Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Crossfire Fusor - Aneutronic Nuclear Fusion Reactor

The CrossFire Fusor is a nuclear fusion reactor that is a aggregate of electrostatic confinement and magnetic confinement forming penning traps; electrostatic acceleration, injection of charged particles straight through magnetic cusps, magnetic reconnection, electrostatic and magnetic lenses, intended generally to produce fusion power for thrusting spacecrafts. The name Fusor is short for fusion reactor, and the name CrossFire is due to both confinement and injection is done three-dimensionally.

The CrossFire Fusor consists of superconducting magnets for confining radially charged particles. The magnets are disposed to form a magnetic cusp region where the charged particles are injected in an electrostatic way, for that is applied an electric voltage at this region. At distal ends of the magnets are applied electric fields for trapping longitudinally the reactants allowing products to escape. It was designed by Moacir L. Ferreira, Jr. Initially for propulsion purposes; however, it can be used as a power plant using a recipe called electricity conversion by neutralization process.

Nuclear Reactor

Problem with Current Fusion Approaches

The Tokamak requires a lot of energy, confines only in two dimensions implying low probability of fusions, and was exhaustively tried in more than 30 experiments worldwide.

The Farnsworth-Hirsch Fusor takes advantage of electrostatic acceleration attractive low energy to reach great kinetic energy, but has the unsolvable grid-loss qoute and a cloud of ion at the centre region limits its energy production.

The Bussard Polywell, its gift magnetic compression has low probability of fusing aneutronic fuels, and the excess of electrons limits kinetic energy of the plasma and causes bremsstrahlung radiation.

The Crossfire Fusor Approach

A group of superconducting magnets are disposed to form a magnetic cusp region in where is applied an electric voltage, and at distal ends of the magnets is applied an opposite electric voltage. A fuel is ionized by exchanging electrons with a ground electric possible becoming charged particles which fall down to the magnetic cusp region reaching great kinetic energy of about 600KeV (7 billion °C) at low energy consumption. The injection of charged particles is done surrounding the region of the magnetic cusps to perform a three-dimensional injection. In the interior of the magnets, the charged particles move longitudinally describing a circular and helical orbit around the magnetic field lines retention away from the magnet walls. The magnet walls are coated with a metal alloy like tungsten or depleted uranium for reflecting bremsstrahlung radiation back to plasma. At the region of the magnetic cusps, the magnetic field lines are curved forcing the charged particles to chronicle a more elliptical and eccentric orbit addition electrostatic pressure at the region of the magnetic cusps creating a great strangeness for the charged particles to flee overcoming this region (magnetic reconnection phenomenon), and a continuous injection of the charged particles by an ion injection belt manufacture it more difficult yet. The magnetic fields act as a magnetic lens focusing (converging) the charged particles, and the electric fields, at distal ends of the magnets, act as an electrostatic lens focusing (converging) the particles as they coming and defocusing (diverging) them as they move back. Pulses on electrical current of the magnets corollary in oscillations on magnetic flux transferring radially energy to plasma (pinch effect), which increases the fusion rate. When a nuclear fusion reaction occurs, the charged products of the reaction flee longitudinally overcoming the electric field and then can be deflected by magnetic and electric fields. For the nuclear fusion reactions to produce only charged products, no neutrons, the fusion fuel must be aneutronic like Boron Hydrides, Helium-3 or Lithium Hydride. Aneutronic fuels release millions of times more energy than the fossil fuels and the stock of fusion reaction generally is a non-radioactive waste Helium-4.

Using exclusively aneutronic fuels, calculations can be more feasible due to use of well known formulas of physics and electricity, which can give a reasonable degree of predictability. Exact energy and Exact ionization are input parameters for calculations of magnetic flux and electric voltages. The Exact ionization can be either confident or negative; however, Exact ionization as low as possible, retention the plasma in a quasi-neutral state, results in more energy yield and less instabilities.

Comparison to Current Approaches

The CrossFire Fusor is similar to Farnsworth-Hirsch Fusor in using electrostatic acceleration to reach great kinetic energy, but differs on confinement. It is similar to Bussard Polywell, also to Limpaecher plasma containment, in injecting charged particles straight through a magnetic cusp region, however, differs on the creation of electric potentials, trapping, magnetic focalization and electricity conversion. The CrossFire Fusor differs from Tokamaks, Farnsworth-Hirsch Fusor and Bussard Polywell in having an flee mechanism that can solve problems like ionic saturation and energetic instability of the plasma. Also, achieves both three-dimensional injection and three-dimensional confinement, linked with magnetic lenses and bore coating, can growth the probability of fusion reactions. The CrossFire Fusor has a well-defined cycle of energy and presents a set of simple and consistent calculations to preserve its technical feasibility.

Electricity Conversion

The electricity conversion by neutralization process is relatively simple. A confident electric field troops the for real charged products to replacement its kinetic energy to possible energy. The for real charged products for real attract electrons from an electron gun, and the electron gun extracts electrons from a confident final of a capacitor addition its confident voltage, which growth its stored energy (E=½Cv²), then a switching-mode power furnish sends this energy to a battery bank. This recipe of electricity conversion can exceed 95% of efficiency.

Crossfire Fusor - Aneutronic Nuclear Fusion Reactor

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