Friday, June 3, 2011

China polite policy Leaves Some Questions

It appears that China's gentle relations are moving transmit with its neighbors however, there are some questions the need to be addressed. First of all we note that every time person is a slight upset with the U.S. On an ethics issue China moves in to develop gentle ties and replace our connection with that country. When a nation wishes to do company at a level, which is unethical by Western standards the United States backs off, but in doing so they leave the door open for China to move in an develop a closer relationship. Good for them right? Well if it is an ethics issues then what does this say about China, their ethics and the Worlds abilities to trust their motives?

Let's take the recent North Korean negotiations over nuclear arms, which were positively development some headway. North Korea was moving transmit towards a more open an honest connection with the United States. Then all of a sudden they flipped and instead opened relationships with China at a great larger level, maybe even using counterfeit Us Dollars as currency in paying off the Debts that North Korea owes to China? Speculation.

Nuclear Weapons

Another example is Pakistan, where much of Al Queda lives and the U.S. Special teams are strategically taking out Al Queda strongholds and structure using Predator Drones and hellfire missiles. Pakistan has not helped us in removing these terrorists, although they work slight hard to pretend to, of procedure to their reputation they do have a large people which is somewhat anti-Us and they even had fired on our saving Helicopters there to help assist in the Pakistani Earthquake. Now the Pakistan leader and general says that the U.S. Is crossing the line on "Pakistani Sovereignty." The general has canceled the deal to buy F-16s from the United States and is entering the connection with China to buy and co-build fighter aircraft. Inferior aircraft? Yes, but that is not the point here.

China is also in close relationships with Iran. Has sold them Icbms capable of carrying nuclear warheads over 1295 miles and other more sensitive technologies, which is problematic as well. Sure we have discussed this, but now China liking this deal and customer and seeing for oil to buy to feed its new appetite, blocks Un protection Council resolutions to stop Iranian enrichment of Atomic Bombs?

However, what positively do these nations stand to gain from her connection with China; protection or perceived protection, well positively Iran is getting their monies worth at the Un and North Korean Leader lives another day to taunt the Usa? China wants to continue their increase and new customers for the items they produce together with weapons, but in trade what will these nations sell China? I submit to you that China would like to buy energy assets, oil and raw materials. Is North Korea going to grow ethanol for China? Obviously Iran will sell them oil but North Korea still owes the money in trade deals. What can Pakistan sell them?

We also find China is establishing relationships with Venezuela, Cuba and Mexico. In Cuba they will be drilling for oil and natural gas which are in the same fields underneath the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of Key West that the United States will not allow companies to drill for. Meanwhile, Mexico is sending the legal aliens to invade our country and send money back to spur on Mexican Growth. Cuba is ready to pass the torch to Castro's Sons and Venezuela does not like the U.S. Anything see a time to come worsening of the problem yet as protestors of illegal aliens pronounce their right to free speech in a nation they do not even belong in on May Day, a Communist Holiday for God Sake, wake up!

It seems China is willing to deal with less than ethical partners and some have even said that China has also dealt in U.S. Counterfeit currency. China also will not allow free speech of the Internet and is believed to be testing Bio-weapons, which complex bird flu on their own peasants. Either China is so hungry for raw materials and worried about economic collapse, currency juggling and is becoming a Pr façade, as civil unrest grows or they themselves need to be judged by the company they're willing to keep. Thus Either the United States needs to go back and start dealing with less than ethical world leaders and adopt a less self-righteousness gentle procedure for a more Machiavellian approach or the United States of America needs to expand its national defense, its borders and troops and allies to a much higher level. If not be prepared to fight the whole friggin world and that means getting tough and doing the unthinkable in the coming decades and I do not mean precision bombs and guided smart ordinance unless it is heavy destructive power. We must have that selection if needed and not be afraid to defend if we fail to win friend and affect people. Not pretty to talk about, okay forget I said it, but don't forget the points here.

This is not taking Anything away from China, as when nations grow very fast sometimes they have to do a slight extra scrambling however, the lengths at which they will go to must be questioned, as some feel they are positively over the border line of ethical political maneuvering on any fronts together with but not slight to; fair and honest dealings at the United Nations, human rights violations and counterfeit currency, to name a few. It is difficult for a nation that deals with honesty and integrity, as well as transparency and businesses, which are forced to deal with a nation, which follows no rules, takes the advantage and cheats against their so-called allies, trading partners and friends. But their maneuvering is fun to watch isn't it, maybe that in itself is transparent? Pretend I did not say or think that, but understand and remember the point of contention these comments are positively eluding too.

I predict that Either China will need to have a war in order to continue the present increase or it will face civil unrest, a bloody and short lived Civil War and an market Revolution all in the next two decades. The problem is if adequate unethical and fanatical regimes get together with the help of China then we may positively be funding a war against the United States of America, even if China herself holds short of participating in directly. Many nations in the past periods have positively sold weapons, munitions and partly bank rolled and funded both sides or all sides.

Am I alarmed by this well, yes and no; Yes because currently China is selling weapons and technology to Iran. China is buying industrialized weapons systems from Israel, which is sharing technology with United States of America. China is buying industrialized weapons systems and fighter planes, nuclear submarines and studying about missile technology from Russia. Iran sponsors international terrorism and is construction nuclear weapons and buying anti-aircraft systems from Russia and God only knows what else. (Bio, torpedoes, nuclear, advice systems, etc.)

Mexico, Venezuela and Cuba are close allies and many illegal immigrants are coming from those countries to the United States. Due to the company ties with China and the fact that we are already a large trading partner of theirs it would be silly for them to assault us directly however, who is to say they don't throw the Americans companies out one day like Castro did and simply say thanks a lot and capture all the assets and technologies and move transmit without us if things were to come to a head and the United States middle-class decided to boycott China or we had to cut trade ties due to their sponsoring of enemies against our nation? Additionally if the United States of America is attacked by international terrorists sponsored by Iran, who is to say how much of the technology used did not come from Russia and China?

Those who are watching the world events unfold and understand the Chinese multigenerational long-term plans for total domination of the world can see the time to come potential eventuality unfolding. If China starts to fall apart we all know from human sense and notice that desperate countries will do desperate things. One query which spurred this quick comment on China was, is that desperate time now; Or, or what? positively or what; Red Flags everywhere, well they were positively popping up in my mind after all it is May Day Today. maybe soon China will force reunification with Taiwan, raise taxes and attempt to use that as transmit propulsion fuel for their growing economy so they can pronounce their theory and this might catch the U.S. In a quagmire. We should not take our eye off that ball at all.

So what's is the U.S. Do? What does the Us need to do right now today on this multi-dimensional chessboard? Well, we need to be bold and stop playing pansy ass games with others who are playing for keeps and are playing with a team of unethical players. We need a 70 hour war with Iran to prove our air superiority and domination in the world and can we need to tell China to stand down and Russia to mind their own business, as we take care of a slight unfinished company in Iran. We need to do this now before additional gentle ties are sought or before Iran creates the media events to unite the air of world against the Western world.

Next we need to allow our oil companies to drill in those areas that are in U.S. Waters off the coasts where Cuba in China are planning to drill. We need to remove Castro from power and make Cuba another Puerto Rico. We must move the Mexican border 300 miles into Mexico and call this a Free Zone under Us Territorial Law, as well as set up lethal virtual fences on the current border.

Since Russian bomber planes have made undetected in two Canadian airspace by flying over the North Pole we need to push for middle and Western Canada to secede and join the United States of America as a territory work on this for a 5-10 year project. We need to open relationships with North Korea and offer to buy ethanol from them if they're willing to make it. If not help them with technologies and grants to sell ethanol to Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Taiwan or Australia. The United States of America has not been aggressive adequate in our overseas gentle relations and we need to start aggressively promoting this. additional our President needs to get out more and meet with world leaders, without being attacked politically every time he goes on a trip, as some liberal group starts a negative Pr media slander event. Our political divide and attacks are a serious nuisance and detriment to the very important World Chess Game and we need to keep our eye on the ball and not divide ourselves.

Anyway some food for view for the coffee shop, your turn to talk now. Meanwhile I am enjoying this new voice activated software and just thinking out loud today, so you may do with this data what you wish, I just cannot turn off my Blue Blood genes or the mind of mine. Reconsider all this in 2006.

China polite policy Leaves Some Questions

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