Friday, April 22, 2011

potential hereafter Warfare Technologies

Recently a polite man had asked me is there whatever that the Us military does not have in their arsenal that they may need in the future? He indicated that the Us military had all the weapons they would ever need. One has to laugh at such a statement as once a Us Patent Office Bureaucrat had said; "Everything that will ever be invented has already been invented" and this was back about 100 years ago. Can you imagine if we had remained stagnant and the human race had never invented someone else new innovation?

So, I spend about 15 minutes and came up with some items that the Us military will need in the time to come but does not currently have. All I can think is what if I had given myself 2-hours of solid reasoning on this concept?

Nuclear Weapons

1.) Aerial Grid Defense System

2.) Anti-gravity Systems

3.) Biological Defense Net

4.) Migratory Bird Electromagnet steering directional capability

5.) A defendable border

6.) Instant detection of Nuclear Weapons at all points of entry

7.) A jet fighter which can go from turned off to 10,000 feet in three minutes

8.) Scram Jet

9.) Fully Robotic Tanks

10.) Self driving convoys

11.) Ships which fly

12.) Flying Submarines

13.) Flying, steerable Hand grenades

14.) Clones

15.) Cia Androids

16.) high-altitude Icbm Defense net

17.) Tunneling robotic delivery systems

18.) indiscernible craft

19.) Time travel

20.) Earthquake maker

21.) Typhoon Generator

22.) Tsunami Defense system

23.) Human Love Generator

24.) Holographic Projection

24.) Human Hibernation Machine

25.) Earth Calamity Sun Spot system

26.) Iq enhancement machine

27.) Fear reduction Device

28.) Dna handheld instant analysis device

29.) Auv tunneling robot for hiding

30.) Goo Defense system

31.) Space Debris accumulator to safe satellites

32.) Vla on the moon listening device

33.) Electromagnetic vigor variety gadget to shoot asteroids down

34.) Mind to mind opinion transfer

35.) Enemy mind reading machine

36.) Locust inciting unit

37.) Good insect repellant

38.) 1-mile away directional stun gun

39.) Animal mind communication

40.) Dolphin memory download

41.) Tornado maker

42.) visual pixel disruption for enemy equipment

43.) Nuclear explosion reverser

44.) Nuclear material to lead maker

45.) complete weather control

46.) Incoming bullet eliminator

47.) steerable small arms bullets

48.) Sound cloaking

49.) Thermal human non-registering uniform

50.) cure for cancer

51.) Trackable money system

52.) complete trackable cargo system

53.) truth making machine for detainees

54.) Nano-Carbon Tube windshields

55.) Tanks which run on water

56.) Planetary defense system

57.) Robotic Camels

58.) Cactus tree sensors

59.) Flying cars

60.) Force Fields

61.) indiscernible helicopters

63.) Helicopters which are safe

64.) Helicopters which last forever

65.) Helicopters which make no noise

66.) Aerial refueling blimps for Uavs

67.) Aerostats which can fly in heavy winds

68.) Solar Aircraft which can fly indefinitely

69.) communication hand held devices which use no batteries

70.) Human modification to cut food consumption and waste

71.) Skin regeneration

72.) Limb regeneration

73.) inexpressive seeing devices

74.) Satellite police

75.) Uavs with organic brains

76.) Uavs which can turn 25 g's

77.) Vtol Uav which can go supersonic

78.) foresight Systems to see vigor and communication waves

79.) 360 degree night foresight situational recording devices

80.) Dream training systems

81.) base Cockpit devices so every man can use every machine

82.) Self making materials

84.) Airport noise elimination systems

85.) Uavs which fly in contrails and use Co2 for fuel

86.) Traction Beams for space collection

87.) Gravity anchors

88.) Safe wireless vigor transfer

89.) life extension

90.) Humvees with permissible armor which do not tip over due to weight

91.) Cargo Aircraft that are Vtol and efficient

92.) Zapping unit which zaps man who gives away classified info

93.) Trash robots to learn secrets

94.) ionic disassembly unit

95.) High-energy Laser return instant deployment mirror

96.) Pre-cognition warning system

97.) Ai which can tell a joke or decipher one

98.) Non-linear mathematical atomic spin simulation computer for quantum computing and de-coding

99.) Natural petition Ship Hulls

100.) rotund bouncing robots

101.) Human lying identification handheld device.

But hey, don't worry scientists are probably working on them, I thought. But in all kidding aside. You know really, I just sat down and wrote these. There must have 300-400 new concepts listed on my website and I get more each day. So seeing something the Us military needs is not too hard. What they in fact need is a public, which supports our military to the fullest and which is not so caught up in liberalism that they understand the need for such. We are talking about humans here and our civilization and the time to come of our species has always been about strength. Until that changes, we need to be pressing on. Think on this.

potential hereafter Warfare Technologies

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