual.

Nuclear Weapons

President Obama is someone Russia needs because he is workable to serve their will, I certify you they don't want someone like me in there - quite frankly, I don't do Bs, nor would I be so manipulated like a patsy. But, let's talk real world here. Can we as a matter of fact trust the Russians on this? History says no, but everybody wants to be able to trust them, everybody wants to ditch this crazy conception of nuclear war - that won't do anyone any good.

Even the Rand Think Tank would lose out, they'd no longer be needed to think on the topic. Oh, and speaking of what's going on, a continuation or final ending and door closing on the cold war, as it's been cracked open for decades. In a recent report online titled; "Russia and Us to Sign Strategic Arms Treaty by Year End" posted on November 17, 2010 - the impression was given that the Obama management was planning on development a deal with the Russians to get rid of vast amounts of nuclear weapons.

That's what's going on right now. But many, myself included think it is irresponsible of the Obama management to make any deals with Russia that might put our drive in jeopardy. And whereas, the American Federation of Scientists are all over this issue and relishing the rejoicing of other signed treaty limiting nuclear weapons and agreeing on limiting nuclear weapon proliferation, I have my personal doubts.

We are not going to win any points with the Russian citizen since their operate of the media will spin the news to suit the Russian government, in fact, they are sure to make us look bad in their media. And, acting on such a compact with the Russians could end up being purely one-sided, we reduce, they don't, but say they do. Meaning the old "trust but verify" era is still and all the time present. I don't know about you, but I am not buying any of this. Please think it.

Reference and further Source Reading Material Recommended:

1.-Wall road Journal; "Russian Arms Pact Faces New Obstacle" by Jonathan Weisman - Nov. 2010
2.-Wall road Journal; "The High Price of Journalism in Russia" by Elena Milashina - Nov. 2010

Signing an Arms Treaty with Russia is Like development a Deal with a 3-Year Old Not to Eat Ice Cream

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