Monday, May 30, 2011

Radiation From Japan - Should You Be Worried?

Since the nuclear reactor disaster in Japan, countless citizen have been taking iodine supplements. Many have just been stockpiling against inherent need, but a gargantuan amount have been taking mega-dose iodine prophylactically. Unfortunately, by taking iodide at the wrong time guarantees it won't work if it indubitably is needed. Furthermore, 8-10% of the citizen has latent thyroid problems manufacture them prone to serious side effects from iodide pills.

Adults over 40 are most at risk for iodine side effects and have no clear advantage from using preventive iodine. Many are taking it daily creating no inherent advantage yet risk for gargantuan side effects together with stroke and heart attack.

Nuclear Reactor

Your thyroid gland depends on iodine to work properly. Since it aggressively concentrates iodine, it is at risk to concentrated radioactive iodine in the event of nuclear fallout. History has shown that those exposed to low levels of radiation faced much higher rates of eventual thyroid cancer.

Since thyroid cancer takes decades to form, this risk is highest in neonates, infants, children and adolescents, in that order.

Adults under 40 have very minimal risk of thyroid cancer secondary to radiation exposure, yet their risk from iodine per protocol is also low. Adults over 40 face much more risk of iodine side effects than they do advantage even with significant, local exposure.

The rational of iodine loading supplements is that when the thyroid gland is completely full of iodine, it quits spirited it for a period of time, manufacture it less vulnerable to store radioactive iodine.

Potassium iodide, which supplies 65% iodine, can protect against radioactive iodine, but not other radioactive elements, for a 24 hour window.

When needed, iodine is best given in a singular dose, ideally 4-24 hours prior to exposure. Following is dosing per the post Chernobyl World health organization Protocol:

Age group singular dose of iodine (mg) Fraction of 100 mg tablet
12-39 100 1
3-12 50 1/2
1 month - 3 years 25 1/4
Birth - 1 month 12.5 1/8

People should not take iodine if they have:
History of thyroid disease
Active thyroid antibodies
History of iodine allergy
Dermatitis herpetiformis

The complicating factor is that many without a known history of thyroid disease do have active thyroid antibodies.

To sound good health, take a multivitamin with 50-100 mcg of iodine and use iodized salt at home. Any iodine taken above this will not improve your health and will only risk complications.

Radiation From Japan - Should You Be Worried?

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