Sunday, July 17, 2011

Riz Khan - Obama's foreign policy report card

Riz Khan - Obama's foreign policy report card Tube. Duration : 22.50 Mins.

Has Barack Obamas mantra for change translated to foreign policy success one year after he became the US President? Obama promised to break away from his predecessor George Bushs polices and rebuild ties with disgruntled allies and reach out to the Muslim world. Over the course of the year, his administration attempted to re-start the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks and engage with Iran and North Korea over their nuclear programmes. Obama also had to maintain a delicate alliance with Pakistan, deal with Chinas enormous economic clout and reconnect with former cold war foe Russia. In this episode of Riz Khan, we examine whether Obamas foreign policy agenda has been effective so far. Is it multilateral and can it repair the USs reputation around the world? Anand Naidoo is joined by academic and author Philip Bobbit, who served under three US Presidents; Stephen Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard University; and Christopher Dickey, the Middle East Regional Editor for Newsweek Magazine.

Keywords: Riz, Khan, Obama's, foreign, policy, report, card

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