Tuesday, September 20, 2011

US Government makes Strategic Decision to DOWNPLAY Fukushima (Arnie Gundersen) 8/14/11

US Government makes Strategic Decision to DOWNPLAY Fukushima (Arnie Gundersen) 8/14/11 Tube. Duration : 14.97 Mins.

Podcast interview with Arnie Gundersen 8/13/11 Rainout of hot particles from radioactive clouds to continue for another year — Not just in Pacific Northwest, says Gundersen (AUDIO) Arnie is an energy advisor with 39-years of nuclear power engineering experience. A former nuclear industry senior vice president, he earned his Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in nuclear engineering, holds a nuclear safety patent, and was a licensed reactor operator. Download the 19 minute broadcast here. solarimg.org At 8:45 in * We're going to see another year of these rainouts * Rainout= When hot particles get dropped from radioactive clouds during rainstorms * Officials say radiation levels are minute and present no health risk... I am working with scientists who are publishing a paper that will definitively prove that to be wrong * Rainouts are occurring not just in Pacific NW... we will continue to see rainouts Asahi: "Horrifying" that Fukushima meltdown equivalent to almost 30 times the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in WWII enenews.com Isimply don't know what to say.... Agenda 21, Read it. www.un.org Good evidence that cesium-gas residue is visible at Fukushima... iangoddard.com as evidenced by Fukushima: Lethal Levels of Radiation & the Implications (Arnie Gundersen) www.youtube.com TEPCO has discovered locations on the Fukushima plant site with lethal levels of external gamma radiation. Fairewinds takes a close look at how this radiation might have been deposited and how similar ...

Tags: fukushima, fukishima, fukashema, daiichi, daichi, dai-ichi, united, states, state, department, hillary, clinton, downplay, radiation, food, japan, japanese, government, canadian, canada, bc, pacific, region, rainout, black, rain, acid, ex-xkf, enenews, nhk, news, update, for, today, meltdown, melt, through, containment, vessel, cancer, death, agenda, 21, nwo, depopulation, risk, management, lies, deceit, geiger, counter

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